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4th July 2009, 03:32 AM
Hello all,

Something very strange happened to me during my Energy Body Prestimulation, I don't know if I fell asleep or not, but it seems as if I was away for a few seconds and then came back, and thought "what am I doing," while at the same time I felt the enrgy still bouncing in my arms, then very audibly I heard "BEAUTIFUL." Well, that kind of startled me...was that my own reaction to the work, was I awakening from a short dream??? I decided it was best not to dwell upon it, so I continued on with the rest of the exercises which went well.

Thanks again everyone for reading my posts and replying to me...It really helps me to stay on track with the program, and have someone to discuss my thoughts, feelings and experiences with, especially, since I don't have anyone I can share this who that can empathize and understand the work we are doing.


4th July 2009, 05:40 PM
You went into deep trance while doing energy work (that has happened to me) and heard 'voices', which are not uncommon when in deep trance. Most people become startled when they hear noises (static, whooshing, buzzing, etc.) when either separating or entering trance. With practice the auditory stuff happens earlier and earlier in trance, and in some people (like me, for example) the voices resolve into voices or music. Like visual hypnagogic imagery, which sometimes comes in and out of focus, auditory phenomena also will resolve into something more specific. The deeper the trance the more clear and focused the voices will be. You can sometimes interact with them, if deep enough, however I don't recommend you pay too much heed in what they say- keep a record and then compare with your real life events to see how they might have affected your life. This is because the source of these voices are most probably internal, but not from a part of your brain that 'thinks'- and that part of your mind will say anything at all to you, including lies (aka confabulation). Sometimes it'll be guides, and sometimes it'll be external entities, but when something comes from a 'higher' source, there will be a feeling of 'truth' to it that these voices do not convey.

5th July 2009, 03:02 AM
Question #1--When doing the Primary Center Stimulation, do I have to raise my energy 3 times from my feet to each chakra before I work on each particular area?

Question #2--Towards the end of my trance practice, I became very relaxed and couldn't stay inside my elevator, instead, I found myself looking down the elevator shaft at the the top of the elevator and watching it move down. Is that alright?

Also, while still in the elevator, I saw some guy standing inside my elevator and heard more nonsense from my "Elevator self," which seemed to be very suprised when it caught it's reflection in the steel, saw that I was White and said "I can't believe I'm white...Is there something I can do to get these images and chatter to stop, or should I just let them continue to happen. They are very brief, but I don't want them to distract me from my purpose.

I have always been very artistic and have had a very vivid imagination which i believe helps me in some areas, but I am worried it may hinder me as well.

:? IG

5th July 2009, 03:13 AM
Question #1--When doing the Primary Center Stimulation, do I have to raise my energy 3 times from my feet to each chakra before I work on each particular area? Get the flow going from your legs up and get it to the chakra. Then when you pull the energy from the chakra to the higher chakra feel the energy pulling up from the bottom all the way up. If you can feel the continuity from the feet up to the base and up and up, you don't have to start raising the energy on every one; but if you feel a 'disconnect' or a sense of non continuity then you should start the movement from the bottom up one by one.
To illustrate what I'm saying (this is not a technique, I'm just trying to give you a mental picture here) imagine that the energy is a rope that is infinite and divided coming up from your feet and tying itself on the base chakra. As it keeps pulling up it continues to tie itself up as it goes from chakra to chakra until you get to the top. So the flow should be continuous, and the sense of flow should be complete from feet all the way up, which is not always easy to achieve, hence the repetitive raising up from the feet, up the legs and into the chakras.
Does this help?

Question #2--Towards the end of my trance practice, I became very relaxed and couldn't stay inside my elevator, instead, I found myself looking down the elevator shaft at the the top of the elevator and watching it move down. Is that alright? It seems alright. The function of the exercise is to foster the feeling of going up (or down). If doing this seems a natural part of 'feeling the movement', then I don't see a problem with it.

Also, while still in the elevator, I saw some guy standing inside my elevator and heard more nonsense from my "Elevator self," which seemed to be very suprised when it caught it's reflection in the steel, saw that I was White and said "I can't believe I'm white...Is there something I can do to get these images and chatter to stop, or should I just let them continue to happen. They are very brief, but I don't want them to distract me from my purpose. Actually, they are an indication that you are achieving your purpose- the clairvoyant/clariaudient phenomena means that you are going into trance, which is what you want. So don't worry about being distracted, just get used to this. It's part of the experience.

I have always been very artistic and have had a very vivid imagination which i believe helps me in some areas, but I am worried it may hinder me as well.

:? IG It sounds as you're coming along nicely. Your imagination may keep things interesting for you.

6th July 2009, 03:30 AM
Thank you so very much...this really helped me!

TG :mrgreen:

14th July 2009, 03:00 AM
I had to take a couple days off from MAP...my mind was so preoccupied with other things that I just couldn't seem to focus. Nothing remarkable happened on day, 30, 31, or 32, but today I was just so happy to be back in tune with my MAP routine. I really enjoyed the feather exercise, I actually felt as if I was the feather floating free, with no awareness of my own body. Towards the end, in the distance I could hear monks singing, it was really pleasant and comforting.


14th July 2009, 01:57 PM
It sounds like you're having a wonderful experience. :)
Keep up the good work!

17th July 2009, 01:52 AM

I live in a very small studio/Jr. one bedroom apartment and my meditation space is in the middleof my one large room...My question is, is that there is really not any place 10 feet away from me in any direction for my OBE practice unless I go to the bedroom (more of an alcove). Should I attempt my conscious OBE's from the bed in the future or stay where I am?

Thanks everyone, your feedback is most helpful!!


17th July 2009, 02:27 AM
I'd say stay where you are, unless it's not comfortable or quiet enough.

17th July 2009, 03:24 AM
This is awesome, thanks, now I can post everything in one place...why didn't I think of that? :oops:

Okay, I'll stay where I am and try and use markers as far away as possible :)


17th July 2009, 01:32 PM
This is awesome, thanks, now I can post everything in one place...why didn't I think of that? :oops: That's why they pay me the big bucks-(JK, it's a volunteer position)- :)
I figured it'd be easier for you to look back and compare experiences instead of looking all over the place for your older posts.

22nd July 2009, 03:10 AM
I am on day 40 and today scared me what happened? I was doing the Body Loosening: Spin Loosening and when I really got my spin on, I heard something like a picture rattling on my wall. This sound defenitely came from INSIDE my apartment. I stopped for a few seconds, started spinning faster and again the same sound. I tried again and the third time I just ignored it as best as I could, it wasn't hurting me, so I thought perhaps this could happen in some instances...please respond with your experiences.


22nd July 2009, 02:03 PM
It's a phenomenon called "astral noise" or, the "things that go bump in your head". In other words, normal.

23rd July 2009, 04:02 AM
No astral noise today! It's good to know I am not losing my marbles, thanks CT Traveler!

Do you think stress levels and moods can effect your experiences? Yesterday, when I heard the astral noise I was a bit stressed, but today when I was calm and heard nothing.


23rd July 2009, 02:50 PM
Yes, but not that way. To me, hearing stuff is an indication I'm able to go deep without losing consciousness. Not the object, but a good indication. (and can be interesting).

24th July 2009, 03:41 AM
I decided to repeat the last day of part one before moving on to part two...wish me luck :D