View Full Version : If you can't fly in LD

26th July 2009, 12:47 PM
About month ago I have a struggle with flying when I'm lucid, but I find a way to fly very easy and quick. First when you realize that you're dreaming and if your wish is to fly and you can't just look at your environment, e.g. if you want to fly on top of the tall building just imagine that building is shrinking and becoming smaller and smaller, in that moment have a thought that you want to fly there, feel like you going up and building become smaller...building will not shrink and you will not bee on the ground any more, when you detach from the ground it's easy to fly where you want. Principle is the same for every object you can see there, if you wanna fly to the sky use clouds or sun or stars.

I hope that this will help someone who have troubles with flying.
PS: Sry for grammar errors

27th July 2009, 09:24 PM
that's a neat technique, like a mental projection towards an object. Now if you could mental project yourself to a spaceship or an airplane :D

Since I was six, flying came naturally to me in dreams

So when I knew all the books on lucid dreaming and found myself lucid and struggling to fly, I was shocked. I was soooo heavy. I couldn't 'lift' off, so I found a tall place to 'fall' from. What went wrong?

At the same time I began to notice that flying isn't always the same for me. Sometimes I'm just bobbing up and down. Sometimes I got a good speed going, but cars are still faster. Sometimes there's a limit to how high I can go. And other times, I fly like lightning.

I really don't understand it. But I suspect emotions and detachment come into play. My friend is a lucid dreamer too, she's really good at transforming and such. So I was surprised to find out she had trouble flying. But is it a surprise, when you know she's been going through a really tough emotional time?

Maybe flying in lucid dreams is hard if you're literally weighted down by heavy emotions?

29th July 2009, 01:41 PM
About month ago I have a struggle with flying when I'm lucid, but I find a way to fly very easy and quick. First when you realize that you're dreaming and if your wish is to fly and you can't just look at your environment, e.g. if you want to fly on top of the tall building just imagine that building is shrinking and becoming smaller and smaller, in that moment have a thought that you want to fly there, feel like you going up and building become smaller...building will not shrink and you will not bee on the ground any more, when you detach from the ground it's easy to fly where you want. Principle is the same for every object you can see there, if you wanna fly to the sky use clouds or sun or stars.

I hope that this will help someone who have troubles with flying.
PS: Sry for grammar errors
Well since It seems I don't to have AP's much anymore, I am still able to go lucid, last night I was surrounded by all these things they were bothering me I tried to be nice to them and trying to build my protection bubble, any how they finally left. Those things I don't know if were ego things need to over come? little monsters
I begain to feel very good and was surrounded by all kinds of people talking, I tried to get an Ap but was left with going lucid, as the picture cleared I begain to walk with all my new friends, everyone was talking it was like they were there to help me.
We walked and walked ,but I wanted to fly but could not get lift off, I tried to grab hands with some of the others and fly but that would not work either, soon most everyone left.
I try not to have sex in lucid, but this one girl hung around and was kissing me quite a bit, I could feel her breath on my face it was nice, I was not thinking sex as such, but tried to charge kundalini.

Anyhow point being lucid in dream does not mean control so it seems, I mean like being full lucid and having complete control.
I can go lucid about anytime I want, but like last night I could walk where I wanted, but could not fly and the ground was kind of ruff, till smoothed out and buildings were seen.

What is gamma is that like radation or something , wait let me put my glasses on, Oh never mind :oops:

31st August 2009, 10:24 PM
I can go lucid about anytime I want

What do you practice to be lucid when you want? I have LD once in a week, so I must be better then that.

New add for this topic-
-"How to extend your arms or fingers in LD":
Recently when I became lucid I wanted for no spectacular reason to extend my index finger of my left arm...2-3 meters in front of me was a window and I wanted to touch it without getting close to window. First I point to the window with my index, then I imagine like the window is coming towards me and my index extending towards the window, as the result just my finger was expand like a snake, just like I wanted. You must believe and feel that your fingers/arms/etc. (I think that the principle is the same for everything) can expand, and it will. I tried this only once but I'm pretty sure that I will be successful every time.

Also tried to be invisible couple of times but they could see me every time :( But I think I will succeed and be invisible whenever I want.

Give me some ideas to do when I'm lucid (no sex ideas, it get wet all the time :))...tell me what you couldn't do when you're lucid, maybe I will succeed and tell you how to doit. (

1st September 2009, 08:33 AM
I dunno if this will help at all, but when I fly in a dream environment, I start by jumping up into the air and "swimming" through it.

9th September 2009, 04:45 AM
When I first began to fly in my lucid dreams I would sort of swim... that was my technique for a while... yet at a certain height, very very high above the clouds n' all, I would start to 'lose energy' or something and start to fall... it was quite predictable in my flying experiences, and the rush coming down was always intense and quite scary actually. Still, I'd do it anyhow :wink: Now, I've developed a way of flying which is more like a trick with physics... I imagine myself attached or holding the end of a cord, which isn't really there, and it's attached to a super far off place somewhere out in space... and then I 'pull' on my end only just a little, but somehow it pulls me very fast in that direction, kind of like a bungie cord. Maybe it's like the principle of a see-saw or how a pulley system would work... and I use my imagination to 'convert' my 'pull' into something very powerful to thrust me out into the sky or wherever I want to travel to through the air. Reminds me of how Spiderman swings through the city on his webs but with more propulsion. Flying is fun... mmmm hmmm :D

9th September 2009, 01:08 PM
I usually don't have trouble flying when lucid- however, I usually wonder why the other dream characters never seem to be able to, except one or two. Maybe they're just window dressing. Or maybe they're other dreamers that haven't become lucid.... who knows.