View Full Version : Vibrational state

26th June 2009, 10:55 PM
Hi RB!! First, thank you in advance if you read and answer this!!

I read your treatise on astral projection and decided after many attempts to try your rope technique. The first time that I used it, I went surprised when the vibrations came, because I had never experienceed such powerful sensations (even if I know how to use NEW and attain the trance state). Your technique is the first one to make me go this high in the steps to astral project, and it's why I'd like to thank you. So thank you! But I would also like to ask you a question:

If I'm able to reach the vibrational state, am I close to the astral projection? The thing is, I get surprised everytime I sense my chakras pulsing and the energy flowing in me. Do you have a special trick I did not see?

Thank you again, Soki.

Robert Bruce
10th March 2010, 03:30 PM

When you get vibrations, an OBE is happening. you need to get yourself out of the way to let it happen.

If you have tried Rope and get too excited or it does not work, do the following.

just relax and be calm and observe what is happening.

Keep your mind and thoughts clear. Relax and observe. Do this and the obe will happen. then you can take it from there.
