View Full Version : Are Dreams Really Astral Projections?

28th June 2009, 03:03 AM
Dreams are frequently sighted as a proof that anyone can learn astral projection, since it is asserted that dreams are just unconscious astral projection. However, I frequently have dreams that cannot be happening anywhere in the astral plane. Last night I had one where my friend and I were getting ready to go to a party. She was supposed to prepare a salad and I was to bring some booze. Now, I cannot imagine any astral plane where there are salads and booze. Souls do not eat or drink.

So, are dreams really astral projections?

28th June 2009, 03:12 AM
Dreams do not occur in the astral plane. Robert Bruce has said this a couple of times. More recently, he has also added that dreams probably occur on the mental level.

28th June 2009, 03:44 AM
Many thanks for your answer. So, realistically, is astral travel open to only selected few?

28th June 2009, 05:14 AM
Now, I cannot imagine any astral plane where there are salads and booze. Souls do not eat or drink.
Keep in mind that things in dreams and astral are rarely literal. Notable things are typically symbols for something else, because the brain has to interpret whatever was experienced using the knowledge that it has.

So, are dreams really astral projections?
I can only answer this from what I've read of others' experiences. A powerful projection is often said to be beyond any dream, such that the lucidity and experience is not only beyond dreaming, but beyond waking as well. Colors that are "brighter than bright", experiences which cannot be translated into words with accurate portrayal, and more, are described.

is astral travel open to only selected few?
I would say that it is. It is open only to those who either:

a) have some inherent ability in it due to various circumstances (projected in childhood, etc), or
b) have the motivation and dedication to strive to achieve it until they do

Hope that's helpful.

28th June 2009, 07:48 AM
Profound and really helpful, thanks.

28th June 2009, 11:28 AM
It's my understanding that dreams happen in a particular section/frequency of the astral planes. While many people project out of lucid dreams by "returning" to their bodies first and moving around in the Real Time Zone, many simply create portals and access the astral planes directly. Certainly Kurt Leland talks about accessing the After Death Zones out of lucid dreams and also meeting guides/facilitators who set up "simulations" for learning greater control within these planes. It seems some type of "travel" is perceived when one does this, for example, one may perceive oneself climbing stairs or swimming across a river or flying towards a grid.

My own experiences include simultaneous consciousness of dreaming and projecting in the Real Time Zone, which makes clear to me that two distinct energy bodies are functioning in these different "environments". Nonetheless, reality fluctuations occur while you're in the RTZ so I imagine that the dream consciousness and the etheric body consciousness are very close.

28th June 2009, 03:51 PM
Many thanks for your answer. So, realistically, is astral travel open to only selected few?

It is something to be learned.

Anybody can learn.

So first learn how to do real time OBE from full waking consciousness.

28th June 2009, 05:26 PM
Dreams do not occur in the astral plane. Robert Bruce has said this a couple of times. More recently, he has also added that dreams probably occur on the mental level. Actually, this is not accurate. Robert has said that personal dreams usually occur in your personal space in the astral. This is not the same as saying they don't happen in the astral plane. Sometimes we project from our dream environment (something he also talks about in his works), making the distinction more iffy.
Remember that the distinction between planes and regions is of functionality, there is no physical boundary separating them, and when we see a boundary it is usually our visual interpretation of energetic data.

28th June 2009, 05:28 PM
Many thanks for your answer. So, realistically, is astral travel open to only selected few? No, it is for whoever wants to learn to control them.

28th June 2009, 10:41 PM
Right, the dream occurs in the physical body without a projection of a double

But Robert has also said now, that dreams occur on the mental level.

29th June 2009, 12:01 AM
Right, the dream occurs in the physical body without a projection of a double

No, dreams also happen after some separation happens. Here is what Robert has said about it, directly quoted:

During sleep, the energy body, also known as the etheric body or vitality sheath, is put on charge. It expands and opens in order to accumulate and store energy. The energy body can, normally, only do this in its expanded state during sleep. Once expanded, the chakras trickle power, in the form of etheric matter, into the energy body. During this recharging process the astral body separates and tunes into the astral dimension where it can create and experience dreams.

If this separation is done consciously, or if you become aware after it, you can take some control over it. It then becomes an OOBE, astral projection or lucid dream.
... Or, to be more precise:

Astral Projection Or Lucid Dream?

Many astral projectors black out before making a conscious exit from their body and return to awareness in the astral dimension. You become aware after the actual separation from the physical body and are usually already in the astral dimension. If you miss the conscious exit from your body you are technically having a lucid dream, not an astral projection as you have become aware after separation.

All three types of projection are closely related, i.e., they all involve the astral body separating from the physical and experiencing a reality separate from the physical body.
So the difference is not whether there is separation or not, the difference is in the awareness of separation or memory of it, according to Robert.

For more detail the link is:

http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials ... -1.html#12 (http://www.astraldynamics.com/tutorials/astral-projection/part-1.html#12)

-by Robert Bruce.

But Robert has also said now, that dreams occur on the mental level. Yes, but the mental component is not one of location, it is one of quality.

Realize now that I am not arguing with you about whether your theory is correct or not- everyone has their ideas of what happens and how- I am simply clearing up what Robert actually said.