View Full Version : Feeling really sleepy and tired

Warrior Spirit
26th July 2009, 03:38 PM
After meditation and energy work, I usually feel quite sleepy and tired - especially during my morning meditation. I sometimes have to go to sleep right after my meditation. Today, I woke up at 10am or around that time, meditated and did my energy work for an hour, and afterwards went back to sleep and woke up at 3pm.

Is there a reason why I am so low on energy after meditation and energy work, and what should I do to cure it?

26th July 2009, 08:41 PM
Is this an 'always' thing, or is it new?

If it's an 'always' thing, it's possible you're not necessarily low on energy, just deeply relaxed.
Another reason is that you may be experiencing an energy restructuring due to evolvement, but this would only happen in the beginning of a practice and periodically, not every time.

If it's all the time then I suggest there may be some sort of energetic imbalance going on there.

Warrior Spirit
26th July 2009, 09:20 PM
Yes, it seems to be an always thing actually. I seem to be always quite tired in the morning. I seem to me more "within myself" than "out there" if you know what I mean?

26th July 2009, 09:29 PM
I have the same problem. Recently I feel very tired, I sleep about 10 hours and I have really low energy level. I wake up at 10 am and around 4 pm I feel tired and would go sleep. I think it started when I increased the amount of energy work. I thought that it may be some kind of reconstruction of my energy system but still it is worrying.

27th July 2009, 03:10 PM
Meaven, please make sure it's not a physical thing.

27th July 2009, 06:13 PM
I can't think of any health problem that would result in such symptoms. I think I would feel that it is physical matter. I think that I live a healthy life, I eat appropriately, I exercise when I can. Therefore, I think that it is rather different problem. Either way, I will go and do some medical tests to make sure that my body is in good condition.

27th July 2009, 06:19 PM
I can't think of any health problem that would result in such symptoms. I think I would feel that it is physical matter. I think that I live a healthy life, I eat appropriately, I exercise when I can. Therefore, I think that it is rather different problem. Either way, I will go and do some medical tests to make sure that my body is in good condition.
That's why you're not a doctor. ;)

Off the top of my head you could be anemic.
And there are probably many MANY other possible reasons.