View Full Version : Why I am being Vacuumed up?

23rd May 2009, 06:35 AM
This is a reasearch thread, aint getting into it with theories, only questions :!:

It has been happening a few times, using projection by will (which I barelly succeed, because I get really scared) -- Note: I get into OBE while finding my way out of a lucid dream, but I still process workouts to do it by will - from awaken state.

This is it:
I lose the sens of my body dimensions really fast after I close my eyes, when this feeling happends, I know I got a higher chance of experiencing it. I dont feel "myself" to be right beside my eyes as usual, as distance between my body parts are differents, I usually have a distance impression, similar as I would be on top of a mountain, my hands (for instances) being felt big, but far... Further in my meditation, I dont feel vibrations, I rather feel myself expending slowly, and "moving in place" side ways, I dont hear sounds, like usual rice-crispies poping sounds :P

And it comes very suddently, my (projected) body - starting by my foots, and legs, lower body, then everything else then my head, is being "vacuumed-up-like" to the ceiling. I see nothing, except somekind of "flow of energy" going up, then my brain becomes my anchor (by will, lol) blocking me from being sucked up from up above. :shock: Because I dont want to go that way, I'm expecting a head-off-first take off, or please at least a parallel one please, if it's not too much asked haha :p

This feeling of the vacuum may push my imagination to feel the sound of a vacuum, my brain trying to explain to itself what is happening, but I dont see any.

My awarness is strong, as when I decide to stop it, it's so easy to turn my head, my body respond easily, it's not like that usual paralisis-like phase when comming back. My body is a bit heavy, but not as in other case where it seems like a "morning wake up after a regular deep sleep"...

Why :?:

Is this force driven by subconscious, by hidden will? Can some attraction suck me out? Could it be someone, or entity? I never ask for a guide, nor having will for that specific "getting out method". I feel scared of getting somewhere I dont want to go, like any RTZ place nor astral planes that I'm not focusing in :(

If I should let it be, someone should makes me believe so, using strong reasons and advices... :roll:
Normally I'm easy going, carrying less fear, but I can't mention enough how much this mechanism needs to be understood before I can go on.

Thanks for your help!

(Edit: I find that this way of leaving makes breathing and leaving of other sens really ackward)

24th May 2009, 12:20 AM
This is a reasearch thread, aint getting into it with theories, only questions :!: Not sure if you're making a comment, but all I can offer you are theories.

It has been happening a few times, using projection by will (which I barelly succeed, because I get really scared) -- Note: I get into OBE while finding my way out of a lucid dream, but I still process workouts to do it by will - from awaken state.

This is it:
I lose the sens of my body dimensions really fast after I close my eyes, when this feeling happends, I know I got a higher chance of experiencing it. I dont feel "myself" to be right beside my eyes as usual, as distance between my body parts are differents, I usually have a distance impression, similar as I would be on top of a mountain, my hands (for instances) being felt big, but far... Further in my meditation, I dont feel vibrations, I rather feel myself expending slowly, and "moving in place" side ways, I dont hear sounds, like usual rice-crispies poping sounds :P

And it comes very suddently, my (projected) body - starting by my foots, and legs, lower body, then everything else then my head, is being "vacuumed-up-like" to the ceiling. I see nothing, except somekind of "flow of energy" going up, then my brain becomes my anchor (by will, lol) blocking me from being sucked up from up above. :shock: Because I dont want to go that way, I'm expecting a head-off-first take off, or please at least a parallel one please, if it's not too much asked haha :p

This feeling of the vacuum may push my imagination to feel the sound of a vacuum, my brain trying to explain to itself what is happening, but I dont see any.

My awarness is strong, as when I decide to stop it, it's so easy to turn my head, my body respond easily, it's not like that usual paralisis-like phase when comming back. My body is a bit heavy, but not as in other case where it seems like a "morning wake up after a regular deep sleep"...

Why :?:
Because it's getting to the point where you can project without getting paralyzed. This happens after you have a lot of experience projecting consciously. It happens to me, and it's very difficult to complete it without moving.

Is this force driven by subconscious, by hidden will? Can some attraction suck me out? Could it be someone, or entity? I never ask for a guide, nor having will for that specific "getting out method". I feel scared of getting somewhere I dont want to go, like any RTZ place nor astral planes that I'm not focusing in :(
I exit that way a lot, and never have had a negative experience. So I'd just go and find out, because the only way to find out is to go and find out for yourself.

If I should let it be, someone should makes me believe so, using strong reasons and advices... :roll: Sorry, can't convince you if you don't want to do it.

Normally I'm easy going, carrying less fear, but I can't mention enough how much this mechanism needs to be understood before I can go on.

Thanks for your help!

(Edit: I find that this way of leaving makes breathing and leaving of other sens really ackward) Yes, it's very easy to move and abort it.

24th May 2009, 04:08 AM

Maybe I've been misunderstood in my intro, I was looking for theories, I meant that I had none that match. Thanks for your answers.

What makes that experience frightening, it's the loss of control I guess. There is a "slalom effect", when I try to get into it by will, I rush, it seems complicated, most of the time difficult (compared to OBE from leaving a lucid dream), then when I'm awake, only relaxing with a weak will then I feel vacuumed up, and I wonder why "now".

Sometimes, pushing it too hard makes it impossible maybe, just letting it go.

The last time I succeed (from awake state), I felt a presence, I went outside my room and fall into an old man, staring at me, I came back inside me, concentrated, making shure I'm not dealing with imagination, then when I felt ready, I went again, he was still there, I came back a second time, concentrated for few minutes, and third time I went he was still there, then I felt too weird to give it a fourth try...

(This have nothing to do with this vacuum thing:)
Since then (as you've read in my other posts), I'm confused about the rules on the other side, and what is driven only by my imagination. I've read your posts, and I know you'd understand me that seing someone, or something, in our own house, and having to deal with it, is different then meeting it in a different place. If my house is too "active", would you recommend me to get to try it somewhere else?

24th May 2009, 06:45 PM
I think that perhaps that person in your house is either an aspect of you or one of your guides, and that's why he's there. Try to analyze him from the point of view of Jungian ideas- if he's an aspect of you, what does he look like (a male is usually a 'dominant' aspect, the part of you that rationalizes. If there's more than one it could be symbols of transformation, etc.) When you see him, what is he doing? (For example, I had a similar experience of a group in my kitchen sitting at the table eating.) I know that seeing someone in your personal space can be discomfiting, but think of what he seems to be doing there.
In my case the person in the kitchen wanted me to sit and eat with them, once I did it, I went somewhere else and I never saw him again.

The rules 'on the other side' can be confusing, because we just can only rely on interpretations of things that people experience- but one interpretation that resonates with me (ATM) is the idea that if a beneficial being is in your space, he is either an aspect of yourSelf, a guide which you have an 'appointment' with, or even an ancestor spirit that is there to talk to you for some reason.
When it comes to negative entities, the problems I have had regarding them always manifested in the physical, and were always dealt with with countermeasures and prayer, and hardly ever bothered me in the astral.

24th May 2009, 08:20 PM
Thank you,

I love the way you think about that :)

When I think about "higher" or "later"-self of me, it makes me think about paradoxes and stuff, then my brain goes crazy :P I had several complex dreams where I travelled back in time, or went into future, it most often screw up my curent daily life. I think that just by wondering about future (which is normal) - but trying to read it, makes no sens in the theorics, unless there is a bunch (illimited) parallel possibilities, and one can communicate with each other.

That old man was not doing anything special, just starring, near the house's door. The only link I could make with an "insider-me" is that I felt like that a while after I saw it, in my marriage, getting closer to the entry door (but more like an exit door), as things were not going too well in my marriage. If it's just an image (because I got no communication link with that man), then fine.

If it's a guide, then I have no other choice then ask him, next time, if I ever happend to cross him again :)

But I rather have a guide who is alive on earth, then a ghost-like stranger that I dont know the inside intention. I can pretend I can feel the energy (good or bad), but my pathetic point of view corresponding to "strangers from outaworld" is pretty limited :?