View Full Version : Tudor girls daily progress/Part 2

25th July 2009, 04:07 AM
I am having trouble remembering all the techniques learned over the past two weeks, and find that I have to refer to previous pages in the book to refresh my memory, which breaks my concentration. So, I was happy to read that there won't be so many changes in future exercises. until the, does anyone have any tips for remembering techniques? Also, my eye has started twitching sense doing the eye/brow trigger technique...I know this is normal, since I am using new muscles, but it is also very annoying. :?



25th July 2009, 04:35 PM
Just make an outline before you begin.

27th July 2009, 04:00 AM
Day 44-What a pleasant experience I had today...the outline really helped!! Today seemed magical, and I am almost positive I was "out" for a split second, so I feel as if I am making progress. I heard more astral noise, but I didn't let it bother me, I also saw images of ancient egypt and tried to just let the images flow without focusing too much on them. Although, it was intresting to see men simply lifting the stones of the pyramid in to place. Seems there was something being waved above them to make them light for transport. I feel so good right now, so calm and so in tune with my true nature. 8)


2nd August 2009, 04:41 PM
I was just wondering if this was an actual OBE or just a dream.

I was dreaming that I was sitting with my father in a restaurant and I wanted to see what was going on in the bar in the back of the restaurant, so my dream self said I think I will leave my body, I actually felt sensations of myself leaving my body floated near the ceiling to the back and watched the people in the bar...I thought I would go unnoticed by the patrons, but suddenly people began to see me, which for some reason I didn't want :?: I suddenly felt a tug back to my dream body and again I was sitting with my father in the restaurant booth, when a very distinguished, grey haired, ederly gentleman approached me and asked if he had just seen me in the bar. Again, for some reason I lied and said I hadn't been back there. That's all I remember.


2nd August 2009, 04:43 PM
I'd call it an astral projection, because you had exit sensations. Since both dreams and OBEs are projections to different 'locations' in the astral, how I differentiate is whether there was a perceived 'moving from' one area to another.

2nd August 2009, 04:45 PM
Awesome! I'm making progress :mrgreen: