View Full Version : Energy Raising experiences

5th July 2009, 03:04 PM
Last night I was quite tired and knew I didn't have the control to go through the usual MAP routine, so I decided to just do some energy raising when I went to bed. I've not done the energy raising before so it was my first time with it. I found it easy enough to do, and after a while it had an interesting effect. It seemed to deepen my level of trance, without affecting my awareness level and the symptoms I experienced were deeper than I've had with the normal MAP routine. For the first time I experienced a very uncomfortable heavy feeling that was almost painful, but only in my left arm. I also had a sort of 'wavy pulsating' in my left arm and a prickly static electricity through my whole body. The weirdest thing though, was a sudden sensation that my body has turned to liquid and was 'pooling' or 'running' as liquid does when it is not contained (I'm not describing this well). It was so tangible and strong and the book doesn't talk about this happening, at least not the bit I've read so far. At one point I'd have sworn blind that I'd 'swivelled' through 90 degrees, although I had no vision with which to verify it, it just 'felt' like it. I had the normal loosening sensations I always get and I found the energy raising helped focus the mind and control the chatter somewhat. I experienced a stronger clairvoyance and clairsentience during this experience and I knew I wasn't alone.

I had another go this afternoon with less success - perhaps too much daylight or noisy neigbours. I shall definitely keep up with the energy raising. I'm finding the sponging and bouncing are becomming much easier and I'm more comfortable doing them now.

Kevin Bridges
29th January 2010, 01:06 AM
It was so tangible and strong and the book doesn't talk about this happening, at least not the bit I've read so far

I think everyone has experiences that won't be covered in the book. It's such a complex field, and with as much work as Robert Bruce has done, I'm convinced he's just scratched the surface.

I once woke up in the middle of the morning one time with heavy vibrations, and I opened my eyes and saw, right there in front of my face, a symmetrical symbol drawn in bright blue, overlaying my room. I never read that anywhere! :D