View Full Version : Past OBEs

25th July 2009, 04:23 AM
I had a natural OBE when I was about 18 or 19, but I never saw my room or anything familiar, instead I was in something I can only describe as space. I could have been traveling in a tunnel, I have read that sometimes happens, but it was cool without being cold and I saw flickering silver lights that reminded me of stars. Suddenly I became aware of my physical body, looked at it and said to myself, "that THING will not survive without me," and bam I was back in my body. Wow, was that was a rough landing. But, where was I? Also, I have had episodes of sleep paralysis, which I am relieved to find are just OBE experiences, and many, many episodes of flying. My other question is, with all the natural OBEs I have experienced in the past, why can't I induce one easily now?
