View Full Version : Mastering Astral Projection-day to day progress

30th June 2009, 02:32 PM
Hi everyone, I'm new here but this astral projection subject has become my major focus these days. I am currently using the book and generator. I am at day 32. I was just wondering if any of you were interested in opening a thread where all of those who use this book would write short comments, anything that is worth commenting about. So that we can see if any of us has any luck and see what is the average number of days needed in order to achieve a first and wonderful OBE.
It is not intended to frustrate those who cannot manage after 60 days but all kind of wierd things happen to me and I'm sure some of you share the same sensations, or those who haven't started yet would like to know what they can expect at each stage.
I do have a real problem though with AP, I tend not to concentrate on my job anymore, I just keep looking at the time and look forward to go home to do my energy work and exercises. I keep reading 100's of books on the brain/quantum physics/consciousness/ life after death. I'd like to know whether this is a normal transition for all of us and whether it is going to smooth eventually. When I think that I was convinced I was an atheist and that the brain was just a computer.....what a revelation !
The authors advise to do the energy/trance/exit exercises in the afternoon...but I have to work ! Is it better to do them at night (8.30pm-10pm) or to wake up at 5am to do them ?

30th June 2009, 03:39 PM
Hi everyone, Hi sleepingbeauty and welcome to the forums.

I'm new here but this astral projection subject has become my major focus these days. I am currently using the book and generator. I am at day 32. I was just wondering if any of you were interested in opening a thread where all of those who use this book would write short comments, anything that is worth commenting about. So that we can see if any of us has any luck and see what is the average number of days needed in order to achieve a first and wonderful OBE. I think there is a thread here about just this. But if you want to use this one that's fine. When I did MAP I projected in 30 days, but I'm not typical.

It is not intended to frustrate those who cannot manage after 60 days but all kind of wierd things happen to me and I'm sure some of you share the same sensations, or those who haven't started yet would like to know what they can expect at each stage. Well, in the OBE research & discussion there are a number of stickied threads, and there is one called "Your First Conscious Projection" that describes what can happen, so that you're not surprised or scared when it works and you do it.

I do have a real problem though with AP, I tend not to concentrate on my job anymore, I just keep looking at the time and look forward to go home to do my energy work and exercises. I keep reading 100's of books on the brain/quantum physics/consciousness/ life after death. I'd like to know whether this is a normal transition for all of us and whether it is going to smooth eventually. When I think that I was convinced I was an atheist and that the brain was just a computer.....what a revelation !
The authors advise to do the energy/trance/exit exercises in the afternoon...but I have to work ! Is it better to do them at night (8.30pm-10pm) or to wake up at 5am to do them ? I think you should do what works for you. The reason that they advise doing the EW in the afternoon is that some people become so energized that they lose sleep if they do it at night, but if that is not a factor for you, don't worry about it.
One thing about a major change of paradigm is that it is always life-changing. Most people get traumatized because they don't have anyone to talk to when they 'discover' the bigger picture- I hope you find a community here for that and so you can transition more easily in your life. So don't worry, that too shall pass- the new is only new once.
So welcome to the forums.

1st July 2009, 03:55 AM
If this is to be the thread for general MAP comments, I'll post my two cents early. I had a go at the MAP program twice. The first time I made it about 2/3rds through before abandoning it. The second time I made it all the way through. Neither yielded a projection.

However, the program introduced me to a lot of good habits, like daily meditation and energy work. Daily meditation has always been hit-and-miss for me, but the program showed me the ups and downs of it. The energy work I mostly already knew and practiced from Astral Dynamics, just not as often as in the program. This says nothing of the projection techniques, which are so varied and numerous that at least a few will be ones you'll remember vividly and keep practicing. So I don't consider the lack of projection as a failure, rather my abandonment of the program the first time through.

What made me "keep at it" the second time was keeping a public record of it. I made a forum post every week which consisted of a basic report/outline of my progress in the past week. I held myself accountable for these posts until the end, and I know I wouldn't have made it through if not for that. Both times, somewhere in the second part of the program I started to get bored and worn down. It may be that nothing new was introduced in the second part of the book besides techniques, but it could also be that I just don't like daily meditation enough to string it along for 90 days. However, I also knew that if I took even one day off, it would have been 10 times harder to continue with the next day.

1st July 2009, 02:17 PM
thank you so much for your comments and advise. I hope Blaze that you found a method that works better for you..I do understand your disappointment.
I haven't had any obe so far, although I've had some wierd stuff going on. I started the MAP 32 days ago, I do one set each day.
It took me about 3 weeks to settle because at first, I would just fall asleep at one point or another, which means that I was spending 2 to 3 hours sitting on a chair in one go ! I was and am determined to follow the course thoroughly, so that I can't blame myself later on.
It had some kind of nice feeling at first with the energy works but I first thought that it could be the mind. Now I definitely know it's the energy, it's such a nice sensation. The most dramatic feeling was when I had to stimulate the throat center, I suddenly got a flash of light, just like the one you would get from these additional lights connected to a camera...without the noise. Yesterday (D32), as I was stimulating the top of my head, pretending to pour some purple energy contained in a porous ball made of glass (the energy is moving, waving, just like light bursts, storm), I released it in the top of my head, I don't know why but my eyes just immediately opened, it went so fast I couldn't control it.
I must have done too much energy work last night because I was completely lightheaded in bed and overexcited. I had a wierd dream though, I thought my son called me and I just woke up with my eyes wide open, I was in bed but my "physical body" was on the floor, the legs were vertical, I touched one of my feet, it was hard and warm, not a nice feeling.
I heard noise in the house, like a family with kids. I was wondering why and at that moment a woman entered my bedroom, she was waving her head as if she were looking for someone, I asked her what she was doing in my house and she just ignored me ! it was strange, obviously not an OBE but much more vivid than a dream.
As I was doing my exercices, I suddenly saw a black man in a forest (his whole body was painted, it was very beautiful), the image was static but so sharp, I was wondering why I had that image, I've never had that before.
I could keep it there for a really long time.
Anyway, that's about it with my "adventures"...not that exciting !
forgot one stuff, I was on holiday and woke up in the middle of the night. I tried to do some breath awareness and count each of them.. I must have fallen asleep because I don't remember any exit symptoms. The next thing I knew was that I was at home, it was a very short trip because I only had time to look in front of me and sideways for what appeared to be 30 secs at most, and an enormous force was pushing me backwards, the force didn't go through my belly and didn't move me at first. It was sooo wierd, I was "there" knowing that I should be somewhere else, I didn't want to go back to my physical body because I realized this wave was trying to send my back to my physical body (I tried to walk but it was impossible). I started to shout "move to the living room now !" and I instantly shifted back to my physical body. I was completely awake with my eyes closed wth some very nice tinkling sensations and a very mild buzzing sound.
To this day, I still wonder what this was, I had no exit symptoms but the house, the body, the feelings and the re-entry were so powerful, so real. I can still remember this in details to this day
that was about three weeks ago, snif !

1st July 2009, 03:29 PM
I haven't had any obe so far Yes you did. The third one was an OBE, you just were asleep for the exit.

I must have done too much energy work last night because I was completely lightheaded in bed and overexcited. I had a wierd dream though, I thought my son called me and I just woke up with my eyes wide open, I was in bed but my "physical body" was on the floor, the legs were vertical, I touched one of my feet, it was hard and warm, not a nice feeling. I think this is your subconscious preparing you for the experience of consciously being away from your body, something that, while common, is mostly not experienced while awake and aware.

I heard noise in the house, like a family with kids. I was wondering why and at that moment a woman entered my bedroom, she was waving her head as if she were looking for someone, I asked her what she was doing in my house and she just ignored me ! it was strange, obviously not an OBE but much more vivid than a dream. You had a visit either from another projector, or you had a 'dweller' symptom and the woman was a self aspect.

As I was doing my exercices, I suddenly saw a black man in a forest (his whole body was painted, it was very beautiful), the image was static but so sharp, I was wondering why I had that image, I've never had that before. This is an archetypal image (which has it's own meaning) but I suggest you were having a clairvoyant vision-screen.

I was on holiday and woke up in the middle of the night. I tried to do some breath awareness and count each of them.. I must have fallen asleep because I don't remember any exit symptoms. The next thing I knew was that I was at home, it was a very short trip because I only had time to look in front of me and sideways for what appeared to be 30 secs at most, and an enormous force was pushing me backwards, the force didn't go through my belly and didn't move me at first. It was sooo wierd, I was "there" knowing that I should be somewhere else, I didn't want to go back to my physical body because I realized this wave was trying to send my back to my physical body (I tried to walk but it was impossible). I started to shout "move to the living room now !" and I instantly shifted back to my physical body. I was completely awake with my eyes closed wth some very nice tinkling sensations and a very mild buzzing sound.
To this day, I still wonder what this was, I had no exit symptoms but the house, the body, the feelings and the re-entry were so powerful, so real. I can still remember this in details to this day
that was about three weeks ago, snif ! This was a classic spontaneous OBE and the buzzing sound was reentry sensations.

1st July 2009, 08:47 PM
Dear CFTraveler,
I just don't know how to thank you, not only do you reply to all of us in no time but your answers are so useful as well !
The kitchen event was so real, just as real as my body here. The thing is, I can't really talk about this to many people and those who I told this story to ALL had the same answer "I'm sure you think it's real but it's just a dream, you know your kitchen by heart, it therefore doesn't prove anything. The day you'll come to my house and describe something, I'll believe you".
The clairvoyant thing intrigues me, I actually thought that it must be an image I've seen in a book or on TV.
For the dweller, that's getting spooky, if it is indeed a dweller, does this mean I'm likely to see her again ?!
This is getting out of subject but I have two comments about clairvoyance and one question.
I was once in the city center doing some shopping when it suddenly occurred to me that my mum had just died. I didn't hear any voice or had any flash but I just knew. I had that surge to phone to find out and I was told that she had died an hour ago !I had absolutely no reason to think she was going to die at that period of time.
The second event was when I was between 8 and 10. I was at home listening to the music, that's what I used to do everyday of the week. I would usually do that till 5pm when it was time to pick up my mum at the tram stop. That day, I suddenly started to smell gas, it was horrible, I went downstairs, asked the neighbours if they could smell it too and I got a negative answer. I was so scared that I left the house, and waited for a long time for my mum.
She arrived and as we were walking back home, we heard an enormous blast. There is a shop one block from my house which sells small gas containers.They had hundreds of them in the backyard. Most of them blew up. To this day, I still don't think it was pure "coincidence". It was caused by someone lighting a cigarette in the shop. one container was leaking... I couldn't smell that, no way !
enough blabla, my question is about sleep paralysis, I had a lot of them when I was a teenager, I one day got stuck in the sofa, I must have fallen asleep as I was watching tv. The tv was still on when I woke up completely paralysed. I could watch the whole program, I had nothing else to do anyway, I was stuck ! was I watching tv with my real eyes or with my projection ?
how ironic, the french news just showed a news coverage about NDE's. A hospital has put a big present in a room in the hospital, inside is a computer which has one small word on the screen, the word changes every hour. IF someone is capable of reading a word, they will start a huge study on NDE. Hopefully, someone will manage.

1st July 2009, 09:10 PM
For the dweller, that's getting spooky, if it is indeed a dweller, does this mean I'm likely to see her again ?!

Not necessarily, since the dweller is usually your own aspect or energy body reacting to your own thoughts (being formed by it). So if it is, chances are it won't look the same.

I was stuck ! was I watching tv with my real eyes or with my projection ?
More than likely your projectable double, or your pineal gland. But given the information, there's no way to know now.

19th July 2009, 09:19 PM
Hi there,

I'm new to these forums. I have attempted this program three other times and stopped after 15 days the last time. This time, I intend to complete the course. I have finished day 13 of the course and this is what has happened so far. When I first started with the course, I only got somewhere in the second week and stopped. However, a couple of weeks after stopping, I had what I'm certain is an inner-body projection. I saw through my third eye and was very aware of my physical body. I was going through what seemed a wormhole or something similar to hyperspace in the Star Wars films. I knew what was happening and was little scared, so I called out for my spirit guide. I'm not sure if who/what I saw was my spirit guide, but a face appeared in my third eye region. This face was a mixture of human and feline and seemed to most likely be a woman. Then, the face disappeared and I continued to see the wormhole. However, this was scaring me to much, so I aborted. That was about a year ago. Then, I decided to start up again a few months later. I got about two weeks into the program and then my ex broke up with me, so I wasn't emotionally ready and stopped the program. Then, about a couple of weeks later, I experienced another inner body experience. This time, I saw the face of a man, and once more I was going through a black hole thing. Because of my ex just having broken up with me, my thoughts were on seeing my "twinflame" for those that believe in such things. I continued down the worm hole for some time, and then I saw a HUGE rectangular-like space ship. It must have been miles long. I can only assume it was a mothership because there were a bunch of tiny spaceships going to and fro that big ship. I got very excited and accidentally aborted this time. The second time, my fear of this experience had lessened.

Now, most recently about a month ago, I heard a voice call out my name that I never heard call out for me before just when I was about to go to sleep. This startled me and caused me to jump up. So, I decided to start up the program again. This time, on day 7, I had an interesting dream. I saw in my dream what I recognized as an astral entity. This dream felt like a dream. I can't exactly describe this entity. It sort of resembles a creature in the Sandman comic series the issue where William Shakespere performs a Midsummer's Night Dream. What was most interesting, is that I felt a sort of jester-like quality coming from this creature. It didn't feel exactly malicious, but not the most pleasant critter either. Anyway, do you think I had a dream, or was that perhaps an unconscious astral projection. I also want to note that so far I have just figured out how to do the spine bounce. That has been a challenge to me. As well, I'm having difficulties with the body bounce. Perhaps, someone can offer me some helpful advice to help me with this. Thank you.

19th July 2009, 09:26 PM

Does anyone know of any Astral Projection workshops in Southern California. I think it would help me a lot. Thanks.

19th July 2009, 10:00 PM
I also want to note that so far I have just figured out how to do the spine bounce. That has been a challenge to me. As well, I'm having difficulties with the body bounce. Perhaps, someone can offer me some helpful advice to help me with this. Thank you. The thing that got the full-body bounce to work for me the best was to do it laying down on the floor with my arms up, and to bounce the energy from the hands, through the body and to the feet and bounce back up.
As to workshops in So. Cali, Robert has a workshop page in the main site with the schedule. If SoCal isn't on it, email Robert and maybe you can sponsor something and get it for free.

20th July 2009, 09:18 PM
The thing that got the full-body bounce to work for me the best was to do it laying down on the floor with my arms up, and to bounce the energy from the hands, through the body and to the feet and bounce back up.
As to workshops in So. Cali, Robert has a workshop page in the main site with the schedule. If SoCal isn't on it, email Robert and maybe you can sponsor something and get it for free.

Thank you, today Day 14 of the program I achieved the full body energy bounce. This stuff is starting to get easier for me. :D