View Full Version : Looking for answers

31st May 2009, 04:44 PM
Hello everbody.
Im a teenager who has experienced OBEs.

I spoke with an administrator of a Lucid Dreams forum, and he told me things that I dont really believe in.
He told me that the OBE phenomenon has never been proven yet.
In addition, he told me that the person who will be able to prove the phenomenon, will be awarded with millions of dollars.

I know that it sounds very stupid if I might say, but I don't know...
I don't know if there is any organization that deals with this stuff, that determines what has been proven and what hasn't.

I'm just asking for some answers...

Thanks alot.

p.s. sorry for my poor English.

31st May 2009, 05:08 PM
He told me that the OBE phenomenon has never been proven yet.
Well, how would you prove such a thing? Of course it's unproven. So are a lot of things. It can't be proven that reality as we know it exists at all. I have no way to prove that I'm not a brain in a jar somewhere, just dreaming up my entire life... My point being, there's no way to prove or disprove a subjective experience.

In addition, he told me that the person who will be able to prove the phenomenon, will be awarded with millions of dollars.

I suppose he may be referring to the supposed million dollar prize that a certain skeptic Foundation offers, but they're not actually interested in proving anything. They're scoffers who just like to point to the prize and say "Well, if psychic phenomena is real, how come nobody has claimed this?" (The answer being: Because the Foundation sets conditions that are impossible to meet, and therefore to win, and also because very few people are willing to subject themselves to the public humiliation the Foundation dishes out.)

We've had a few people turn up here saying they have OBEs and had bad experiences at lucid dreaming forums. You're welcome to stay here and talk about both lucid dreaming AND OBEs, and we won't make you try to prove anything at all. ;)

By the way, your English is fine.

Welcome. :)