View Full Version : Hey! Help please!

4th July 2009, 05:50 AM
My name is Zach.
I JUST created this accound on this site, because I thought I should give it a try.
I became VERY interested in astral projection about a year ago...and I've tried a couple of times but could never acually do it.
It is VERY hard for me to clear my mind...I'm working on that.
When I actually do, I am able to enter the "vibrating" thing...
and when that happens I don't know why, but once I realize I'm that close, it goes away and I'm back to where I started.
It's very difficult and frustrating.
ANY help from ANYONE would mean alot..
don't feel scared to talk to me I'm a nice person and maybe you could help me...
I can't WAIT till I have an OBE and can tell everyone about it :)
Please feel free to comment or whatever...
maybe we could text?

4th July 2009, 05:28 PM
Hi vtownzach.
I became VERY interested in astral projection about a year ago...and I've tried a couple of times but could never acually do it.
It is VERY hard for me to clear my mind...I'm working on that. Doesn't really give a lot of information to answer your poll. How do you know that clearing your mind is the problem?
Please tell us what steps you take to project, and what you do once you have exit symptoms.
Welcome to the forums, I hope we can help.

4th July 2009, 10:27 PM
Hi vtownzach.
I became VERY interested in astral projection about a year ago...and I've tried a couple of times but could never acually do it.
It is VERY hard for me to clear my mind...I'm working on that. Doesn't really give a lot of information to answer your poll. How do you know that clearing your mind is the problem?
Please tell us what steps you take to project, and what you do once you have exit symptoms.
Welcome to the forums, I hope we can help.

Sorry bout that.
Because everywhere I've researched astral projecting said to do it you have to lay down, in a comfortable position, and relax your whole body, and clear your mind. ( I know that's a very quick explination of how to do it but I just don't wanna type the whole process) I CONSTANTLY have a song or thought running through my mind...it's almost impossible to clear it. I've tried meditation and it don't work.
And like I said, I've done the vibration thing, and when I have that, everything stops and I'm back to normal.
I don't know what you mean once I have "exit symptoms"?

5th July 2009, 02:59 AM
Because everywhere I've researched astral projecting said to do it you have to lay down, in a comfortable position, and relax your whole body, and clear your mind. ( I know that's a very quick explination of how to do it but I just don't wanna type the whole process) I CONSTANTLY have a song or thought running through my mind...it's almost impossible to clear it. I've tried meditation and it don't work.
And like I said, I've done the vibration thing, and when I have that, everything stops and I'm back to normal.

Well, how Robert teaches AP'ing, is something along these lines:
Relaxation techniques (progressive muscle relaxation)
Energy raising (gives more control over energy body, more energy to 'take off' and projections to last longer, and it's a good meditative technique in general)
Breathing exercises- For cleansing, meditative and trance purposes
Trance work (to get into a trance, or to deepen the trance)
Energy body loosening (self explanatory)
Exit techniques- to be started once some sort of exit symtom happens.

If you follow a practice like this (in general) you will not have to worry about 'emptying your mind' or 'keeping it quiet' because the meditative techniques keep your mind occupied doing 'nonverbal things' which is the real impediment to a lucid trance, which is what you're trying to achieve.
Most people believe that a quiet mind means 'no thought', but the problem is 'monkey chatter', that is verbal thoughts, and the techniques help conquer this- the problem is that most of us really can't 'stop thinking' without years of meditative practice- but 'having thoughts' doesn't keep you from projecting, worrying about it is what causes the problem.
My advice to you is not to worry about this recurring thinking, and instead make it part of your routine- put 'thinking' in the list and give yourself time to do it. And when it's time to 'quiet your mind', don't try to 'not think', but simply watch your thoughts and let them go- observe them as if it wasn't you who is thinking- and imagine the thoughts in balloons and just 'watch them go'. If you have a thought, just accept it and watch it go.
This is what most of us do who project regularly.
As for vibrations, they are not always what you get when you're going to project, sometimes they come earlier in the trance- so if you get them simply continue your exercises (which should be in the 'energy body loosening' stage by now), and do an exit technique, whether the vibes have stopped or not.

I don't know what you mean once I have "exit symptoms"? Symptoms that you are ready to exit- they should be found in the topics that are stickied in the beginning of this forum "When you don't have vibrations"
"Your First Conscious Projection"
and Magickist's Vibration topic should answer your questions.

5th July 2009, 06:47 PM
Because everywhere I've researched astral projecting said to do it you have to lay down, in a comfortable position, and relax your whole body, and clear your mind. ( I know that's a very quick explination of how to do it but I just don't wanna type the whole process) I CONSTANTLY have a song or thought running through my mind...it's almost impossible to clear it. I've tried meditation and it don't work.
And like I said, I've done the vibration thing, and when I have that, everything stops and I'm back to normal.

Well, how Robert teaches AP'ing, is something along these lines:
Relaxation techniques (progressive muscle relaxation)
Energy raising (gives more control over energy body, more energy to 'take off' and projections to last longer, and it's a good meditative technique in general)
Breathing exercises- For cleansing, meditative and trance purposes
Trance work (to get into a trance, or to deepen the trance)
Energy body loosening (self explanatory)
Exit techniques- to be started once some sort of exit symtom happens.

If you follow a practice like this (in general) you will not have to worry about 'emptying your mind' or 'keeping it quiet' because the meditative techniques keep your mind occupied doing 'nonverbal things' which is the real impediment to a lucid trance, which is what you're trying to achieve.
Most people believe that a quiet mind means 'no thought', but the problem is 'monkey chatter', that is verbal thoughts, and the techniques help conquer this- the problem is that most of us really can't 'stop thinking' without years of meditative practice- but 'having thoughts' doesn't keep you from projecting, worrying about it is what causes the problem.
My advice to you is not to worry about this recurring thinking, and instead make it part of your routine- put 'thinking' in the list and give yourself time to do it. And when it's time to 'quiet your mind', don't try to 'not think', but simply watch your thoughts and let them go- observe them as if it wasn't you who is thinking- and imagine the thoughts in balloons and just 'watch them go'. If you have a thought, just accept it and watch it go.
This is what most of us do who project regularly.
As for vibrations, they are not always what you get when you're going to project, sometimes they come earlier in the trance- so if you get them simply continue your exercises (which should be in the 'energy body loosening' stage by now), and do an exit technique, whether the vibes have stopped or not.

I don't know what you mean once I have "exit symptoms"? Symptoms that you are ready to exit- they should be found in the topics that are stickied in the beginning of this forum "When you don't have vibrations"
"Your First Conscious Projection"
and Magickist's Vibration topic should answer your questions.

Wow ok thanks. That helped...I'm gong to take your advice. Would it be a problem if I contact you somewhere if I need further help?

5th July 2009, 06:48 PM
Hi Vtownzach. If you are able to get 'vibration' on a regular basis you are close to projection and thus have a good chance at success.

However, the plan to talk to friends directly after may not be such a good idea. I find these events come in clusters and also can be good opportunities to look within oneself a bit and learn some important things. There is an old saying, "the steam that blows the whistle can't turn the wheel". Perhaps you might consider keeping it to yourself for a few days and let things settle in, being sure you have a good journal record of how things went. Other OBE's and Lucid Dreams may follow quickly if you pay attention and continue the inward focus, rather than run out and start talking openly about it. (at least not right away).

just my 2cents....


Hm...ok thanks. I never thought about that. but it's a good idea. :)

5th July 2009, 08:19 PM
@ vtownzach: No problem, just pm me.