View Full Version : Stimulating the primary centers (Other ways)

16th June 2005, 03:17 AM
In the book, Robert and Brian speak about stirring, sponging, brushing, wrapping and tearing action.
On primary centers however, I have tried another way to stimulate them. I vizualise a cylinder (about the diameter of a straw) going in the middle of it, then expending. I think it has the effect of moving more energy, then.. opening the centers. I find this to work better for me than the tearing action.

My question is: Is it a viable method? or would it be too "brutal" on energy centers in long-terms? (Note that I did not experience any discomfort or pain while using this).

18th June 2005, 02:03 AM
If you have focused on stimulating the secondary centres, then working on the primary centres should not be a problem as long as you go slow and don't overdo it.

I wouldn't say any method of stimulation is "brutal" because this is all a process of visualization and using consciousness to move energy around.
