View Full Version : Vegan diet

28th May 2009, 05:32 PM
Hi Robert

From being a voracious meat eater and starting NEW and later, Qigong, to now (five months later), I am completely repulsed by eating meat. Suprising to say the least!

My question is; Will I still reap the "spiritual rewards", eating a moderately high protein, vegen diet (50 - 100g a day), or does high vegetable protein negatively affect the energy body, too?

Also I do like to do strength training, but will this have a negative affect on energy work, as some people on the 'net have said that it blocks Qi. So its bad. Are they just being too set in the old traditional ways? Because I quite enjoy lugging pieces of iron about!

Thanks for sharing NEW, as this has given me great results. For the past four years I was reading most of the New Age books, from born, 'gifted psychic' individuals that didn't really have a clue about awakening abilities! They just recycled visualising meditations of forests, and rivers ... ad nauseum!

Many thanks

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 06:00 AM

So long as you feel good and are healthy, you should eat and do things your own way.

Do the things you like to do. This is a part of who you are. It is important to be happy and balanced.
