View Full Version : Connecting with another body/soul

25th May 2009, 10:40 AM

I was told by a close friend whom I treat as a sister that I was connecting to her body/soul last night. Getting into it.
She's older than me, who is a mother of two kids to whom I am very much attached because of their innocence and radiance.

I don't remember anything... but I was told that I was getting into her body, could I have reasons as to why is this happening and how I can stop it?
I don't want her husband to get the wrong ideas as she discusses it with him. Any insight asap would be grateful!

It was around 11 PM while I was sleeping and ever since, she did not sleep. She found it uncomfortable and after hearing it, I too find it uncomfortable.
She hasn't slept since then. She said that I was right in front of her face and connecting to her, going into her body... oh god, what's happening?


25th May 2009, 04:10 PM
I'm not sure what this is about- but I've done it and it's not sexual. Maybe you're both part of a soul group. I've found myself inside other people and even my dog once. It wasn't on purpose, but it happened more than once (luckily, it hasn't happened in a long time.) I think that it's possible that this happens more often than we think, it's just that we don't know we do it. It's like the expression "walk a mile in my shoes". It may be some of the stuff that happens behind the scenes, so to speak.

25th May 2009, 06:22 PM
Thanks for your insight CFTraveler, if you don't mind could you share these experiences in more depth?
Did the people whom you entered knew you did, or were attempting to enter them?

I too was thinking that we could part of the same cluster of souls, or as you put it, soul group. But do you or anyone have an idea as to why such happens?
I did not intend to have a communication with her that day, but I don't remember what happened on the sub or super conscious level.

She found it very uncomfortable, had to force me away and didn't sleep the rest of the day. I don't want someone to lose their sleep because of me. So today I've decided to not sleep so I may not do this despite that fact that I did not intend to do it.

25th May 2009, 09:30 PM
Thanks for your insight CFTraveler, if you don't mind could you share these experiences in more depth? It was a long time ago and when I found myself in my dog I didn't comprehend what was happening. After a few minutes of it I was quickly back. It was an amazing experience- the feeling of being four-legged was very different, the smells were amazing, and everything looked different. I didn't really understand what was happening until I looked at the ground and saw 'my' paw. Then it dawned on me and I snapped back in myself.
The second time was years later, and I woke up in the hospital, perplexed, and when I went to sit up I saw myself and realized my body wasn't mine. Then I got up in the room and started to walk around looking for my clothes and ID to see who I was supposed to be. I saw myself in the mirror and it was quite a shock. I was panicked and snapped back to myself after some fumbling around looking for my purse, or wallet, or whatever this person would have.
The other two times I 'came to' in the body of an actor/actress and this time I realized what was happening, so I 'faked' knowing who I was. I was in some sort of studio and the session was breaking up. I walked around the place trying to figure out what to do, and I remember looking into a kitchen, and realizing it wasn't a 'real' kitchen, it was a set, and at some point I wandered into a parking lot, and pulled some keys out of my pants, and then stared at them realizing I didn't know what car I had, where it was, and how to get 'home' if I managed to figure it out. Then I came to again back in 'myself'.

Did the people whom you entered knew you did, or were attempting to enter them? I don't think so. I'm pretty sure my dog had no idea, I don't think the lady in the hospital did either, or the actor(?) in the set. There was one instance when I was someone else and I did feel like the other people that were with 'her' knew I wasn't me, and were having a good time with it. But it could have been my interpretation.
All the times this happened it wasn't deliberate, I didn't like the confused feeling of 'being' someone else for a few minutes- it was very disorienting and very unpleasant, and I didn't like doing it. And when I came back there was a 'lost' moment of not knowing who I was here. I didn't like it one bit.

Like I said before, I didn't do it on purpose that I know of- but then there's a lot we don't know we do, since we don't remember most of our dreams.

I too was thinking that we could part of the same cluster of souls, or as you put it, soul group. But do you or anyone have an idea as to why such happens?
I did not intend to have a communication with her that day, but I don't remember what happened on the sub or super conscious level. It's a mystery to me as well as you- however, I have heard people talk about doing this on purpose because they want to, so the idea is 'out there', I suppose.

So today I've decided to not sleep so I may not do this despite that fact that I did not intend to do it. I don't suggest you do this- you need your sleep regardless of what happens- plus it's possible that she may have just dreamt it.
Anyway, you can ask your HIgher Self for help and guidance about this, and you'll find out more about it.

25th May 2009, 11:24 PM
Those are some very interesting experiences you got there.

But I still don't get the idea as to why I would connect with another body... what is it that I am looking for? Still resides as a mystery in my consciousness.

I don't suggest you do this- you need your sleep regardless of what happens- plus it's possible that she may have just dreamt it.
Anyway, you can ask your HIgher Self for help and guidance about this, and you'll find out more about it.
Well guess what. Still awake, haven't got sleep yet. I will try to get some in the morning. I don't think I should disturb another person because of me visiting them without notice and doing weird things while I am at it...
It's 1:20 AM and ticking... She needs her sleep and I have to give it to her. She hasn't really slept for quite a couple of days. At least one day of a good night's sleep will help her restore her energy. I on the other hand can get used to sleeping or staying awake with my thoughts and determination.

She was in deep sleep and then she saw me... my astral self, one of the bodies out of the 10. Trying to get into her... she had to force me away. She called me up in the morning in a very shocked voice. I do not want to repeat this unless I know clearly what's going on.

26th May 2009, 12:03 PM
She needs her sleep and I have to give it to her. Both of you need your sleep but you can't give it to her. Only she can give herself a good night's sleep.

She hasn't really slept for quite a couple of days. But that is not your fault, and staying awake is not going to affect how well she sleeps, unless you're roommates.

I on the other hand can get used to sleeping or staying awake with my thoughts and determination. No one can get used to not sleeping regardless of your thoughts and/or determination. What you are doing is making yourself dangerous if you don't sleep and then get behind a wheel or go to a job where a sharp mind is needed to make important decisions.
It seems to me that someone is telling you that you did something wrong, and now you're punishing yourself for something that you may not even have done. Is she asking you not to sleep?

26th May 2009, 03:03 PM
I've done it, too, and also by accident. To notice it, the person has to be fairly clairvoyant. If they aren't developing it yet, maybe it is time to start.

When I did it, neither of us understood what was going on or why. I never had any recollection of it afterward, but I had been told that when I send a reiki attunement at a distance I am often seen as though there in person giving the attunement. It seemed believable enough to me. We both made more of it than it was, though, which was a mistake. It ended up that we were a good match for a time in that the energy exchanged was balancing and healing for both of us. We ended up becoming un-stuck in our lives and we moved on.

27th May 2009, 08:25 PM
I'm glad I haven't had the experience of seeing Tom manifest in the air before me. That would probably drop me from my chair!


:P :)

27th May 2009, 10:20 PM
Both of you need your sleep but you can't give it to her. Only she can give herself a good night's sleep.
That is indeed true...

But that is not your fault, and staying awake is not going to affect how well she sleeps, unless you're roommates.
...the "problem" is that, while I am asleep, according to people, my energy in their houses is totally wild. By wild I mean extremely high and they cannot go about ignoring me.

No one can get used to not sleeping regardless of your thoughts and/or determination. What you are doing is making yourself dangerous if you don't sleep and then get behind a wheel or go to a job where a sharp mind is needed to make important decisions.
Trust me on this one. I have, to a large extent if I might add. I have understood that my body does not need the sleep or rest, rather it's my soul. Thus putting my body to sleep so it may get its dose of vitalizing energy which is blocked in normal day to day activities due to the mind.

It seems to me that someone is telling you that you did something wrong, and now you're punishing yourself for something that you may not even have done. Is she asking you not to sleep?
No one told me anything. I assumed this. Which is perhaps my fault too. Assumption - ha!
Her kids tell her about me all the time, even while I am conscious and I think of her kids they immediately, within 5 minutes detect my energy levels around them. And they can see me... my projected self. During sleep... it's just too wild. She has not asked me anything which would lead me to force myself to get rid of my sleep routine. I am doing it voluntarily, too -- to experiment!

I would really like to thank everyone and their input. It's been helpful and funny. I wish you all safer, enlightening, remarkable experiences in your lives.

When I did it, neither of us understood what was going on or why. I never had any recollection of it afterward, but I had been told that when I send a reiki attunement at a distance I am often seen as though there in person giving the attunement. It seemed believable enough to me. We both made more of it than it was, though, which was a mistake. It ended up that we were a good match for a time in that the energy exchanged was balancing and healing for both of us. We ended up becoming un-stuck in our lives and we moved on.
Well, if it's not your astral self giving the healing, it is one of your other bodies giving the healing in one way or the other. Since according to reikei, you have to imagine the person before you or have some distinction for time and you project yourself to them to heal them. And when you do, you have an idea of automatically healing a body and you treat it that way, healing a body in specific areas where you feel require healing -- this does cause projection, too.

I'm glad I haven't had the experience of seeing Tom manifest in the air before me. That would probably drop me from my chair!
Haha! You know what... be careful what you wish for, sometimes the mind does creates the opposite! If you know what I mean... ;)