View Full Version : Activating Kundalini
Silence Dogood
16th July 2009, 08:35 PM
I've discovered what Kundalini is, and I would like to awaken her within my body. I have always had a very strong inner Genius, a voice of concience, that has held me to very high standards, but the road is difficult. I feel as though activating Kundalini within my life would equip me with strength to live as my higher self would have me live. I also feel that my curiosity and thirst for knowledge has brought me to this place, this desire for Kundalini. And I do not believe in coincidence.
I have begun practicing Pranayama, and would like to activate Kundalini, but I want to do it right. It is not that I am afraid to feel its power, but I do not want to do something wrong and become psychotic. I am not confident that I can find a Kundalini Guru where I live.
Should I continue meditating with the intention of awakening Kundalini? I am patient -- I do not need it immediately. I do not especially desire any of the special powers (clairevoyance, telepathy, etc) either. I feel that I am a virtuous man -- 19 years old, I do not lie much, I do not sleep around, I don't drink excessively (although it's hard to not drink in college), and I smoke weed occasionally (once a week?).
Bottom line: I want to feel the Kundalini energy, but do not want it to destroy me from activating it when it should not be activated. Should I continue trying to awaken it, trusting that when it is time to awaken, it will awaken?
Another question -- What is energy work? How do I activate a chakra? Just focus intently on it and visualize it filling with the Light?
16th July 2009, 09:26 PM
Hi Silence Dogood. As to whether you should activate it or not, it's a personal decision, but it will go easier if you become proficient in energy work, meditation and have a very stable personality.
As to energy work, it is the willful cultivation of the energy body, and there are many types or styles such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi and NEW. Here are some links to look at:
Beginners NEW ... index.html (
Regular NEW ... index.html (
Energy Work Forum: viewforum.php?f=20 (
Silence Dogood
16th July 2009, 10:11 PM
What would you say is the most important thing for someone like me to know concerning the process of Awakening, or living after Kundalini has risen?
16th July 2009, 11:08 PM
It's important to know that a full Kundalini awakening is a transformation process, and it will completely change you, and in ways you might not imagine. There are many people who end up on the brink of madness from the effects of Kundalini, in fact, or who suffer from all manner of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms (some of them quite painful). It is the beginning of a full-on transformation that may "re-wire" your entire system, your entire life, your entire REALITY, and once begun the process of transformation cannot be stopped, so you might be in for a long, wild, painful ride.
That being said, not everyone has an experience like that. It's just that this is a clear possibility and it's something that you need to be aware of.
I'm one of the people who was driven to the brink of madness by Kundalini awakening (spontaneous; I had no idea what was happening at the time, other than the vague notion that it was a kind of healing process). My entire life as I knew it was destroyed. I lost everything: my life (as I knew it), my family, my identity (as I understood it then). It's taken more than a decade to become stable after all that.
I will say, after all that scary stuff and gloom and doom, that every that happened was necessary. It was horrible at the time, but I know now that I needed to lose my life, my family, my identity. As painful and difficult as it was, it was something that had to take place, and I'm grateful for it, now. I used to say I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone, and I still don't, but I absolutely would wish the experience of clarity and renewal and transformation that comes with it, and I would do it again.
I hope I haven't scared you needlessly, it's just that this is a life-altering, potentially painful thing to invoke, and some preparation (I had none whatsoever) and pre-knowledge is extremely helpful.
17th July 2009, 01:23 AM
There is this famous guy, Dr. Joshua David Stone if I recall his name correctly. He suggested working with Kundalini indirectly, by asking your Higher Self to guide the progress of your Kundalini. The bad news is that Her progress will be so seamless that you don't even think anything is happening. The good news is that nothing you do will give you faster progress and there won't be the kinds of side effects that many people spend years working to correct.
20th July 2009, 07:28 AM
1st October 2009, 02:52 PM
Kundalini is activated lifeforce, and lifeforce runs on it makes sense to remineralize, eat a raw diet and rebuild the body...removing all that which occludes the light flow. If you focus on building the body for spiritual initiation then when it does come you will be ready for it. The cooked food Western body is weak and inflammatory and generally not strong enough to handle kundalini without creating tissue damage from glycation, oxidation, catabolysis and nerve damage. I don't advise anyone to set about with the intention of raising kundalini....more rather I suggest they focus on detoxification, remineralization, earthing/grounding, sunmeditation. increasing raw % in diet, exercise, hanging, breathing, giving your greatest gift, following the muse etc....
2nd October 2009, 03:39 AM
That's an interesting perspective, Jananz. It would be good if some kind of study existed.
The Pranayama practice, if done correctly, will have many physical benefits, keeping your lungs alive and healthy by inflating them right to the very edges of each lobe, strengthening all the muscles used in breathing and better oxygenating your whole body. The benefits immediately become apparent in a better appearance: brighter eyes and skin. You'll also find more energy and less appetite result if you keep a constant morning practice happening. The aim, of course, is union of body and mind and it doesn't take years to realise how effective a practice it is for quieting the mind.
There are many practices. I've found that when really strong practices stir things up, it's best to revert to lighter practices. I usually don't bother with visualisations.
The benefits of Kundalini activation, apart from the psychic abilities, include excellent health, slower aging, strength, personal magnetism, courage, love, compassion, empathy, knowledge, ability to manifest one's life and deeply blissful meditative experiences
3rd October 2009, 03:33 AM
I will say, after all that scary stuff and gloom and doom, that every that happened was necessary. It was horrible at the time, but I know now that I needed to lose my life, my family, my identity. As painful and difficult as it was, it was something that had to take place, and I'm grateful for it, now. I used to say I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone, and I still don't, but I absolutely would wish the experience of clarity and renewal and transformation that comes with it, and I would do it again.
I hope I haven't scared you needlessly, it's just that this is a life-altering, potentially painful thing to invoke, and some preparation (I had none whatsoever) and pre-knowledge is extremely helpful.
Hey CaterpillarWoman,
I'm interested in knowing why you find that the experience of being totally driven to the brink of madness was necessary? I'm kind of calming down from the period I went through. BTW, was what was happening caused by your own kundalini or was there external spiritual entities influencing you?
3rd October 2009, 03:59 AM
I'm interested in knowing why you find that the experience of being totally driven to the brink of madness was necessary?
It's a bit complicated to explain, but in essence, my personality, as it were, was very fragmented and poorly formed. Think of a potter making a pot that has a hole here, and it's bent out of shape and it barely functions as a pot. That was me. In order to be re-created into something/someone functional, the old mess that was me had to be done away with.
The appearance and/or experience of being insane is apparently quite common with some forms of spiritual emergence. Oh, and uh, I kind of manifested it upon myself, because I had no clue what I was doing or what was happening, and I got it into my head that insanity would be some sort of relief or release or something, and I kind of intended it. :oops: (I was clueless, what can I say?)
If I had any clear idea of what was happening, it would have been easier. I resisted a LOT, and that just makes the process worse.
I'm kind of calming down from the period I went through.
I took several years "off" to rest. I didn't do it on purpose, it just sort of unfolded that way. I can see now that I was given a bit of a breather, which was necessary.
BTW, was what was happening caused by your own kundalini or was there external spiritual entities influencing you?
I was profoundly depressed, as in clinical depression. It was mostly post natal depression, but I had a history of depression prior to that, anyway. I was having really violent and frightening nightmares involving demons, amongst other things, and I saw the world as very dark, very ugly, very black, and I saw myself with no hope. I didn't even know that it was possible to experience happiness on anything like a continual basis (in fact, when a lady I knew told me she was "happy all the time" I thought that was the most bizarre thing I'd ever heard).
One day, though, there was a tiny little spark somewhere in my addled mind that said, "Something is wrong," and I knew it was true. I sort of collapsed on the floor, sobbing, and prayed for help, and I prayed to be "made into what you would have me be" (addressing God as I then understood God). The combination of emotion, intention, and genuine surrender was apparently enough, because things started to change very soon after that, one baby step at a time...
So, to anyone reading this I say, never doubt the power of true surrender and genuine intention. ;)
3rd October 2009, 09:43 PM
So, to anyone reading this I say, never doubt the power of true surrender and genuine intention. ;)
I can so relate to this experience, OW. I've had that on-my-knees-okay-do-what-you-will experience and interestingly it was probably a the period of most rapid development for me.
You might like this podcast where Ryan Hurd offers his opinion on the value of nightmares
3rd October 2009, 10:30 PM
I took several years "off" to rest. I didn't do it on purpose, it just sort of unfolded that way. I can see now that I was given a bit of a breather, which was necessary.
Wow, that sounds like what I really need. Several years off. How were you able to juggle so much time into your life with the need to maintain your finances, career, or school?
4th October 2009, 04:02 AM
Several years off. How were you able to juggle so much time into your life with the need to maintain your finances, career, or school?
Oh, I got married and started popping out babies, and any work I did (and do, actually) is freelance and from home. The Universe just arranged it for me. I didn't even ask or plan it (though I did plan the marriage and the babies; I didn't know it was also going to be a spiritual breather, so to speak).
I'm not sure it would work for you to try that. :P
4th October 2009, 04:29 AM
Oh, I got married and started popping out babies, and any work I did (and do, actually) is freelance and from home. The Universe just arranged it for me. I didn't even ask or plan it (though I did plan the marriage and the babies; I didn't know it was also going to be a spiritual breather, so to speak).
I'm not sure it would work for you to try that. :P
haha. That'll definitely not work for me, unless men start having babies...
I might however get into freelance programming or digital design
7th October 2009, 03:31 PM
Learn to feel energy, and to move it. You could start with Zazen.
Breath energy in and push it down to the base of your back. Done often enough you'll get what your looking for.
23rd October 2009, 12:47 AM
I'm a reiki user. I just had an idea and I have asked reiki to awake my kundalini safely and completely. I will repeat the request from time to time, letting the energy work in the background. But even now I fell strong sensations between my legs, at the top of my head and in my face, including my eyes. I think this approach may be beneficial. :)
23rd October 2009, 01:59 AM
Let us know what happens. This seems interesting.
23rd October 2009, 02:06 AM
Often it is meaningful when you think to ask for something. It is a good sign that the answer will be yes.
23rd October 2009, 10:38 AM
Let us know what happens. This seems interesting.
Gladly. :)
After I wrote my first post more energy movement occurred.
I felt very strong energy sensations in the soles of my feet (apparently I was gathering a lot of energy) and later I felt a strong energy movement up my spine. It felt hot and it took about 15 minutes for it to get to the top of my head. I felt also strong sensations in my solar plexus area as the energy moved up my spine and a saw a few short flashes of light when the energy arrived at my head. I also felt stronger or weaker energy sensations in different parts of my body. Later I went to sleep since it was night time. :wink:
When I woke up today I asked reiki again for kundalini awakening. Once again I felt a noticeable movement of energy up my spine, only this time firstly it felt cold all the way up to my head and later my spine felt hot. I also feel stronger or weaker energy sensations in different parts of my body and I'm slightly euphoric. :roll:
Often it is meaningful when you think to ask for something. It is a good sign that the answer will be yes.
Let's hope so. :)
24th October 2009, 01:31 AM
OK, update time. :)
The previous two posts described the first two times when I asked reiki to help me with kundalini. This one is going to describe the further three times. So far I made five requests within roughly 24 hours.
Third request.
I was still slightly pumped up and euphoric after my second request when I asked the third time for reiki. I have some clairvoyance abilities so when I asked about my progress I saw an image of a coiled up snake at the base of my spine. It was fidgeting and moving a bit but it was still coiled up. When I asked for reiki I felt an energy rush and I saw an image of the same snake only this time it talked (the words in brackets are to give the context to the conversation, which I knew, but it might be clearer to the you):
Snake: Are you ready (for the kundalini raising)?
Me: I am ready.
Snake: You don't (even) know if you're ready.
Me: I am ready.
Snake: ...
Me: I am ready!
Snake: ...
At that time I started to think about it and I understood that in order to do this I have to accept the consequences of my choice, and it might change my life.
I decided to take the responsibility and accept that whatever happens, it was my conscious choice to proceed.
Me: I am ready.
Snake: ......So be it.
After that I felt another energy rush and everything became brighter for a moment. I was charged with energy and when I asked how was my progress I saw that the snake was no longer coiled at the bottom of my spine only it was standing tall on its tail along my spine.
At that time I was so charged with energy that it felt a bit uncomfortable, it felt tensed.
Fourth request.
After a couple of hours since request number 3 I was still charged with energy but I asked again anyway. Nothing much happened. I was pumped with more energy, I felt tired and I went to sleep for an hour or so (To digest things I guess).
Fifth request.
Few hours after I woke up I asked again what is my situation. I had a vision that there is this fire underneath the standing snake. But it didn't look like fire it was like white-yellow bright lotus shaped thing, only the petals were moving like they were alive and made of fire, but retaining their shape. It is hard to explain, sorry. :|
Anyway I asked reiki again for help, and I felt this fire/lotus thing expanding up. It felt like a couple of inch stiff pole going through my back and I had to keep my spine straight even though it was uncomfortable the way I was sitting. So I was with my back straight for a couple of minutes and when it got to my head two things happened: one, I saw a lot of multicoloured dots and spheres before my eyes :roll: , two, the strength of the energy completely overshadowed reiki for a moment, I mean it felt so strong that it just filled me completely and I lost the feeling of reiki.
That was about an hour ago. My back still feels filled with something, like it was hollow before and now it is full. It is a strange feeling. Even now when I summon reiki, the energy in my back still feels much stronger then reiki I'm using. It's strange.
I don't know what to think, I think I partially achieved my goal. I feel this was a big step, but there are still steps to be done. I don't know, I'll see how I'll feel tomorrow. Now, I just feel strange. :)
I will be grateful for any advice from people who tried to awake kundalini. I will greatly appreciate any comments and advice. I need to put my experiences in some reference.
24th October 2009, 02:58 AM
Well.... I haven't raised mine, but it has been awakened some.
Some years ago (two?) I started having symptoms, and visions of snakes, and a dream or two. Then one night last year, I felt energy going up my spine and that 'full' feeling you describe, and it got to around my belly, and then it stopped.
Before I even knew what Kundalini was I've had the 'light on the head' phenomena, and a few brow flashes, so that didn't surprise me when it happened that one night, but nothing else happened for the longest time.
Of course, I haven't been trying anything in specific to raise it, I figure when it's time for it I'll know somehow.
24th October 2009, 07:04 PM
The traditional Kundalini rising is only one form of it. The more prepared for it to happen, the more boring it can be. Kundalini can spread out gradually in all directions to fill the body rather than just racing up the spine and hitting like lightning.It still counts.
24th October 2009, 10:23 PM
The traditional Kundalini rising is only one form of it. The more prepared for it to happen, the more boring it can be. Kundalini can spread out gradually in all directions to fill the body rather than just racing up the spine and hitting like lightning.It still counts.
I mean it felt so strong that it just filled me completely and I lost the feeling of reiki.
It spread in all directions when it arrived at the top of my head, filled me completely, it was a very strong sensation.
Right now it is easier for me to move a certain energy through my spine, and it looks like a flame. In the beginning it was orange, later it turned purple/indigo with bright green aura, and now it looks silvery white. >_>
It was just one step along the way I guess. Many more to go. Oh yes, another thing I noticed is that I feel energetically stronger and that my clairvoyance improved.
So I guess it was worth it. :)
26th October 2009, 03:16 AM
Hi ... These posts were interesting to me. I have recently done something similar -- i.e., made requests to feel kundalini, and felt similar vibs in root chakra, top back of legs, and face. Anyway, I find now if I request to feel it, similar sensations come readily. I have been hesitant to request more. I am not really in a rush to get into new things just yet. I am curious about your progress. For me, a few months ago, I started to perceive energy very strongly -- e.g., feeling people, trees, etc., rather strongly from distances too (among other things, like seeing auras, remote viewing, etc.). I have been trying to find other folks with similar experiences (mostly, related to feeling energy since it is easiest and prevalent). It has been a bit strange to feel since it is something I can feel all the time (if I focus on it). Anyway, I am curious if you may experience this too. As an FYI, I don't really practice Reiki or anything. I found this path mostly on my own... but, I expect much of what I do is similar. Mostly, I focus on diet, exercise, and balanced thought (whatever that means :-)). Anyway, I am curious how your Kundalini stuff turns out. If your head does not explode, that will be great. :-) Anyway, i am not sure if you will have any balancing issues. For me, I had some issues, but I found balance by a) learning how to relax and go with the flow (e.g., not overusing chakras, etc.), b) not overthinking or assuming too much, c) focusing on diet and health. I have heard most folks say to eat meat, etc. Personally, I found above 3 things to be better since I felt more energized and in focus.
26th October 2009, 11:51 AM
Hi ... These posts were interesting to me. I have recently done something similar -- i.e., made requests to feel kundalini, and felt similar vibs in root chakra, top back of legs, and face. Anyway, I find now if I request to feel it, similar sensations come readily.
Hi :)
As for being able to summon the energy at will I have been able o do it readily as well. My back feels different and I can use a type of energy I was not able to use before (maybe it was there all the time, only my ability to sense it and use it appeared).
For me, a few months ago, I started to perceive energy very strongly -- e.g., feeling people, trees, etc., rather strongly from distances too (among other things, like seeing auras, remote viewing, etc.). I have been trying to find other folks with similar experiences (mostly, related to feeling energy since it is easiest and prevalent). It has been a bit strange to feel since it is something I can feel all the time (if I focus on it). Anyway, I am curious if you may experience this too.
As for feeling other peoples energy, I was able to feel it even before, only not all the time, only when I actually tried to sense it. That has not changed. I don’t feel other people energy constantly, I don’t want that, I tend to keep to myself so I have only tried to feel other peoples energy when I heal ;). I have not tried to feel animal or plant energy. Maybe I’ll try that sometime.
Anyway, I am curious how your Kundalini stuff turns out. If your head does not explode, that will be great. :-) Anyway, I am not sure if you will have any balancing issues. For me, I had some issues, but I found balance by a) learning how to relax and go with the flow (e.g., not overusing chakras, etc.), b) not overthinking or assuming too much, c) focusing on diet and health. I have heard most folks say to eat meat, etc. Personally, I found above 3 things to be better since I felt more energized and in focus.
My head not exploding would be a good thing :) I need to find a new centre of balance :/ How to say it, after that energy experience I just feel strange (both mentally/emotionally and physically), but I guess it is just a matter of getting used to the new situation. And I had some minor problems the first night after the experience but I am fine now, with time I will get completely used to the new energy characteristics I suppose.
I have been hesitant to request more. I am not really in a rush to get into new things just yet. I am curious about your progress. As an FYI, I don't really practice Reiki or anything. I found this path mostly on my own... but, I expect much of what I do is similar. Mostly, I focus on diet, exercise, and balanced thought (whatever that means :-)).
There is more than one way to eat a cheese. ;)
Certain things can be achieved by using different approaches. And as for rushing things, I’ve been using reiki for 3 years now and only a couple of days ago I had an idea to use it for kundalini rising >_>, so don’t worry, you don’t have to rush things, when the time is right the things will rush you. ;)
It only happened a couple of days ago, so I might have to wait to see more results. :)
Blessings :)
I haven't told about another thing I feel. It is this feeling of uneasiness for the future. I just got the nagging feeling that inducing this energetic experience is going to bring serious consequences. :| That my path has kind of shifted or changed and the consequences might hit me, and they might hit me hard, regardless of whether it will be pleasant or not. So this kind of uneasiness I am feeling right now. :|
This kind of feeling is a part of this all new strange perspective. :|
27th October 2009, 02:19 AM
Hi Serp ...
Yes, that is similar to how I feel energy in people. I only do it when I want to also. But, I also feel trees, telephone poles, etc. I also feel it in the back sometimes. It is strongest if I essentially kind of lock onto it with my whole body and relax into it. I feel it as a kind of magnetic torque on the body. Anyway, I kind of understand your feeling of trepidation that you mentioned. But, I "think" that focusing on love, and faith, and not overthinking -- and, not over-indulging in sensing stuff can lead to balance. Anyway, I tend to think that balance is the key. And, I tend to think that it is hard to maintain after we go each step further. But, fear would probably tip more out of balance. Anyway, if you can feel people, you have got to try feeling trees. They are very soothing to me. I noticed it after I was going for a walk during lunch. Pines trees tend to be the strongest. And, trees seem to have a kind of energy center (or whatever) near their top. So, tall trees are kind of easier to feel from a distance. Anyway, this sounds kooky to me as I write this... very kooky. Except, I have experienced it sooooo much. I think part of balance is not trying to weigh things too much one way or the other...
Anyway, good luck.
27th October 2009, 09:23 AM
You know, every so often my energy sensations become active to the point of intruding on my general awareness as I go about my business. In a weird synchronicity thing, I will often see a real snake on my walk with the dog around the time a new burst happens. I saw a red-bellied black a few days ago. Then recently dreamed I was looking at a white dress with two belts that I liked. Seeing this post again made me think of that dream. I wonder what is coming?
27th October 2009, 12:59 PM
You know, every so often my energy sensations become active to the point of intruding on my general awareness as I go about my business. In a weird synchronicity thing, I will often see a real snake on my walk with the dog around the time a new burst happens. I saw a red-bellied black a few days ago. Then recently dreamed I was looking at a white dress with two belts that I liked. Seeing this post again made me think of that dream. I wonder what is coming?
Maybe it's the current global development phase or something. Sometimes I had months of hardly doing anything spiritual then suddenly I start doing "spiritual" things like crazy later to find out that people also had times of low activity after which they returned to their spiritual practices at roughly the same time as I did. And recently people have been reporting kundalini related activity, energy spikes, dreams, visions, so that might the theme for now.
27th October 2009, 01:29 PM
Yep, what y'all said.
27th October 2009, 10:53 PM
Hello Friends :)
Another update. Since I had the energetical experience few days ago I noticed a couple of differences in my daily spiritual life :)
Here's one of them:
I was planing on meditating before sleep so I turned off all the lights and I lied down on the bed. Unwillingly I entered a light trance, my body filled itself with energy and I had slight whole body vibrations/buzzing. At one moment I noticed the ceiling and the ceiling light and I thought something like: "heh, I opened my eyes, I need to close them". Well It would be all nice if just after that while trying to close my eyes I hadn't noticed that my eyes were closed all the time >_> .
So I thought "cool". :roll: After that when I saw the ceiling through closed eyes again I looked at my feet. They were glowing :) they were still looking like my physical legs, only they were of different colour, orange, vibrant, full of energy, like there was some light within them shining through flesh, something like when you put your hand right in front of a light bulb and the light shines through your skin and muscles.
When I actually opened my eyes it was pitch black and I didn't see my legs nor the ceiling. :)
I assume things like that are all too common for an experienced clairvoyant or astral projector, but I am neither. :) My clairvoyance was rather limited, and I only had one astral projection via LD. I never especially trained for those either.
I am telling you about this my friends, because it was actually the first time I had seen something that way. And it was so vivid and spontaneous! For me personally the level of the few experiences I had in those few days is completely different from what I had been experiencing before! :) The difference is so big that it's unsettling, like what will I see next (I already had a major WTF scary vision moment the first night after the kundalini raising >_>)
PS. CF, I don't want to hijack Silence Dogood's thread, should I start another one for my experiences?
28th October 2009, 01:46 AM
You can, if you want to.
Ps. What a cool experience. Although I do get astral sight every now and then, I never think to look at my own body. I'll have to remember the next time.
28th October 2009, 03:04 AM
Hi Serp ... That is interesting what you said about the glowing. I had a kind of remote viewing / lucid dream about a month ago when I saw someone and their skin glowed like you said. I saw all of their body glowing and it was really beautiful and colorful. I was focused on their face, neck and arms. It also seemed to change slightly with time. Anyway, feels good to hear similar experiences from others...
28th October 2009, 11:39 AM
Hi Serp ... That is interesting what you said about the glowing. I had a kind of remote viewing / lucid dream about a month ago when I saw someone and their skin glowed like you said. I saw all of their body glowing and it was really beautiful and colorful. I was focused on their face, neck and arms. It also seemed to change slightly with time. Anyway, feels good to hear similar experiences from others...
Yep, similar experiences give confidence. :D How your perception changed after your kundalini event?
For me personally the difference can be breathtaking. I still have the experiences only from time to time, but when I do it can be like watching things in "real life". Vivid, clear, three-dimensional colourful images.
(I already had a major WTF scary vision moment the first night after the kundalini raising >_>)
Like in the experience above. Sometimes I can be woken up by a negative presence and sometimes I could see a dark shape or something (but it was unfocused black shape at best, mostly I saw nothing). But in this instance I woke up and looked to my side and firstly I saw a pulsating moving orb of darkness which later turned into an overgrown beetle of sorts. And it looked like a real live insect, 3-d, brown greyish colour, with an orange line on the edge of its shell, I could see it in the perfect detail, I could even see the texture of it's shell. :roll:
I was like "What the f* was that" and I ran to turn on the light. I could still feel the negativity very strongly and I was doing some protection affirmations, But I was seriously rattled, it just looked so REAL.
That beetle wasn't anything major, but I was able to perceive it so more intensley than other things I sensed before. I was seriously freaked out, staying with lights on like an 8-year old or something. >_>
29th October 2009, 12:04 AM
Although I do get astral sight every now and then, I never think to look at my own body. I'll have to remember the next time.
If you remember to look at your body could you please write down what you see? I think it would be nice to compare experiences :D .
29th October 2009, 04:44 AM
Hi Serp ...
It seems that your experiences are similar to mine in a variety of ways. Anyway, I have had issues dealing with so-called neg things too ... and, typically, they are like these black shapes as you mention. Anyway, my background is that I had OBEs for many years (I am in my 40s now). I tend to be objective and while I saw everything that folks talk about ... I never 100% proved anything until I tried doing experiments with a local university. They wanted me to do remote viewing experiments. I actually thought it was a bit much to expect... then, I had clear success. And, my views shifted. Much changed in the months after that. BUT, before that, I had many OBEs, and got rather proficient at them. But, I did have times dealing so called neg things. For me, I still question much of what we see. By way of example, with the remote viewing, I started to discern how some things seemed to be accurate, and other things NOT accurate. I tended to find that things that surprised me were more often accurate. But, e.g., I would see many things that were inaccurate too. And, often the accurate image would morph to inaccurate. I tend to think that there may be neg things, but I also think what it morphs to, like the bug might not be so accurate. And, just "how" neg the thing is, is perhaps hard to say. For example, there are millions of little bugs on us, right? Maybe, we are sometimes just remote viewing them. Anyway, after long issues with neg things, I found the following to be the key for my dealign with them: a) embrace in LOVE (I tend to think that LOVE is MAYBE sort of like being in harmonic oscillation with the world ... and such may perhaps be sort of untouchable due to power of all together -- but, whatever the reason, that tends to be very helpful); b) and turn your attention where you desire (i.e., I tend to think that we might sort of be located where we have our attention -- so, if you see a neg thing, just smile, feel love and turn your attention away). But, I still deal with negs at times, and sometimes I am duped by them. For me, they tend to seem to be trying to latch onto me. Also, as for OBEs, I tend to be rather cautious ... at first sign of something that feels off ... I tend to retreat. By the way, since my Kundalini stuff (or rather, since I started to see and feel energy), my focus has been less on so called OBEs, or rather things have all sort of morphed together more -- e.g., seeing auras, feeling energy, OBEing, remote viewing, wakefulness, dont feel as discrete as I may have previously thought (well, except that I did not even know about the potential of seeing auras or feeling energy before I started to experience it myself!). Anyway, last night I thought about Kundalini and felt strong full body vibrations ... from root chakra, feel and strong in the body. I definitely think that balance is the key ... Must, keep balance. And, I tend to think that blance is maintained much the same as one fends off negs. By Love, Faith, and focus of attention ... e.g., use ones attention to blaance energy, etc., and love and faith not to make bad conclusions, etc.
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