View Full Version : Im I in trance?

22nd May 2009, 01:10 PM
Hey folks. basicaly im sucssesfull in inducing a state (in about 5min) where my body is feeling comfortable an heavy (not very very heavy)
As i found out a feeling of heavynes is a main trance symptom. So im now guesing am i in trance or not, because that state feels like no big deal and its easily achievable. It just seems to easy... So i would usually try go into a deeper state but fail. :roll:

22nd May 2009, 01:48 PM
Hi Baltic.
The thing is that you can get a light trance and a deep trance.
Most OBE facilitators describe how trance feels like (heaviness, lack of feeling your body) usually because people want to know what it feels like- usually people ask and I answer, well, because they asked. But that puts people that are learning in a difficult position, because they become focused on how their body feels, and this is the opposite of what they should be doing.
In other words, in the early stages of practice (or at separate times) you should do energy work to develop your energy body so you can last longer and navigate better once you're out, but you should not focus on your body when you're in trance and trying to get out.
So yes, by all means do all the relaxation work, trance and energy body loosening work you possibly can, but at the moment of getting into the 'pre-separation' phase, you must divorce your conscious awareness from your body and focus on how trance feels, not on your body, but on your mind. How your awareness changes, on what you see, hear and witness- when you get a feel for how your mind works while in trance, and completely lose body awareness, it is then that you are ready to start on an exit technique.

22nd May 2009, 02:44 PM
Yes I actualy stop focusing on my body after the relaxation routine, just noticet this heavynes happening. basicaly after i notice the heavyness i completely stop focusing on my body and try to get in a deeper trance... I reach the hypnagogic images and then its very hard for me to stay conscious... and i usually blackout and awake 30mins later... so maybe i should start exiting at the time of hypnagogics?

22nd May 2009, 04:13 PM
Yes, I think this could be a good idea.