View Full Version : Is this a projection or just a dream?

23rd July 2009, 01:04 PM
My mother is visiting me at the moment, so for the past week there just hasn't been the opportunity or time for my daily MAP routine. I'm not worrying about it though, I'm determined to stay positive and I know that once we get down to cornwall tomorrow for my 2 week holiday at her place, all will be fine and I can 'do my thing' every night. I live in a small flat, so space limitations mean me and mum are having to sleep in the same bed. In the early hours of this morning, shortly before 4am, I had a projection and was aware that I was projecting. I wasn't 100% lucid though, but I was lucid enough to realise I was projecting, and that I should 'go somewhere'. I wasn't lucid enough though, because I said "I want to go see my mum" without remembering that she was lying beside me. I distincly remember flying up through the ceiling and beginning to 'go somewhere' but the experience of travelling is lost to me. I then met a woman who was also astral but I don't know who she was/is but then I said to her in another un-lucid moment of daftness "come back and see my body". My feeling was that I wanted to prove to her I was 'out'. I then found myself back in my body and although I tried to get back out again to rejoin her, I couldn't. I remember also that there was a definite period of 'blackness' and void before I awoke really.

Interestingly, when this dream/projection happened, the room I was in was totally unlike my real bedroom. It was vast, huge like an aircraft hangar and I couldn't discern furniture but there was some big 'thing' to my left. It was dark though, which was correct and funnily enough, the artex on my ceiling was there too, which is also correct.

Was this a real projection or did I just dream I projected? When I awoke it was 3 minutes to 4 am and I felt totally awake and it took me over an hour and a half to get back to sleep. When the alarm woke me up at 7 I felt awful, heavy headed and with a headache. I still feel like there's a heavy weight on my head and face. I am used to this feeling because every time I have a 'night encounter' with spirit I feel this way the next day, which suggests it's an energy based reaction.

There were a couple of possible triggers that happened yesterday, albeit small things but you never know. I was skyping with a friend in the USA and she mentioned AP. Then later I got a funny image of me going through my nightly run through and my Mum laughing her head off at me. Also worth mentioning was something very weird that happened. When me and mum went to bed, I felt strange and mentioned it to mum. I said "something is different in here" to which she replied "in the flat"? and I said "no in this room, the energy feels different". Could this have been a sort of aura like epileptics get sometime before a seizure? I sleep in that room every night and never before have I felt the energy of the room to be different enough to warrant mentioning it and the first time I do, I project (unless I dreamed it).

Opinions would be very welcome and apologies for waffling, but I'm excited and delighted :lol: