View Full Version : Water Witchers?

2nd July 2009, 11:17 PM
I have recently become interested in Astral Projecting and how to do it, and I desire greatly to be able to do so. I've never been a big follower of any religion but I don't really believe that we are nothing more than meat and calcium.

I discovered a couple of years ago that I am myself, a water witcher. Whenever I have done it though it seems completely out of my hands and I don't have the ability to control it, or even feel anything inside of me, other than once my stick starts to turn down I cannot physically stop it no matter how hard I try unless I drop it. However until now I have never tried meditation or trances at all, and thus have never been aware of these things or how one would control such energies.

My question is as follows: Do you consider water witching to be a psychic ability that might indicate that I have a high probability for success if I stick with the MAP program and continue to practice?

Robert Bruce
11th March 2010, 02:20 PM


if you are a successful water dowser, you have psychic abilities/sensitivity, and so you will likely be successful at OBE
