View Full Version : At the Crossroads..

Neil Templar
27th May 2009, 12:19 PM
it starts with me being aware that i'm at a bus stop, at a crossroads.
4 roads lead away from here...
with me there's an invisible presence (guide?).
i'm sitting down on the ground. the landscape around is one of fields with long grasses, trees line the roads in all directions.
the sun is shining, it's a beautiful place to be.
beside me at the bus stop is a young man. his face is VERY familiar!
in front of me, there are 2 young women, 1 of them is also very familiar.

i look at the young man, and then i know who it is he reminds me of. a guy i knew many years ago, whose nickname was Spink.
this young guy looks exactly the same as Spink!
the guy turns to me and asks "do you know Spink?"
i'm a little taken aback that he seemingly heard my thoughts.
'yes, i knew him many years ago"
"he's my Uncle"
"Wow! cool"

he pulls out a large bag of crisps(chips to you non-British), and shares them with me, including the girls too.
the girls move closer and start talking to us. they tell me that the bus won't be arriving for at least another 4 hours...
i work out who the familiar one reminds me of, Roz, another person from my life back in Scotland, who i haven't seen in years.

it's like these 2 are younger versions of the people i know. strange.

i get up, and leave the girls and the guy talking together.
i walk to the intersection of the roads, and take a look in all directions.
the field opposite, across the intersection diagonally, has what looks like an old, dis-used racetrack in it. tarmac, so i guess it was for racing cars or motorbikes or whatever.

i turn back to face the bus stop, and i see a group arriving from one direction. a bunch of men, and 1 woman.
2 of the men are in bad shape. they look like they are completely hammered drunk. unable to walk properly, no control of their physical bodies, one of them is practically rolling around on the ground.
the group don't seem to be taking care of each other. none of the other men seem to even notice the 2 with problems.
i notice that the woman with the group seems to be their leader, maybe a guide of some sort.
i feel like i know her from somewhere... distant. i can't be sure.
they all kinda hang around together by the trees at the crossroads.
the 2 on the floor look like they're having difficulties, so i go over to help them.
i lift one and carry him over to the girls and the guy, sitting on the ground.
i go back to the other one, who look worse. then i realize he's not drunk, but has some serious physical handicaps, possibly mental too.
i grab him under his armpits, lift him up and he makes little walking movements with his feet. he knows i'm trying to help him, and he's trying to help me too.
we get over to the small group on the ground and i leave him there. he seems happy.

i go back to the middle of the crossroads, and take another look at the woman with the group of men. very familiar! she seems busy giving the men instructions of some sort, so i leave them to it.
then i see another group arriving. once again, all men except 1 female leader/guide.
and again she is soooo familiar.
i catch her eye for a second.
is that a flash of recognition on her face? maybe.

thn i hear a sound coming from the field with the racetrack.
from the long grass i see emerging a bunch of people, on bicycles. TALL bicycles! :shock: Penny Farthings? surely not?
as the group roll by, i see what look like old penny farthings, but modern in construction, with what looks like camouflage netting, and grass all over the frames. they take no notice of us and roll off up one of the roads. i watch them go, and see that there's a town, or built up area in the distance..

once again my eyes meet those of the second woman guide. she smiles at me. now i'm sure she recognizes me. she seems amused, probably knowing that i can't work out where i know her from. another lifetime perhaps? that's the feeling i have.

i see yet another group arrive. smaller, only 3 men and 1 woman this time.
they are all very physically fit looking. 1 of the men is very large and strong looking.

then, out of nowhere, a skinny young man appears. he looks strange, but again i have a feeling of knowing him.
he comes up to me directly, and i instinctively reach out my hand to shake his.
"how's it going?" he asks me.
"great. you?"
"yep. all good"

then he kinda morphs into looking like Andy, a good friend of mine, who's built the same, not too tall, quite skinny.
we go over to the new group, and get talking to them.
they ask if we know anything about fighting.
the Andy character seems keen, and soon the biggest guy and Andy are fighting in the road. kinda wrestling, street-fighting style. friendly tho. not trying to hurt each other, just test each other.

i watch with mixed feelings. i'm slightly concerned my friend is gonna get hurt, but i'm also looking off into the distance wondering where the bus is. another part of me keeps turning to look at the woman, and work out where i know her, and all these others from.
the only thing that makes sense is another lifetime.
as i think this thought, the woman gives me a big smile. the fight stops, Andy has a swollen eye but looks like they had fun.
i see the bus making it's way down towards us all.
i hope there's enough room for everyone to get on. there's alot of folk here now.
i have the feeling that it's my job to make sure everyone gets on safely, and that if there's not enough room, i won't be getting on.
then i have a nice feeling, it doesn't matter if i get on the bus, i'll get where i need to go no problem.. :D

27th May 2009, 12:50 PM

27th May 2009, 07:53 PM
Interesting! Reminds me of one of Kurt Leland's experiences I read on his website. It had something to do with the afterlife I believe, I think it was a train in his 8)

Neil Templar
27th May 2009, 10:44 PM
yeah. the whole time i felt like the guides from each group were either related to me or they were part of a group i was part of, or something like that... hard to define really.. :?

28th May 2009, 11:31 AM
They're all you, Neil, every one of them, even the guides. That's why they're all so familiar. They're all aspects of you at the crossroads of a spiritual and/or life journey and they all have to be integrated (made to board the bus).

Think about what you associate with the various characters and you'll identify the aspects of self you're presently integrating.

Neil Templar
28th May 2009, 03:28 PM
Wow! Of course!
That was quite a few characters there.
So would you say that I'm inthe process of integrating them already? Or was this experience just letting me know there's work to be done on that front?

also, how does integrating more aspects of self affect someone?
is there a noticeable change?

28th May 2009, 05:26 PM
This is just a guess, but in integrating more aspects of yourself, I believe you would have a better ability to create your own reality. To attract the people and experiences that support and express the totality of you, rather than inadvertently and repeatedly attracting those people and situations that are (perhaps even unpleasantly) forcing you to confront disowned aspects of yourself. Another guess: perhaps certain people and situations in your life might fall away now that you no longer need an externalized and separate representation of these aspects of yourself.

28th May 2009, 08:16 PM
I think you just had a glimpse of what you do when you're asleep.

28th May 2009, 11:50 PM
how does integrating more aspects of self affect someone?
is there a noticeable change?
Yes, although a lot depends on the degree of non-integration. How does it affect someone... Well, let's just say it puts all of your consciousness and energy in one basket, instead of dividing it up amongst your "alter egos".

Neil Templar
29th May 2009, 10:55 AM
This is just a guess, but in integrating more aspects of yourself, I believe you would have a better ability to create your own reality. To attract the people and experiences that support and express the totality of you, rather than inadvertently and repeatedly attracting those people and situations that are (perhaps even unpleasantly) forcing you to confront disowned aspects of yourself. Another guess: perhaps certain people and situations in your life might fall away now that you no longer need an externalized and separate representation of these aspects of yourself.

that's interesting. so is that in fact what we do? attract/find attractive, people who represent "missing" aspects of ourselves, even if those people aren't doing us any good?
that might explain quite a bit.. :?

and i look forward to not doing that anymore. :)

29th May 2009, 11:46 AM
I don't know. Like I said, it was just a guess. I believe that everything is part of one grand consciousness and so self cannot but look out and see self.

29th May 2009, 11:15 PM
So would you say that I'm inthe process of integrating them already? Or was this experience just letting me know there's work to be done on that front?

Both, Neil. You've done this before and you'll do it again because you're always developing. We all are.

Neil Templar
29th June 2009, 12:53 AM
here's something interesting - my friend Andy, just last week started going to boxing training.

29th June 2009, 10:16 AM
Cool, so a bit of clairvoyance thrown in for good measure. Gotta love dreams!

Neil Templar
1st July 2009, 09:01 AM
some more insights about this experience came to me this morning.
the small group of fighters, were all in short white-ish, very plain looking garments.
i now feel that they, or at least one of them is/are representative of the past life i've seen a number of times, in which the Romans are invading and i am caught and sold as a slave.. they're gladiators! :D
i can't believe i didn't make the connection before, especially considering what they were wearing. :roll:

i'm reading this book at the moment - PAST LIFE DREAMWORK by SABINE LUCAS, and it's really sparking off alot of memories/insights.
very interesting indeed!

Neil Templar
3rd July 2009, 12:01 PM
once again this morning i woke with another insight into this experience.

thn i hear a sound coming from the field with the racetrack.
from the long grass i see emerging a bunch of people, on bicycles. TALL bicycles! :shock: Penny Farthings? surely not?
as the group roll by, i see what look like old penny farthings, but modern in construction, with what looks like camouflage netting, and grass all over the frames. they take no notice of us and roll off up one of the roads. i watch them go, and see that there's a town, or built up area in the distance..

these characters emerging from the long grass, (wilderness - sub/un-conscious) are covered in camouflage netting. they roll by and head off to town.(civilisation - conscious mind)
this would suggest there are more characters yet to emerge from their hidden place in the subconscious, to be integrated later... much work to do.. :)