View Full Version : problems with brushing

22nd June 2009, 01:44 PM
Hi, I am on day 5 of MAP and have noticed that I am finding it difficult to master the brushing. I do fine with the sponge and get definite reaction from it, but I find it hard with brushing, especially on the toes. I find I don't seem to have an awareness of my toes as being seperate from each other and so when I try to brush each one in turn, I struggle. I have no problem with brushing across the feet, all toes as once, nor even on the soles of my feet which give strong reactions.

I read elsewhere in this forum that the fact I am experiencing reactions, ie tingling shows that blockages are in place. What then is the reaction I'm looking for? If the tingling goes away, which proves the blockages have gone, surely there'll be no reaction at all and I'll be wondering if anything is happening? Sorry to seem so thick but I'm new to this technique.

Could you also tell me if there is a preferred time of day to do these exercises? I normally do them late evening, shortly before bed. I read one post that said someone did them at 2am - gosh I can't stay up that late lol.

22nd June 2009, 04:13 PM
Hi, I am on day 5 of MAP and have noticed that I am finding it difficult to master the brushing. I do fine with the sponge and get definite reaction from it, but I find it hard with brushing, especially on the toes. I find I don't seem to have an awareness of my toes as being seperate from each other and so when I try to brush each one in turn, I struggle. I have no problem with brushing across the feet, all toes as once, nor even on the soles of my feet which give strong reactions. Everyone has different reactions to brushing, so I'd say that if sponging is working for you don't worry about brushing individually-doing it 'toothbrush' style is fine too.

I read elsewhere in this forum that the fact I am experiencing reactions, ie tingling shows that blockages are in place. I disagree with this assertion. I think even though blockages are normal and everybody's got one, it's only very strong sensation (or rather, strong sensation 'for you') that means that there's blockages. But it's also true that energy work stimulates your physical nerves (due to increased circulation), so that the sensitivity of your physical nerves (or lack of it) plays a factor too. So all these 'rules of thumb' are very relative.

What then is the reaction I'm looking for? If the tingling goes away, which proves the blockages have gone, surely there'll be no reaction at all and I'll be wondering if anything is happening? Sorry to seem so thick but I'm new to this technique. Not thick, that is a good question. I'd say that strong sensation=blockages. As the sensations diminish this shows blockages being 'smoothed out' but it doesn't necessarily mean you will eventually have no sensation- I'd look for a diminishing of the baseline, and go from there.

Could you also tell me if there is a preferred time of day to do these exercises? I normally do them late evening, shortly before bed. I read one post that said someone did them at 2am - gosh I can't stay up that late lol. You can do them any time you have the peace and quiet. Some people become so energized by them that they can't sleep, so I usually recommend morning energy work. But it depends on your schedule and sleep habits.

23rd June 2009, 12:03 AM
Hey merita. Congratulations on starting MAP. I too am new to NEW. :roll: I've been doing energy work for about a month now. When I first started, I had the same trouble as you, awareness-targeting each toe. I had to scratch each one first, for a few days, until I started getting the sensations. It also helped if I awareness-stirred the joints real good before brushing. My left foot seemed to respond quicker than the right, but eventually I was able to focus on each individual toe with little effort. I think that you will be amazed at how quickly and naturally your energy body responds to the work you do. Good Luck.


28th June 2009, 01:08 PM
Thank you both. I've now completed the first week and have stayed with day 7 for the past couple of days as I'm finding difficulty with the bouncing and with splitting awareness. I'm sure it'll get easier so I'm not unduly worried and am continuing, determined to succeed. I'm finding an increase in my dreaming and I normally wake during the night at least once with a dream to write down, as well as one as I wake in the morning. The content of these dreams is usually pretty banal and I tend not to remember everything, just the last bit before waking, but it's very interesting none the less.

5th July 2009, 06:09 AM
I'm slightly confused. I thought that the tingling was what you are supposed to experience, and if you get to a point where you can't move the tingling sensation up any further that means that that's where the blockage is and you have to work on just that area. Am I not correct about that?

Also I am having trouble with the differences between brushing and sponging. Whenever I try to do either one, it always works and I can feel and move the energy, but don't feel anything different when I try brushing and sponging.

5th July 2009, 08:17 PM
I'm slightly confused. I thought that the tingling was what you are supposed to experience, and if you get to a point where you can't move the tingling sensation up any further that means that that's where the blockage is and you have to work on just that area. Am I not correct about that? yes, with this caveat- everyone is different, and my 'normal' tingling/buzzing/pulsing may be different than yours- there is no expectation of intensity, and whatever your baseline is, you can use it to know when there is a 'different' (usually diminishing) sensation, which may signal blockage. But if you're used to 'almost no' sensation (and that is normal for you) and all of a sudden experience intense sensation or even pain, that can also be an indication of blockage.
In other words, everyone has a baseline (which will vary with each person) and any abrupt deviation indicates something is going on- from development to a blockage, either is possible.

Also I am having trouble with the differences between brushing and sponging. Whenever I try to do either one, it always works and I can feel and move the energy, but don't feel anything different when I try brushing and sponging. I always do brushing (tertiaries) first, then sponging (secondaries) in that order. They don't have to be done at the same time, so keep doing what you're doing.

Kevin Bridges
29th January 2010, 01:25 AM
You'll still feel sensations once you've gotten rid of the blockages, they just won't be strong.

If you're struggling to feel individual toes, you're doing the right thing. What I mean is, keep struggling, keep trying, don't get ahead of yourself. I remember beginning the energy work, and I was always worrying about if I was doing this right, doing that right. You have to imagine a newly-walking toddler stumbling around, shoving his whole fist into his mouth to eat dry cereal.

Once you get the hang of the energy work, it will feel very natural. You'll be coming up with your own techniques. Until then, just try your best, and your best will get better and better.