View Full Version : Think I almost separated

15th June 2009, 04:05 AM
I've known about projection for awhile and even projected once when I was a child. At the time it was confusing and frightening and I've only just seriously got back into trying to project. The other night I think I was well on the way to projection but when I felt my body for lack of a better phrase start to ramp up for what I assume were the vibrations I snapped back awake because I was still aprhensive. Tonight I used the rope technique and for the first time felt the vibrations. I felt like I was floating in my body and if I had wanted to I could have detached. I was nervous though because it felt like my heart was pounding so hard. I snapped my eyes open again and took my pulse but I realised that the pounding wasn't my heart because it was offbeat. I'm not sure what that is but I think I was really close to projecting. The only problemnow is I've gotten myself to excited about how close I got to relax enough to try again.

15th June 2009, 05:02 AM
Sounds like your etheric body had loosened and was ready to go. Keep trying. Some excitement is good: it motivates you.

It may actually be easier to let the vibrations subside before leaving the physical body.

*Hope you didn't mind me correcting the spelling in your title. Humour me, I'm an English teacher. :lol:

15th June 2009, 07:01 AM
thanks i'll keep that in mind!

and no problem as i've been a horrible speller my entire life. there's just too many combinations of letters that make similar sounds =)

15th June 2009, 12:16 PM
there's just too many combinations of letters that make similar sounds =)

Agreed. :D Just having an obsessive compulsive moment. :)