View Full Version : Nifty alien planet dream

12th May 2009, 12:45 PM
I was underground, in an underground city that was kinda like a hollowed out cone shape, point upwards, it was very earthy etc.. there was some guy with me, he looked human but wasn't. He was "the enemy" but he was helping me. We were trying to find a way out but all the exits had a shimmery iridescent force field that if you walked through it, you disappeared. We went round and round the outside of the cone and as we looked down it seemed to be a mine, or slave pit. Bedraggled people wore furs and rags. It was noisy, like clanging metal.

The path we followed spiralling to the top where we were able to get outside and walk round the outside of a mountain, spiralling still further up a dirt track. There were "arenas" I could see, where people would materialise and die gorily, these were people who had gone through the force fields. There was a woman carrying her child on her back, I couldn't watch so I looked away hoping they escaped unnoticed, that whoever was in charge would be merciful.
We came to one last forcefield and he said, "we must swim under it but you humans can't hold your breath for as long as is necessary, *we* are part aquatic you as you know". (He communicated throught the dream in images rather than words, like telepathy. For instance when explaining about swimming, I saw how their lungs were built and how the function differed from ours, and percentages of oxygen intake and stuff.) Im like, pffff ill show you, and dived in, surfaced safely past the shield.

Instantly I saw that the locations seen from inside the pit were illusory. It was beleived to be somewhere in countryside, but, we were on the outskirts of an alien city, it was all high tech skyscrapers with alien writing. I got the sense I was to blend in. the people looked human but werent, and were all trying to appear human in mannerism and dress. They were going for a very youthful look. Anyways, me and this "guy" were walking among them and one of the people looked at me, and was like...she smells human! And the guy with me says, "well, we were just working in the pits." I thought "i better mask it with perfume oil".

I had the understanding that they were basing their humanity on Japanese city life, as it was as high tec as they could appear without arousing suspicion. Everyone seemed to be working to a shared goal, or mission and there were many notices reminding people of this, and of small things like "remember your human lenses!". All in the same alien language. There were a lot of people doing paperwork.

13th May 2009, 11:56 AM
Very cool dream :)

13th May 2009, 12:26 PM
thanks, like your avatar, i have that pic in my old avatars file, i used to use it a few years ago! :)