View Full Version : day 41 and still no OBE...

9th July 2009, 02:10 PM
I'm not going to give up but I'm a bit disappointed, I was looking forward to week six as the authors wrote "these exercises can induce an obe, get prepared !".
Yep, I only got very very mild vibrations and that's about it this week (it's very frustrating because I'm trying to stop everything, relax, and enjoy them and they somehow disappear after a while). I also read on another website that most inducer get an obe within a month....
my question might sound silly but what's the "average" day for a first induced obe ?
I did the spinning exercise last night and I was feeling wierd, I went on and on for at least an hour just on that part....nothing !
but when I stopped I was feeling lightheaded for a while and I even had the impression my head was being pulled upwards. it's not unpleasant, just unusual.
I have splitted the exercises throughout the day because I cannot do everything in one go at lunch (I have to work !). I try to get up at 5am, do all the energy work and spend 1 to 1.5 hours on it. then I lock myself in the office at lunchtime and do the breath work, 5min of energy bouncing, trance, and loosening.(I spend at least an hour)
When I go home, I try to do some energy exercises for 30min and if I'm not too scared (if there is still plenty of light outside at 9pm) I try to have another go at the breath, trance, loosening.
I spend an enormous amount of time on this but to no avail. should I go on or is it hopeless in my case ?
:?: :!:

9th July 2009, 03:16 PM
I'm not going to give up but I'm a bit disappointed, I was looking forward to week six as the authors wrote "these exercises can induce an obe, get prepared !". It sounds like you're on to energy body loosening techs. Yes, they can indeed lead to an exit, although this doesn't mean it's supposed to happen. They have to tell you it can happen so you don't get surprised it happens and nobody warned them.
ps. when I get what I call end-stage vibes, e-body loosening exercises get me out. But not always.

Yep, I only got very very mild vibrations and that's about it this week (it's very frustrating because I'm trying to stop everything, relax, and enjoy them and they somehow disappear after a while). I also read on another website that most inducer get an obe within a month.... I don't know who said that, but that is not typical. People who OBE easily sometimes assume that everyone else is like them (I've been guilty of that now and then) and can do things in the same timeframe as them. This is obviously not true.

my question might sound silly but what's the "average" day for a first induced obe ? I don't think there is an average day for a self-induced conscious OBE. For example, I've been spontaneously projecting since I was around 8 or 9, and I projected consciously for the first time in thirty days. That is not average.

I did the spinning exercise last night and I was feeling wierd, I went on and on for at least an hour just on that part....nothing ! That never worked for me, it just made me nauseous.

but when I stopped I was feeling lightheaded for a while and I even had the impression my head was being pulled upwards. it's not unpleasant, just unusual. That's a partial projection. See, you had better results with that than I did.

I have splitted the exercises throughout the day because I cannot do everything in one go at lunch (I have to work !). I try to get up at 5am, do all the energy work and spend 1 to 1.5 hours on it. then I lock myself in the office at lunchtime and do the breath work, 5min of energy bouncing, trance, and loosening.(I spend at least an hour)
When I go home, I try to do some energy exercises for 30min and if I'm not too scared (if there is still plenty of light outside at 9pm) I try to have another go at the breath, trance, loosening.
I spend an enormous amount of time on this but to no avail. should I go on or is it hopeless in my case ? I don't understand why you would think it's hopeless. You're on day 41 and it's a 90-day program. Finish it, and see what happens. But don't take on any self-defeating thought patterns. Remember the affirmations? By calling yourself hopeless and believing other's expectations 'those damn shoulds' you are doing the opposite of an affirmation. So stop that, and keep on going.

9th July 2009, 05:02 PM
What happens will happen.
Open yourself to anything and everything that will happen to you. :)
Should you not experience anything... get back on the horse and try again.
The only thing that will stop you is you. :)

10th July 2009, 12:12 PM
thanks for your posts, I might have been a bit down yesterday, I will NEVER give up !
I tried the exercise for 2 hours and had no sensations, I couldn't concentrate and had lots of internal talks but today was much much better. I actually couldn't stand the fact that I was my projection, looking at myself sitting there..I kept saying "you're safe, drift your consciousness to me now, I'm against the wall holding the door knob, I cannot see what you see, I can only see you sitting there....come over"
I was standing there looking at myself or down the floor and it gave a throwing-like sensation, my heart hurt (but no hard pounding)
I like when I'm suffering ! I'm sure it's because it's working

10th July 2009, 05:13 PM
These sensations (the pulling) are a sure fire sign you're out, and consciousness hasn't moved along with the energy. You're doing well.