View Full Version : New Grey Appearance
Decided to finally write about one very peculiar point of my download that occurred a few years ago..I'm just interested in knowing if anyone has seen something similar.
I was asleep in my bed, it was close to morning and the sun was coming up. I heard a voice next to my bed calling my name and kept repeating my name until I woke up. Next to my bed I saw an entity I want to say maybe 3.5 feet tall. It looked ghostlike and the way a picture would appear as a negative. He had human shaped lips that moved when he spoke. Thin nose, no hair. Skinny.
As he spoke he announced himself as "I am the grey once known as [small name] and am now known as [larger name containing small name]." So in other words it was like he said, "I am the grey once known as Charles and now I am known as Charles Regis Magnus Excelsior....some really long and exoctic sounding. And no, I cannot remember what the name really was.
He started to speak, but at thte time I was still under attack and I felt pressure in my head and I couldn't hear or understand what he was saying. What did shock me was that suddenly I saw a normal, run of the mill looking grey walk past my bedroom door and into the adjoining room. Then I saw two more, and some more go in that same room. Suddenly, this new grey spoke and the pressure cleared..."The greys are out in the hallway, would you like to see them?" I replied excitedly, "Yes."
I heard this stampede of footsteps run madly into my room and this sound of chatter, chatter, chatter around my bed...but I didn't see anything. I heard a voice ask, "Can you see us?" I replied, "I can hear but I can't see you."
With that reply I heard this sound like a disappointed little kid going Awwwwwwwwwwwwww!
The last thing I heard was the "new grey" say, "That is because you are not ready."
With that, all sense of presence left and they were gone.
4th July 2009, 05:49 PM
I have had something similar, in that I could hear voices of people around me but couldn't see them, but it hasn't happened in a long time, and there were no greys involved (that I know of, since I couldn't see them.) But strangely, the experience 'feels' familiar, whatever that means.
5th July 2009, 06:17 AM
But you did experience a grey too, didn't you CF? In your OBE journal?
I may have experienced a grey as a child. Not sure if that's what it was. Certainly not benevolent.
5th July 2009, 08:11 PM
Oh, I've experienced greys many times, in dreams, projections, and (the most frightening of all) paralysis experiences. But the sight/sound dislocation happened at other times.
I've had experience with 3 types of greys...benevolent, malevolent, and indifferent. To add to the confusion, many come from different points in time from our vantage point which complicates the different groups.
I just know this: When the nice ones show up, there is a strong, powerful, loving energy and all of my chakras open up. Residual cretins still attached to me make a break for it. And the thing anchored in my bed was yanked out one night.
When the nasty ones show up: It is an angry, threatneing, wild and out of control energy (like when you wlak near a power line and you feel that zzzzzzz). I feel suppressed and physically threatened. That happened a couple of months ago when I felt them appear in my backyard. I wasn't the only one...the family dog also felt it, jumped up, and began barking madly at the back yard.
A separate occasion several years ago: I was wearing a benedict's medal for the longest while. One night I took it offf. I can't remember what I did, but I did something that pissed them off. I actually saw and felt several short, angry somethings begin to materialize in my room with the attitude of "Once we get there you are dead." I grabbed my benedict medal, put it back on. There was a shriek and the short angry whatevers disappeared.
Two other occasions involving neg greys...
One night I woke up in the astral and heard fast moving footsteps in the house, like pounding footsteps running quickly room to room throughout the house. I think a piece of myself fragmented off said, "They've come to operate on her heart." Next thing I knew I saw my door open quickly and about 5 of the cretins surround my bed. They looked like the grey on the cover of Communion, whereas the nicer variety I have dealt with look like the ones on Budd Hopkins book Intruders (Making no connection to Strieber's visitors...they just looked similar). I felt my heart go up into my throat, manged to snap out of the astral event and went downstairs to a different part of the house to escape.
The last one...I was working with permissions after I found out about the "law" in existence regarding ETs on Earth, ie, if a human tells an ET to depart, they must depart. I went to bed...woke in the astral and heard a creepy sounding voice on the other side of the door say repeatedly and insistently, "Give us permission to take you." Suddenly I felt this force intervene and I felt the strength to say "NO" very strongly and repeatedly. It worked.
10th July 2009, 03:27 PM
Very interesting. You speak about a “download†can you please elaborate on that?
10th July 2009, 05:24 PM
Very interesting. You speak about a “download†can you please elaborate on that?
viewtopic.php?f=39&t=6952&p=52879#p52879 (
viewtopic.php?t=303 (
The first one is an intro to the second one, which has the pertinent info.
13th July 2009, 06:21 PM
I understand. Thanks for the links CF!
14th July 2009, 01:11 PM
Your experiences are fascinating. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering if you'd happened to have more info about the source of the "law" you mention:
I was working with permissions after I found out about the "law" in existence regarding ETs on Earth, ie, if a human tells an ET to depart, they must depart.
I'm not sure if my testimonial will help, but here it goes. Had so many dreams of aliens and flying when I was growing up. When I saw the first images of the aliens from close encounters, at around age 8, I experienced complete dread. Same with Streiber's cover. I don't know what it is but nothing else does that to me. Had a couple intense moments after waking up from dreams with aliens that included intense noises and vibrations. Growing up, I was always scared that they were just around the corner from my bedroom door, but I've never really come to terms whether they were or this was part of my over-active imagination.
Also (funny story), I once had what I now believe was a hypnogogic dream. Basically, I woke up from a dream with aliens again and there in the room was the figure from the dream. I guess this happens sometimes to people, and I've had it had a couple other times before with other images. The funny part of it was that I threw my pillow at it. (And it worked. The alien went away!) However, my wife (girlfriend at the time) was really wondering what was going on. At least she's able to laugh about it now.
I wonder about details of 'the law', because I sometime get the feeling that if 'I'm open to it and I dispense with all fear', I can make contact. But, I still have some growing to do first I guess.
14th July 2009, 02:31 PM
Your experiences are fascinating. Thanks for sharing. I was wondering if you'd happened to have more info about the source of the "law" you mention:
I was working with permissions after I found out about the "law" in existence regarding ETs on Earth, ie, if a human tells an ET to depart, they must depart.
I'm not sure if my testimonial will help, but here it goes. Had so many dreams of aliens and flying when I was growing up. When I saw the first images of the aliens from close encounters, at around age 8, I experienced complete dread. Same with Streiber's cover. I don't know what it is but nothing else does that to me. I had the same reaction the first time I saw the insectile queen in the original movie "Lilo and Stitch". (a children's movie). When she comes on in view for the same time I felt someone had dropped a bucket of water down my spine, and had to look away.
Had a couple intense moments after waking up from dreams with aliens that included intense noises and vibrations. This is typical of AP; more than likely you were 'coming back' from an astral adventure and the 'dreams' were really projections.
Also (funny story), I once had what I now believe was a hypnogogic dream. Basically, I woke up from a dream with aliens again and there in the room was the figure from the dream. I guess this happens sometimes to people, and I've had it had a couple other times before with other images. The funny part of it was that I threw my pillow at it. (And it worked. The alien went away!) However, my wife (girlfriend at the time) was really wondering what was going on. At least she's able to laugh about it now. That's what's known as a hypnopomp. I used to get them a lot, not so much anymore. It has to do with how slowly you wake up.
I wonder about details of 'the law', because I sometime get the feeling that if 'I'm open to it and I dispense with all fear', I can make contact. But, I still have some growing to do first I guess. You might be surprised on what you can see when you finally get over the fear.
15th July 2009, 08:28 PM
CFTraveler, your comments are very much appreciated!
Hopefully, I'll be moving past the fear sooner than later. I've been spending some time this summer finally going through Astral Dynamics in detail. I'm definitely enjoying the book and the progress. I'll be sure to pass on any significant breakthroughs. Thanks!
24th September 2009, 11:49 PM
Reportedly, there are about 9 different types of greys--some friendly, some hostile as previous posts on this thread alluded to. The very worst are supposedly operating in the Antarctic and South American realms. That said, a recent guest on coast to coast am, Drunvalo Melchizedek, indicated that the greys got thrown off the planet as a result of some esoteric work done by a young Peruvian woman. However, it appears that this is not the case after reading some of the experiences here.
Feedback appreciated with respect to this.
25th September 2009, 12:47 AM
I have read some of Drunvalo's work, and information like this usually comes from channeled material. (as someone who ocassionally channels personally, I know enough to take everything with a grain of salt). I think he is very intelligent and the sacred geometry info is fascinating, but as to the channeled material, well, not so much.
26th September 2009, 08:24 PM
thanks for your input CF Traveller---Whitely Streiber who has had first hand experiences with the greys also didn't buy into it.
3rd August 2010, 08:08 PM
Flew, what an interesting story. Why do you think the Greys take you? Why are they here?
According to The Law of One/Ra Material books, Earth is under a quarantine upheld by a confederation of different higher dimensional beings who are guarding us and letting us work out our planetary karma without outside influences. From time to time, however, there are negative aliens out there from a higher dimension that break quarantine and try to make contact with humans. Their purpose is to obtain power or control over us. They are not allowed to though because they are not allowed to infringe on our free will. But when the confederation finds out that this is happening, supposedly they bathe these entities in light/love and they are forced to return or can't proceed. I don't know if the Law of One books are true and can't prove them, but maybe this is why you have to give them permission to take you. Because they cannot break your free will. Maybe also, this is why using that saint pendant works against them, because you call on the higher powers for help.
Anyways, just a theory though.
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