View Full Version : Little hospital dream

15th June 2009, 12:38 AM
I had an odd little experience. I kind of ran out of one dream environment (school, I think) and into another (hospital). There was an old man in a bed but, rather than in a proper room, in a more public space near a door. Thinking he was awake, and being incredibly chirpy in this dream, I said, "How are you?" He grumbled, "Well, I was sleeping." I say sorry and ask him how long until he gets out of hospital. He replies, "I don't." Then I'm back in the other dream continuing where I left off.

15th June 2009, 04:07 AM
The impression I got from this was simply "It's time to be serious now", possibly referring to something being taught and learned in the other environment.

15th June 2009, 04:49 AM
Actually, I interpreted differently as a cranky old part of me dying off. He was an asleep part.

15th June 2009, 05:24 AM
I see. Mine is still quite active on occasion :wink:

15th June 2009, 12:28 PM
Yeah, I got tired of mine so I made some changes. The more I though about that dream the more I realised that he only said he was sleeping.

Also, I linked the sudden scene change to a resolution I made earlier that day to do reality checks when I find myself in new locations.

15th June 2009, 02:27 PM
I had a completely different interpretation. You were in a learning environment and then phased into the afterdeath zone, where you witnessed someone coming out of the 'self-involved personal rehashing process'. As soon as he emerged (showing he made some progress) you attempted to help him along by making him aware where he was, but he's not ready for the 'bigger picture' just yet.

16th June 2009, 10:23 AM
Perhaps, CF. It was pretty vivid and it did seem a sudden interlude and I was running up a hallway (with my friends, being silly).