View Full Version : Can I risk a small celebration?

9th July 2009, 04:13 PM
Yesterday was day 21 for me, I'm getting along fine so far. Sponging and bouncing is fine, with mild tingling. The energy raising deepens my trance and quickens the 'loosening' feelings. So things are going ok at the moment. I have a myspace and yesterday someone posted an article about lucid dreams and how to help yourself have them. Some of what he said is just like in the MAP book, but other stuff was new to me, some crazy suggestions lol. Anyway, one of the suggestions was to go to sleep affirming and stating the intention to become aware that you're dreaming and to remember it afterwards. I did this and when I awoke this morning I remembered flying in a dream. I distinctly remember flying with my mum through the air very high up and looking down and seeing the coast of England passing along below us and I commented about where we were - I said is that Cornwall and she said no it's Norfolk. I also know that in this dream I did this journey at least twice.

Is this cause for a minor celebration? Can I pour myself a small gin and tonic? :D Maybe small fry to you hardened OBE'ers but to me it's a magnificent event LOL.

9th July 2009, 04:24 PM
Gin and tonic... Rum and coke... Vodka and sprite! Sure! :)
Don't allow it to cloud your focus though. But yeah, a small celebration every now and then never hurts. ;)

9th July 2009, 07:24 PM
Congrats merita. Affirmations are part of the program, if I remember correctly.