View Full Version : physical or projection body ?

14th July 2009, 07:17 PM
When I'm deeply relaxed and start the trance exercise, I start to feel really cold waves, does anybody get this ? (I like to imagine I'm diving, that might be the reason)
then, as I start the loosening exercise I suddenly have the impression that a leg or an arm jumps/moves..it really feels as it's the physical body though. I haven't lost consciousness when it happens.
But the wierdest thing is that at some point, I have the impression I'm moving, and my (what really feels like the physical body) starts to move but not smoothly, it's like there is some very short sudden movement, and it feels like I'm "ungluing" from something (it feels like a scratch sound each time)
I can't disclose it better than that, I can't find the right words in my native language either!
Is this "unscratching" of the body pure mental feeling, the physical body which is getting too old and tired to stay still for hours in a row, or the projection double separating (wishful thinking I know !)
if it's the last one (please please please !!) then what am I supposed to do to get out completely? I tend to get lost, and it "bothers me so much that I start thinking about it and lose my concentration

14th July 2009, 10:21 PM
It's possible that it is the etheric body loosening up.
As to what to do, the MAP gives you energy body loosening methods and exit techniques you can try.

15th July 2009, 07:34 AM
me again, it's terrible ! I know but it's the kind of thing we cannot ask friends or relatives... but this time I either made a giant leap or ...I dreamed the whole thing !
my son woke me up at about 4.15am. I went back to bed at about 4.30am and decided to try an AP. I laid in bed with my upper arms vertical and listened to the brainwave generator...I didn't want to do anything, just to feel whatever is there to be felt.
I gave up after 45 min and decided to do the MAP. put the preset back to the start point. It took me a long time to control my breath (I had the impression to hyper ventilate at first, it's maybe due to the fact that I was lying down ?). As soon as I got it right I started to feel really heavy, then started the energy raising work and that brought mild vibrations, I stopped, focused on the 3rd eye, and waited...nothing, it faded. then I went on, thinking that I was horizontal and falling down slowly between two huge buildings, again, vibrations started, I continued to think I were falling and there is a point where I am SURE that my legs were floating !
At that point I heard people laughing, it's like the sound came from the upper right side of my face. again, I was listening to the sound and heard some water drops on what appears to be the left side, it was accompanied by noise typical from the rainforest. I thought "ouah, I can hear the rainforest, cool !"
that's when I'm starting to wonder if it's really true because I heard the echo of what I was saying, I even laughed inside myself because I found it funny to be able to hear what I'm thinking and I could hear me laughing!
I swear to god, I was not on drugs neither was I drunk or anything..I might have a brainwave generator overdose !
anyway, I was still feeling the legs floating and decided to concentrate on them, I wanted to spin or bounce but I found it really difficult, as if I had no energy to move, then I tried for the rope, again, I was trying to pull it but I was tired. the legs went back down, I couldn't get them to float again, I thought it was time to stop anyway. I looked at the window and saw a very dark sky.. that's my problem number two, how could I see a dark sky, I had a black t-shirt in front of my eyes ?! I instantly thought that I needed to stop because I didn't want to project if it's stormy outside, I got rid of the headphones, removed the t-shirt and switched the computer off. when I removed the t-shirt it was a beautiful blue sky outside !
two things bother me about the whole stuff, the echo and the seeing through the t-shirt.. did I dream that I was inducing myself ? on the other hand, I am certain that it's NOT a dream ! but it doesm't sound as if it were obe symptoms !
I never had that floating feeling before but it was AWSOME !