View Full Version : Am I having OBE's?

22nd May 2009, 01:55 PM
I am a 34 year old male who is very skeptical about astral projection. However, I have had some ‘dream’ experiences that have caused me to ponder the possibility. I would like to share these experiences with you and get your thoughts.
For as long as I can remember I have occasionally, during a dream, become aware that I am dreaming. When this happens I am able to manipulate the dream to form it to whatever I want. The dream is usually vivid enough that it will take a moment to convince myself that it is a dream. To determine if it is a dream I will try to manipulate something. Usually I’ll try to make something levitate. If I am successful then I conclude it’s a dream and the fun begins.
But the most unusual experiences I have had seem to come shortly before I wake up or right after I have woke up and fell back to sleep. Like the previously mentioned experience I will come to a point where I realize I am dreaming. But instead of just controlling the dream I am able to focus more on my physical body. I will purposely focus on how my body feels as it lays in bed. I can tell what position I am laying in. I can feel what position my arms, legs and head are rested in. I can even feel my fingers. I know if they are straight or bent. At this point, I feel like I am perfectly balanced between being awake and asleep and I make a conscience effort to ‘leave my body’. After a short period of concentration I feel my entire body tingle and then I can sit up in bed. It feels very much like I am leaving my body. I have never looked back to see if my body is there. If fact, I can not remember even having the thought to look back. At this point in the experience all of the physical sensations seem very real. However, whatever environment I am in does not seem real. I am unable to focus on anything and the experience becomes more like a dream world where I am just manipulating the environment. For example, if I am ‘projecting’ myself walking around in my house and I expect a wall to be there the wall will be there. But if I want to see my wife in the kitchen she will be there too. Although she is not there, she is in bed. So it fails to convince me that I have left my body at all. It just seems more like a dream world where my conscience, (while in a sub-conscience state), is just creating an environment that is no different that any other dream environment except in this one I know I am dreaming.
I will leave you with this. You believe astral project is real. I do not. Is there a way I can make my ‘OBE’ more convincing? Do you believe that, at least on some level, I am having an ‘out of body’ experience? Do you believe that one can ‘project’ him/herself into another real physical place? Or does astral projection just project one to a non-physical environment that their own conscience created.

I would appreciate any response. Thanks,

Copy in 'Down Under', CF.

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 05:53 AM

The only way to answer your questions is through personal experience.

Get the Mastering Astral Projection 90 day guide, and the audio companion 6 CD set by same name.

I also suggest the Hemi Sync CD set, Journeys out of the body.

Work your way through these and as you have experiences, your beliefs will change.

There is no way to intellectually impart belief in these things. You have to do it.
