View Full Version : Invasion?

Neil Templar
14th May 2009, 11:03 PM
so last night, i once again asked my guide to show me something i needed to grow, and i also asked if i could have some healing, if he felt i needed it.
i don't remember the dreams from the first two sleep cycles, but i remember waking early morning,about 6am and again making the request...

myself and a few friends were hanging out on the edge of a city.
we were in an area that was almost like a wasteland. gravel, wild grasses, and a bunch of disused looking buildings scattered around.
it was like the edge of an industrial area, kinda like an oil refinery, or something like that, think robocop death scene and you'll get the picture, but not so built up.
there were 5 or 6 of us, just hangin around, like we did as kids.
suddenly there was a flash in the distance, on the horizon.
we all looked, and pretty soon a huge mushroom cloud formed. :shock:
then we could see massive fires raging in that area.
as we watched, in the hazy distance, massive armed vehicles began to appear.

(this is a common thing in any of the dreams i have after asking for guidance. usually it's typical "motherships" overhead, or smaller "spacecraft", but often it takes the form of futuristic land vehicles or other aircraft.
they always start out distant and hazy, then get closer and the interesting stuff begins.)

at that point i became a little more lucid, recognizing that this dream was coming from a familiar source. :)
i felt no fear, knowing that. even tho it appeared our world, our country or whatever, was being invaded by violent means.

soon enough, a bunch of huge armed vehicles arrived at our location, and everyone started running in all directions.
i was in a central open gravel covered area. there was a huge vehicle, like a tank on steroids in front of me, and a smaller, but still huge, JCB/tractor type vehicle, with a big "shovel" on the front of it.
the JCB began chasing me around, trying to scoop me up. i ran around in a small circle, just out of reach enough to avoid it without getting tired.
it was kinda fun.
eventually i decided to stop, and they scooped me up, and one of the drivers said, "okay you, over there"
they dropped me off at the doorway to one of the buildings, where a bunch of army-type personnel began to pour out the door.
my friends had all been rounded up already. they were disappearing inside.

i stepped off and went into a room inside.
a woman said, in a quiet voice "stand there" pointing at the wall.
i decided to be an asshole, just for the fun of it. :wink:

"i don't understand you!" i shouted at her.
"stand over there" she said again.
"what?!! i don't know what you're saying!!"

then she got impatient, and called a very large man in to throw me roughly against the wall.
i was having fun but she wasn't standing for any of it.
she pulled out a large needle, and stuck it in my mouth. injecting my tongue, it became numb immediately.
i could still speak, but only just.

then she pulled out a different needle, and agin stuck it into my mouth, this time injecting the inside of my cheek, right at the back of my mouth.
i became unable to move very well. not paralyzed, just immobile. then i started to move backwards, the woman following me.
i asked her what she had injected, with my useless tongue, i could only kind of whisper it.
she seemed puzzled that i was asking.
i started to gesture with my hands, pointing to my eyes, then the needles, asking her to show me what it was.
she still seemed puzzled, but she showed me the second needle, which had a plastic gun shaped handle. i couldn't read the label, and was losing consciousness, so i just handed it back to her and allowed myself to relax...

then i woke up.

at first i didn't know what to make of this one.
then something happened this afternoon, that brought me back to the injection part of this dream.
i was sitting outside work, reading a book, The Toltec Path.
i can't remember specifically what it was that i read that triggered the memory of that moment of the dream, but i suddenly began to feel energy sensations in the sub-navel area.
a bubbling feeling, that lasted about 5 mins. very peculiar.
i must add that i've done no real energy work lately. i've mostly been focusing on the Monroe tapes, and while i have felt some energy sensations, i wouldn't say the focus has been on energy movement.

then i had a thought - was the injection part of the dream my interpretation of receiving some sort of healing?...

15th May 2009, 02:12 AM
i had similar dreams for several years and i struggled to interpret them. for me, there seems to be little to interpret.

my dreams guided me to do particular things ( i can't list them all) and i think i shared some of my dreams on this forum. anyway, a couple things were: dreams guiding me to refuse to take vaccines no matter what (now Obama has signed a deal with Merk pharmaceuticals to produce 900million+ vaccines for the american people (that's 3 per person) and has mentioned that we might be forcibly innoculated), warning me about military lockdowns of cities (which may happen as part of the forced innoculations), etc.

so the stuff i dreamed seemed farfetched at the time but it's actually quite reasonable now. so my suggestion is to take the dream literally, continue to ask for guidance and prepare for the future by doing what your dreams guide you to do.

15th May 2009, 12:33 PM
I wanted to reply to this post but couldn't last night- so I will give you my take on this phenomenon, based on this post, and also on stuff that has been flitting around my head lately.

so last night, i once again asked my guide to show me something i needed to grow, and i also asked if i could have some healing, if he felt i needed it.
i don't remember the dreams from the first two sleep cycles, but i remember waking early morning,about 6am and again making the request...

myself and a few friends were hanging out on the edge of a city.
we were in an area that was almost like a wasteland. gravel, wild grasses, and a bunch of disused looking buildings scattered around.
it was like the edge of an industrial area, kinda like an oil refinery, or something like that, think robocop death scene and you'll get the picture, but not so built up.
there were 5 or 6 of us, just hangin around, like we did as kids.
suddenly there was a flash in the distance, on the horizon.
we all looked, and pretty soon a huge mushroom cloud formed. :shock:
then we could see massive fires raging in that area.
as we watched, in the hazy distance, massive armed vehicles began to appear.

(this is a common thing in any of the dreams i have after asking for guidance. usually it's typical "motherships" overhead, or smaller "spacecraft", but often it takes the form of futuristic land vehicles or other aircraft.
they always start out distant and hazy, then get closer and the interesting stuff begins.)

at that point i became a little more lucid, recognizing that this dream was coming from a familiar source. :)
i felt no fear, knowing that. even tho it appeared our world, our country or whatever, was being invaded by violent means.

soon enough, a bunch of huge armed vehicles arrived at our location, and everyone started running in all directions.
i was in a central open gravel covered area. there was a huge vehicle, like a tank on steroids in front of me, and a smaller, but still huge, JCB/tractor type vehicle, with a big "shovel" on the front of it.
the JCB began chasing me around, trying to scoop me up. i ran around in a small circle, just out of reach enough to avoid it without getting tired.
it was kinda fun.
eventually i decided to stop, and they scooped me up, and one of the drivers said, "okay you, over there"
they dropped me off at the doorway to one of the buildings, where a bunch of army-type personnel began to pour out the door.
my friends had all been rounded up already. they were disappearing inside.

i stepped off and went into a room inside.
a woman said, in a quiet voice "stand there" pointing at the wall.
i decided to be an asshole, just for the fun of it. :wink:

"i don't understand you!" i shouted at her.
"stand over there" she said again.
"what?!! i don't know what you're saying!!"

then she got impatient, and called a very large man in to throw me roughly against the wall.
i was having fun but she wasn't standing for any of it.
she pulled out a large needle, and stuck it in my mouth. injecting my tongue, it became numb immediately.
i could still speak, but only just.

then she pulled out a different needle, and agin stuck it into my mouth, this time injecting the inside of my cheek, right at the back of my mouth.
i became unable to move very well. not paralyzed, just immobile. then i started to move backwards, the woman following me.
i asked her what she had injected, with my useless tongue, i could only kind of whisper it.
she seemed puzzled that i was asking.
i started to gesture with my hands, pointing to my eyes, then the needles, asking her to show me what it was.
she still seemed puzzled, but she showed me the second needle, which had a plastic gun shaped handle. i couldn't read the label, and was losing consciousness, so i just handed it back to her and allowed myself to relax...

then i woke up.

at first i didn't know what to make of this one.
then something happened this afternoon, that brought me back to the injection part of this dream.
i was sitting outside work, reading a book, The Toltec Path.
i can't remember specifically what it was that i read that triggered the memory of that moment of the dream, but i suddenly began to feel energy sensations in the sub-navel area.
a bubbling feeling, that lasted about 5 mins. very peculiar.
i must add that i've done no real energy work lately. i've mostly been focusing on the Monroe tapes, and while i have felt some energy sensations, i wouldn't say the focus has been on energy movement.

then i had a thought - was the injection part of the dream my interpretation of receiving some sort of healing?...
It seems to me that in the past two years or so, certain things have been cooking in the collective consciousness- I see it all around me- the supposed predictions about 2012 interspersed with belief in eschatological interpretation of Revelation, and the overall climate of 'something is going to happen, and if it doesn't we're going to make it happen'.

Then you go to the movies, and you see a series of movies all dedicated to the same theme:
War with extraterrestrials or extraterrestrial-looking beings from the future, or demons.

At the movies the other day, I saw no less than three very realistic movies about the same theme- what I found really disturbing is that one of the most prominently featured ones is geared towards children. Imagine that, a war movie that has no 'good guys' made especially for children. When it seemed wrong to me, I went to their website to see what it was about, and it was about the most familiar of scenarios: earthlings bad guys, ets good guys, and when the battle happens it's discovered that the ets are as bad as us. No good outcome can happen, and no one deserves to survive. Now the movie probably has a different ending, but that is essentially the flavor I got from it.
At the same time, we are being bombarded with images of interplanetary war, (some really cool ones) and some really horrific ones.

It occured to me that if I was from the past (let's say middle ages) and projected to the future, and found myself perceiving and processing images from this present collective consciousness, and worse, the collective unconscious, which is brewing with all these images of global destruction and the apparently acceptable loss of life that these types of thinking produce, I'd be really afraid of what the future has to offer, and I would definitely not have the right idea of what's happening.
I'd have somewhat of an idea, since the minds that spawned these images have a very interesting worldview- it definitely would look as if it's the end of the world.

Now does this mean that this type of oppressive future isn't possible? No, if it means anything is that it is indeed possible, and the unconscious seeds are there.
Now is this dream possibly symbolic about your life personally? Sure, there's no way to know until something happens that verifies something, or nothing.
I hope it's symbolic and not predictive, I pray that it is so.

Neil Templar
16th May 2009, 03:55 PM
I think it's symbolic, and predictive, but only for me.
There's something brewing right now in my life... Change is coming, and I know it's gonna be another less than smooth transition. At least this time I'm aware enough to see it coming.
Nonetheless, I have a slight feeling of helplessness.
There's a storm on the horizon. I could turn the other way and let it pass me by, but I know that would mean I don't get to see the sun shining after it passes... I just have to work out the best way to get thru it without receiving or inflicting too much damage...

16th May 2009, 07:17 PM
Well good luck and Good vibes your way.

Neil Templar
16th May 2009, 07:27 PM
why thank you dear. :D

Neil Templar
4th June 2009, 01:11 PM
Okay so i had another of these dreams the other night.
an invasion was underway. technologically advanced armies taking control of everyone and everything. if you don't fall in with them, you are dead!
i was fighting with the resistance, sneaking around in the gardens of the town where i grew up. hiding, collecting other resistance fighters and striking back wherever we could.

things were looking bad, no hope. at one point a couple of us had to "play dead" so the enemy wouldn't notice us.
then, all of a sudden, a beautiful young woman appeared. she wore a shining white outfit. kinda reminded me of the elves in LOTR, the way they glow with light at times.

she was able to communicate telepathically with the invaders, and wherever she went, they stopped shooting, seemed to not notice us.
we followed her around, and were completely safe.

this was a couple of days ago, and just a few minutes ago, i watched a trailer for the latest Star Wars game, the Sith are taking over. at the same time i'm listening to a David Icke talk, about the new world order/illuminati/etc... centralization of power.
it reminded me of this dream and a few things came to mind.

the global situation at the moment, this apparent move towards centralization of power, one world bank, one world army, micro-chipping the masses...
is all a very real prospect for the future. (the invaders. who don't actually have to invade, they're in place and in power already)

and those of us who have a different vision for the future, one of true freedom, seem to have few options.
"play dead" - remain unseen, underground resistance, if you like, or...
follow the female - the feminine aspect (spiritual) which has the ability to bring true peace and freedom, even to those who were blindly fighting on the side of the invaders.

5th June 2009, 02:49 AM
Okay so i had another of these dreams the other night.
an invasion was underway. technologically advanced armies taking control of everyone and everything. if you don't fall in with them, you are dead!
i was fighting with the resistance, sneaking around in the gardens of the town where i grew up. hiding, collecting other resistance fighters and striking back wherever we could.

things were looking bad, no hope. at one point a couple of us had to "play dead" so the enemy wouldn't notice us.
then, all of a sudden, a beautiful young woman appeared. she wore a shining white outfit. kinda reminded me of the elves in LOTR, the way they glow with light at times.

she was able to communicate telepathically with the invaders, and wherever she went, they stopped shooting, seemed to not notice us.
we followed her around, and were completely safe.

this was a couple of days ago, and just a few minutes ago, i watched a trailer for the latest Star Wars game, the Sith are taking over. at the same time i'm listening to a David Icke talk, about the new world order/illuminati/etc... centralization of power.
it reminded me of this dream and a few things came to mind.

the global situation at the moment, this apparent move towards centralization of power, one world bank, one world army, micro-chipping the masses...
is all a very real prospect for the future. (the invaders. who don't actually have to invade, they're in place and in power already)

and those of us who have a different vision for the future, one of true freedom, seem to have few options.
"play dead" - remain unseen, underground resistance, if you like, or...
follow the female - the feminine aspect (spiritual) which has the ability to bring true peace and freedom, even to those who were blindly fighting on the side of the invaders. I had a dream very similar to this. I was part of a resistance movement against these people who had taken over the world and were oppressing everyone and anyone who didn't do what they were told would be killed. Their was also a beautiful young woman in my dream who everyone was afraid of, it felt like she had a lot of power. In my dream she had taken something from me (i believe it was my pants) and while everyone else was scared of her I wasn't and I confronted her about it and that's when my dream ended.
Btw, i never had even heard of the new world order before I had this dream but only a day after I had the dream I started receiving clues about it and now I am a firm believer in the nwo.

Neil Templar
5th June 2009, 05:42 PM
I had a dream very similar to this. I was part of a resistance movement against these people who had taken over the world and were oppressing everyone and anyone who didn't do what they were told would be killed. Their was also a beautiful young woman in my dream who everyone was afraid of, it felt like she had a lot of power. In my dream she had taken something from me (i believe it was my pants) and while everyone else was scared of her I wasn't and I confronted her about it and that's when my dream ended.

hmmm.. that's interesting.