View Full Version : The Wizard a Spirit Guide?

8th May 2009, 02:18 AM
Hello all, last night I had a dream I was playing Basketball and I remember I didn't want to play anymore so I started walking and I came to this house that was built from stones like the old time castles but it was just smaller. Anyways as soon as I get next to it I just feel that I want to go through the wall to see whats going on inside so I just walk right through it and at first it was like my vision was all messed up but I focused hard and I could see everything just fine and there was this person in there, this might sound kind of funny but it was this wizard off the TV show legend of the seeker and at first he didn't realize I was there but I flew next to him and whispered to him, "it's me" and for some reason I started asking him questions, it was like I knew I was out of my body and I was asking him what happens to it while i'm gone and he said don't worry about it, your body's fine it runs on auto pilot and will be fine until you return from doing what ever it is you please and I got the feeling of total freedom to do anything possible and it felt pretty good, but then I started hearing these screeching noises like something evil and I asked him what it was and I don't remember what he said but it was like some other being flew in there that was evil but he hit it away and said not to worry. I know in your dreams your subconscious mind uses symbols to tell you things and I was starting to suspect that maybe that wizard was my spirit guide but just used the form of a wizard so I would understand him better. Anyone else ever dream about a wizard or exp something similar?

8th May 2009, 02:50 AM
I saw Merlin as my spirit guide under meditation but I can't say more. :?

8th May 2009, 01:26 PM
I've received 'dream instructions' from wizardy- looking individuals before. Not sure what that means- I'm guessing it's not really about the identity of the teacher, but about the content of the teaching- at least for me.

8th May 2009, 07:59 PM
Ya I think it was only in the appearance of a wizard to show me that "it" knew what it was talking about.

8th May 2009, 08:54 PM
Sure, maybe. Or it's the way you understood it to be. With dreams and projections the way you perceive is shaped by how you understand the world- Where someone may perceive a learning environment as a theater, someone else may see it as a school or even a temple.

12th May 2009, 02:00 AM
i've never had a wizard as a spirit guide. mine have always been an animal. look in the mysticism forum under my personal guardians if you want to know what my guides are like. but i think it's interesting to have a wizard as a spirit guide. my guides also show up in my dreams in a small clearing with a small pond with two cherry blossom trees and a stone bench in between them. the moon is full and the sky is littered with stars. that's my learning environment in my dreams. my teachers are animals. you have a totally different learning environment with a different guide. like CFTraveller said, everyone perceives the world differently and that is reflected in the way they learn and the place they learn in their dreams. think of it as your personal place where you know that no one can replicate. but i digress.