View Full Version : Frustration

Neil Templar
12th June 2009, 01:53 PM
i had this annoying dream yesterday morning.
i was in a dark place. my sister was there, and also my old housemate.
it was really dark, hard to see.
i became aware of it getting darker, then i lost sight of my sister and my friend.
i was feeling around, and found my phone. i tried to push the button to bring the screen on, so i'd have some light.
nothing! batteries must be out of juice.
i feel around and find the phones of both girls, and their batteries were powerless too.
i was becoming very irritated by the situation.
then a hand took hold of my arm, and i swung around in fear, trying to make it let go of me.
then i woke up.

it was only after i woke that i realized the hand was probably going to help me out. it didn't really feel threatening, the fear was just a reaction.
i'm thinking now that maybe it was a low power RTZ projection...
so it's kinda spurred me into taking action and becoming proficient in conscious projection. :)

12th June 2009, 02:33 PM

13th June 2009, 10:08 AM
It could also be linked to your recent getting lost incident involving a phone.

Darkness can obviously symbolise not knowing where to take your development or what to do next. The phone, in this case, is meant to be a source of light but remember, too, it serves the function of allowing communication and exchange of information. Your frustration is a sign that there's something in your life that you'd like to shed light on so you can find your way. The failure of your sister's/former housemate's phones means that they can't help you with this one or that the aspects of you they represent aren't the necessary parts of you that will solve the dilemma.

The arm in the darkness might herald a new person about to appear in your life with a new point-of-view. It could just as likely be a part of you that you haven't fully encountered yet or even a guide. It seems trust and calm patience are the message of the dream.

Do you think you were lucid or fairly lucid? Darkening in my near lucid dreams (like heading downstairs instead of up) is a sure sign I'm about to lose lucidity. Could there have been something before this part? I think you could well have been in the RTZ or in both the dream environment and the RTZ.