View Full Version : Unbalanced

27th June 2009, 12:01 AM
I have ADD, not the hyperactive form, but the tired, depressive, low-energy form. I'm generally a low-key person, always tired and I catch colds easily.

With my "healing from afar" post I mentioned that I have been sending energy from my heart center to a friend. I've been doing this for about a week and since the first day I started I suddenly became extremely energetic. I've felt like I just chugged several energy drinks at once! I've been bouncing off the walls, I can't sit still, I talk quickly, and I can't stand sitting at home. I have to get out of the house. I've also been moody, damn near bipolar, and my mind is scattered, thinking about a million things at once. At some points I feel almost psychotic.

Then, just earlier today, I got to the part in the Energy Work book about grounding, in which you discribe just about all the symptoms I'm experiencing. I laid down on the bed and started filling myself with mud. Nice, cool, mud. It was very relaxing and calming. Then I took a nice nap. Right now my body feels sluggish, but my mind is finally calming down.

My problem is, I absolutly love the high physical energy! I've never felt so alive in my life and I want to keep it up. I've been so happy lately, I've been getting out of the house and running around with friends. I've had energy to actually do something rather than lay around and sleep all day. However, the scattered brained feeling, the antsiness, and psychotic episodes are not good and I'm starting to scare people. I've said and done some dumb things this pass week that I regret, but I felt like I had little control over myself and my emotions.

How can I keep this high energy up, without throwing myself out of balance and causing all the other symptoms? Since I filled myself with mud, I'm feeling pretty back to normal, back to my old tired, boring, self. The energy has made me so happy this past week. I've had so much fun. I want to be a high energy person.

Thank you for your time.

Robert Bruce
11th March 2010, 01:59 PM

first, i suggest you get a copy of my book, Energy Work, if not already. This provides much of what you need to know.

Look upon your body and mind as you would an exotic sports car.

You have previously been driving a 57 Chevy. Now you've test driven an Audi sports.

So, if you want to function at a higher level, you need to take care of yourself, and maybe change a few habits.

Do regular energy work and meditation.

Eat lots of raw organic food (50% of your diet).

Drink lots of clean filtered water.

Avoid recreational drugs and alcohol.

Get plenty of healthy exercise and fresh air.


Moderation and balance are the keys to a happier and healthier life.
