View Full Version : Past life with guide

Neil Templar
30th June 2009, 11:25 AM
so in my quest to get to know this guide who seems to be there for me, i've begun requesting that he show me something of his own life or his own world in my dreams. one response was this dream - viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14685 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14685)

the other night i asked him to show me something of any past lives we might have known each other in...

we were brothers, sons of a ruler, the king, or emperor of some place.
from the way we were dressed and the interior of the building, it looked like maybe medieval/ viking times.
we both had dark hair, quite long, with beards. i also seem to remember wearing brown furs.
i think i was the younger, cos he was next in line for the throne.
there was a problem tho. he was an unkind man, and the people didn't want him to rule.
they wanted me to be next to rule, which he of course didn't like.
also, i think i had some skill in magic, which he was jealous of too. there was a moment where i slipped out of time/ space for some reason, and when i returned he was furious and tried to kill me.

30th June 2009, 03:42 PM
I'm going to find a link that you may find interesting. It's an old one, so it may take some time.

Neil Templar
30th June 2009, 04:05 PM
cheers! :D

30th June 2009, 08:13 PM
I looked and looked and couldn't find it. It was in Whitley Strieber's website, I first read it on his book The Key (I think that's where it was, I read most his books) and was in the website too, but I think they moved that particular account to the subscriber section. In it Whitley talks about something that happened to him when his son was young and had sleepovers, he was driving his son and his friend to his friend's house when all of a sudden the landscape changed and it looked different- the houses were of a completely different architecture (your description reminded me of this) and then after they got lost in this 'alternate universe-type' neighborhood, they went out to the freeway and everything got normal again.
I remember when I first read it (in his book) I thought 'slip to alternate universe', and when you described this 'world' to me it sounded a lot like the same place.
Sorry I couldn't find it to compare with.

1st July 2009, 07:16 AM
He tells that story in a couple of Youtube videos. The buildings don't look normal. They tend to be styled with dragons or something similar. The boy shares the experience, so he knows he hasn't just imagined it. There are time-slip stories in his repertoire too.

Recent time slip stuff here (http://www.unknowncountry.com/mindframe/opinion/)

1st July 2009, 02:48 PM
That'd be a creepy experience, for sure!
I don't know what I'd do exactly if my surrounding were changing that drastically.

2nd July 2009, 10:50 AM
I guess if it happened often enough you'd just adjust. Always better though to find others like you.

2nd July 2009, 03:27 PM
and when i returned he was furious and tried to kill me.
I had this thought immediately upon first reading this but I kept quiet for a bit to see what else would come up in the thread.

I think you need to ask him to show you exactly how you died in that lifetime. I rather suspect he doesn't want you to know, for reasons that will become obvious when you do know. In the meantime, tell him you want to know and I think he's going to have to show you.

Neil Templar
2nd July 2009, 03:58 PM
yeah i suspect that the reason the experience ended there was cos he did it. :evil:
but that's fine, that's how we work out our karma, lifetime to lifetime, in this lifetime he's watching out for me.

i will ask him tho. i have to see it to get closure and reintegrate that part of me, right?
that'll be tonight's "project" :)