View Full Version : Very excited--Lucid dream

27th June 2009, 03:13 PM
During my dream in which many things were happening I suddenly said to my dream self "Wait I think this is a dream, let me check," then "am I dreaming?" "Is this real?" "Can I fly?" After I asked my dream self these questions I suddenly saw a door opening, then a window opening, then a brick wall breaking, My dream self then said..."ah, a breakthrough!" This was totally awesome, and I would have forgotten it if I hadn't been writing in my dream journal.

I'm starting week four next week and I am a little nervous...I have been battling anxiety for a few years, mostly when I drive, does this constitute as an emotional problem? Actually, since I have been doing the exercises, I got on the freeway for the first time last week with no anxiety, so the relaxation techniques have helped me with that as well!!


27th June 2009, 07:41 PM
I don't thing regular ol' anxiety would qualify as an emotional problem unless it's caused by underlying repressed trauma. (That is, trauma so intense that you forgot about it). If it's the case, the cause will surface as an experience in the astral or mental plane. But if it's just a side effect of daily living or just your personality, then I wouldn't worry about it and actually the meditative work seems to help with it, as far as I know. So I'd say generally chances are don't worry about it.
However, I have no medical degree that I know of. :D So take my words as what they are- inexpert advice only.

28th June 2009, 09:59 AM
Tudorgirl, a complete Magnesium supplement did wonders for my feelings of anxiety.

Kevin Bridges
29th January 2010, 12:28 AM
That is fantastic! I'm glad that the work is helping you with your hangups. Also, the lucid dream! Very exciting.