View Full Version : Big long nuclear war dream

9th July 2009, 09:36 AM
I was rushing towards a supermarket, and stopped to rescue some small kittens, which cost me time because i was just a few yards from it when the sky started the flash with light, and there were thundering noises. You could smell fear as everyone rushed towards the opening to the shelter inside the store. I was one of the last in and just made it, as it closed; I had to jump a big drop but I took the chance and made it.

After a head count it was realised that there weren't nearly as many people in the shelter as expected. It was white, warm and silent, with computer equipment and tv screens; like a waiting room with areas leading off. We knew to go out now was to die, as he machines prattled about rad levels. We listened in horror as a family buzzed the intercom, desperate to get in, but we were told they were already dead. At this point my thoughts turned personal so for privacy's sake i will be omitting those.

The dream was last night, and I deliberately looked for timing info; it was happening today, the 9th of July.

Much of the rest was then about using the supplies and what not, and how few had survived.

I had skillz so was given a greater security clearance.

/it got kinda disjointed after and there was interaction with dying survivors and that.

9th July 2009, 11:40 AM
Just in case anyone thinks these sort of dream are horrible, cringey nightmares for me. They're not.
IME nghtmares=distortion of reallife.
Nuclear war and other such "nightmare" type stuff doesn't freak me out on waking, its more.. "wow"

9th July 2009, 01:39 PM
Just in case anyone thinks these sort of dream are horrible, cringey nightmares for me. They're not.
IME nghtmares=distortion of reallife.
Nuclear war and other such "nightmare" type stuff doesn't freak me out on waking, its more.. "wow" I agree. I think you may find these are good news your subconscious is giving you.

9th July 2009, 04:21 PM
This dream could be symbolic imagery telling you about how your own personal world is changing. The old way is being forced to give way to the new. You may have resisted these changes for a while, and that's why they are now being forced upon you, causing the nuclear war imagery. You had special skills and were given a specific task - this would also indicate that you're changing, your path is changing and evolving and some stuff has to go to make way for these changes.

Paul H.
30th July 2009, 08:42 PM

Many lucid and nonlucid dreams that I had in the past strongly infer to me that places such as supermarkets, nightclubs, video arcades, movie theaters, and departments stores are actually portals to the lower (negative) astral dimensions or places where negative entities or evil spirits reside (who are native to that locality of the astral dimension). I do not know what your dream means. But if I found myself in a similar dream, then I would be suspicious that it was simply another attempt by negative entities to subject myself to a negative experience.

I could detail a few of my own examples, but I don't want to post a lengthy response unless anyone wants to here some of my specific dreams of this nature. I think that the goal of the entities in these types of nightmares is to infuse their victims' consciousness with negative psyches or leach (harvest) energy from those who can't become lucid and determine the truth about what is actually happening.

Your dream had a few details which infer to me that you were in an abusive situation:

1) Immediately before you entered the 'shelter' you stated that "I had to jump a big drop but I took the chance and made it". In my own dreams (and reading others who have written accounts about going to a negative place in the astral dimension), going downward symbolizes going someplace negative. Going downward may include going down an elevator, an escalator, stairs, or simply falling downward. You also said that you could "smell the fear" right before entering this 'shelter.' Is it possible that this could have actually been a negative place? You also made the conscious decision to enter this ‘shelter’. I think that negative entities can't always force people to go some place negative, but rather have to rely on their victims to make their own choice (even if this choice is compelled by deception and seemingly forced).

2) Then you said that you heard that "a family buzzed the intercom, desperate to get in, but we were told they were already dead". To me this indicates that evil spirits simply wanted to fill your mind with negative emotions and keep you in a nonlucid dreaming state. Is this possible?

3) You also said that the area you were in "was white, warm and silent, with computer equipment and TV screens; like a waiting room with areas leading off". Is it possible that this was simply a reception area that negative entities use to hold nonlucid dreamers captive? Were the computer equipment and TV screens used to monitor or manipulate anyone's body in any way (perhaps to remove 'radiation' or some of one's life force energy?) Were the corridors to areas that led away from this area also lit so you could see what or who was coming into this 'supermarket'? Did these corridors lead further downward?

4) You were also given a "security clearance." To me this implied that whoever was in charge had much to hide.

5) Other questions: Could the kittens you saw have been an attempt by some one else to allow you to realize that you were dreaming? Could the powerful light and sound of the supposed "nuclear blast" have actually been the presence of a spiritual being (or force) or perhaps a portal to a highly spiritual dimension? Could the deadly radiation levels outside of and above the 'shelter' have actually been a higher or spiritual frequency that posed a danger to evil spirits that may have been in this underground shelter? Were you lucid at any time during this dream, and if so what was the degree of your consciousness: that is the clarity of your thoughts and perception (vision and hearing)? Did you confront or challenge any one who seemed to be in charge? Did you examine the equipment that was present, inquire to what it does, or see it in action with any other dreamer (or nuclear holocaust survivor)?

I'm not saying that any of my answers apply to your experience, but I'm simply asking if it is possible that they may have some kind of relevance.

30th July 2009, 09:20 PM
Some of these ideas are very compelling. I would give the opinion (and it's just an opinion) that these high-traffic places are portals to many places, both lower and higher, and as you said, can have negative entities (or gatekeepers masquerading as negative entities), depending on where you're headed. I would also agree that the above mentioned (except supermarkets) tend to point down, so to speak, supermarkets could be neutral (being symbolic of sustenance and physical life) and hospitals, restaurants, schools, airports and parks can be portals to 'higher' dimensions, where healing, learning, evolution (or just fun) are symbolized.
Very interesting post.

31st July 2009, 10:22 AM
I am not going to answer personal questions.

It was an interesting dream to me, not a scary one, nuke war memorabilia is a hobby of mine.

Paul H.
11th October 2009, 01:10 PM
Soon after posting a reply to this thread I had a similar lucid dream that was rather interesting. I haven't read all of the posts to the thread about the "astral planes being removed" but my experience seems to indicate that steps have been taken by those in charge of the astral dimensions to remove negative entities from certain localities closer to the physical world (perhaps because the balance of power has shifted too much in the direction of negativity in the yin yan world of the lower dimensions).

Most of the details of my dream I'll omit but I start at a point where I was with some people behind bleachers on what appeared to be the outskirts of a city. Then some one announced that a nuclear bomb in the sky was about to explode. So I gathered with the people I was with and hugged them goodbye as I had quickly decided that it was best to leave that world in good spirits (rather than with negative emotions). I made this quick decision in a logical plan that a positive frame of mind would send me someplace better rather than worse if I was going to be tossed out of that world.

But then after the explosion occurred, everyone or most people seemed to still be around where I was standing. This nuclear explosion may have been some kind of powerful force from a higher dimension which simply wipes away or banishes negativity or negative entities to a lower dimension. Then I was walking with a group of people who were headed to an underground entrance. I think I was with some one who was living along with some one else who had recently died. The group I was with was probably trying to trick me into going to a lower astral dimension where disembodied spirits reside who feed off the energy of those who currently have a life in the physical realm. Perhaps these disembodied spirits are trying to hang on to what is left of their dying astral bodies rather than to simply let them dissolve so that they can start over with new life of their own. Thus by leaching away the life force of some one else’s living astral body, they can perhaps replenish their own dying astral bodies.

But before I reached the entrance to the underground area, I noticed what appeared to be several entities that were leaving (perhaps those who were entering a new physical incarnation or starting a new life in this world). At this point the lucid dream ended.