View Full Version : I definitely crossed the line.

11th June 2009, 09:05 PM
There really isn't much to this dream other than ALL OF THESE GIRLS that I barely knew waaaaaay back in the day.

What were they doing in my dream? Why were they so friendly? Why was I so friendly?

Anyway, without getting into too much detail, I felt that I crossed the line in many ways and was glad that all of it was a dream.

Not proud of that dream and I can only wonder what the significance is have me experience this? To know how miserable a certain act can make you when there is no meaning?

12th June 2009, 02:38 PM
Consider it a simulation- is is something you would consciously do? Maybe the girls in the dream mean something in specific- if they are victims, if they are seducers- both can symbolize a part of you that is kept suppressed and controlled. So when they 'come out to play' you feel guilty.
Perhaps there is a way to give these parts of yourself 'something else to do', in other words, channel them into some other activity, to where they can be expressed without causing you concern.
Just an idea, obviously.

14th June 2009, 07:20 AM
So when they 'come out to play' you feel guilty.

Definitely. I feel hypocritical.