View Full Version : A question

9th July 2009, 04:26 PM
I've just finished week 3 of the programme. For the first 2 weeks I dreamed alot, as I usually do, and woke 3 or 4 times a night to write down in my dream journal, as I always do. Then on week 3 I suddenly stopped having any dream memories at all, save one or two. Now, on the first night of week 4 I have a flying dream. My questions are these -

1 - is the sudden lack of dream memories an indication that I'm having OBE's but not remembering them, rather than 'normal' dreams that I do remember?

2 - or am I just doing something wrong and my ability to remember my dreams has been trashed?

9th July 2009, 05:05 PM
I'll let someone more learned make a more detailed response...
But it could be #1... I doubt it very much that it's #2. :)
It could be that your in a sort of 're-wiring' phase.

9th July 2009, 07:54 PM
I've just finished week 3 of the programme. For the first 2 weeks I dreamed alot, as I usually do, and woke 3 or 4 times a night to write down in my dream journal, as I always do. Then on week 3 I suddenly stopped having any dream memories at all, save one or two. Now, on the first night of week 4 I have a flying dream. My questions are these -

1 - is the sudden lack of dream memories an indication that I'm having OBE's but not remembering them, rather than 'normal' dreams that I do remember? Not necessarily- chances are your energy body is rewiring itself and you are 'tired', so that whatever you're doing while unconscious is not registering because you're tired. This will pass. Which is what Xanth said.

2 - or am I just doing something wrong and my ability to remember my dreams has been trashed?No, you're just tired.
When I started doing this as a practice (as opposed to sporadic spontaneous projections) after about a month I had some sort of energy crash, where I slept extremely deeply for a month. After it passed I restarted the program and I had my first projection right away (prob. the first week). There's lots and lots of people who report exhaustion after starting the program- some have it because of the new energy demands and others because of the way this changes their sleep habits. And like any other type of exercise, after you rest and come back the benefits will be discernible.

15th July 2009, 03:09 PM
I'm at the end of week 3 now and I'm still finding I'm sleeping very deeply all night and not waking with dreams to write down at all. I am noticing that I'm feeling fatigued during the day and when I do wake up in the morning I don't feel refreshed. I wake feeling tired and as though I could go back to sleep for a week. I try not to worry about it and I have sort of thought it's probably due to some energy flow changes or something of that nature.

I'm not having any success at all with lucid dreaming though, despite affirmations. I'm a complete loser with this particular skill.

15th July 2009, 04:27 PM
I'm at the end of week 3 now and I'm still finding I'm sleeping very deeply all night and not waking with dreams to write down at all. I am noticing that I'm feeling fatigued during the day and when I do wake up in the morning I don't feel refreshed. I wake feeling tired and as though I could go back to sleep for a week. I try not to worry about it and I have sort of thought it's probably due to some energy flow changes or something of that nature.

I'm not having any success at all with lucid dreaming though, despite affirmations. I'm a complete loser with this particular skill.
You're self defeating your affirmations before you've even said them.
Lose the negativity and you'll find that things start flowing a bit better. :)

23rd July 2009, 12:48 PM
Yes of course you're absolutely right lol, I will change my attitude. Thanks :lol: