View Full Version : Strange but beautiful dreams yesterday and today!

20th May 2009, 12:50 PM
Yesterday,I took a nap and had a really simple but joyful dream.I dreamed I was a child and I was with my parents and they were young and we were somewhere outside and I grabbed this cardboard box and ants went up my feet and legs and I shook them off.Then I lifted my head up ,opened my mouth and water fell from the sky into my mouth and I drank it.The concrete under my feet was wet and there were puddles everywhere and where there was a really big one I started to jump for joy into the puddle and I was so happy and felt so much joy and then I woke up because my cat was miowing so loud.I've only slept like 25 minutes.Any thoughts about this dream ? :)

Another dream this morning.I went and met this guy I always dream about and we were sitting in his car talking and kissing and across the street I heard and could see that a wedding reception was being prepared.There were tables and flowers and ornaments.They were talking about the wedding that was going to be tomorrow.Strange if you ask me! :shock: :?

20th May 2009, 06:56 PM
Oh,come on people! Can I get some opinions here,please,please! :(

20th May 2009, 07:16 PM
It seemed like a happy and carefree dream to me.

22nd May 2009, 02:33 AM
That's right,CFTraveler.I know the first one but how about the 2nd one? Although I don't think that the first one ever happened,lol! A message, perhaps to calm down my anger and to give me hope to find joy in the simple things and to live in the moment.

22nd May 2009, 08:34 AM
Another dream this morning.I went and met this guy I always dream about and we were sitting in his car talking and kissing and across the street I heard and could see that a wedding reception was being prepared.There were tables and flowers and ornaments.They were talking about the wedding that was going to be tomorrow.
Dream symbols are very personal, but here are some thoughts. They may or may not apply.

Making out with a guy: Well, when I dream about it, it represents "desire" for something (not necessarily for you-know-what ;)). Sometimes, the identity of the man has meaning, too, as different men have different symbolic meaning to me. There's one particular film star whose name I won't mention that turns up in my dreams as a symbol of "perfection in all things", for example, and there's a particular musician who shows up sometimes to represent "dreams of my youth" and another who shows up to represent a sort of mentor figure (I don't normally make out with him, though).

Wedding: Major change of status and lifestyle. In the New Testament, there are several usages of weddings and wedding feasts to symbolise abundance, plenty, being invited to somewhere that you will be well fed and well treated, that sort of thing.

What does the dream mean to you? I have no idea. I could interpret it if was my dream, but you'll have to think about what the symbols mean to you. One thing to try is to get a piece of paper or open a file in Word or Notepad and just start writing about what you think the symbols are and how they fit together. Just write anything that comes to mind. That can be very helpful in unlocking these things, sometimes.