View Full Version : Mastering Astral Projection

29th June 2009, 11:02 AM
Hi there! After reading the forums and lots of other literature for more than a year, I have made up my mind to begin practicing ENERGY and AP. I have not the funds, I should have gone in for the PAPI. But atleast I have two books at my disposal NEW and MAP 90 day programme by Robert Bruce and Brian Mercer.

My Question however is which book should come first NEW or MAP or should they be read concurrently. Will be grateful for an answer for I think its fun being in the astral and the idea of being able to move energy is just great.


29th June 2009, 12:56 PM
I haven't read or started the MAP book personally... but I do believe that the MAP program entails using the NEW program, or at least some of it.

I've already read Astral Dynamics... so, I'd probably suggest reading that first to give yourself a solid head start, but you should be able dive directly into MAP with no problems. :)

29th June 2009, 03:27 PM
Are you talking about the book Energy Work, or the NEW tutorial online?
Anyway, as Xanth said, the MAP system integrates NEW and other techniques to teach you to project, and it's a step-by step program. So if you mean the NEW tutorials, I'd say you can use it to look up stuff you may have questions about when you reach a specific part you may find difficult. So concurrently sounds good to me.
However, the book Energy Work goes beyond what you learn with NEW (more techniques, more specialization) so I'd read it after you've finished MAP, to use it for further energy body development- because projection is just one thing to do with your energy body.

30th June 2009, 08:04 AM
Thanks to you all for the replys. Iam now going to begin the AP 90 day program. Iam done with Astral dynamics but I have to admit I skipped the NEW bit of it hopingto read it in NEW. Wish me luck.

14th August 2009, 12:46 PM
Hi every body, hope all is well with you. I have completed MAP week one day 7. I need to verify whether am on the right track. So here I go:

I tend to yawn to much after the relaxation and breathing exercise and I kind of feel sleepy when I am doing the energy work (bounce)exercises
When I focus my awareness in the feet I feel sensations even after hours am done with the exercises
When am doing the leg bounce I do not feel the same kind and intensity of sensations as felt in the feet instead it feels like some kind of heat/warmth. I also find that the sensation in the legs disappears faster after doing energy work than that in the feet.

Is there something am missing out or should I proceed to week 2? I do not wish to delay. I will appreciate any responses to this. Thank you.

14th August 2009, 06:54 PM
It sounds like you're doing ok. I'd proceed in your case.

17th August 2009, 08:22 AM
Thanks CFTraveler. I will go to wk 2