View Full Version : Death and Reincarnation

7th May 2009, 02:15 PM
This was a crazy long dream, one that I actually sat up and wrote down as soon as I woke from it (which I should really be doing EVERY dream, but this one caught my attention big time.)

I was at a bar with some acquaintances, and one of my friends was working there. I hung out with them for a time, until the first major thing in the dream happened. I can't remember all the specifics of exactly what happened, but at some point it was announced that the volcano had started to erupt, and that everyone had to escape the city as fast as possible. Outside it was dark, and there were clouds around the volcano with massive webs of lightning arcing through the clouds. I was very scared, but I knew that my mom would be escaping by a certain route, so I tried to head in that direction, hoping that I would catch her and flag her down so she could drive me out of the city.

As I moved forward though, I realized that she was probably going to make it out before I could get to her route out of the city, so I pulled out my phone and tried calling her. For some reason I was having a very hard time finding her number in the phone. As I was walking, trying to dial the number, a lady with a baby started following me. She asked if I had a ride out of the city, and I said that I did and that she and her baby could come along. I just had to get a hold of my mom.

I struggled with the phone for some minutes before finally finding her number and calling...but I realized soon after I called that I had forgotten to set the option that would show my information and let her know it was me calling. The phone kept ringing and she didn't answer. I remember getting to the intersection where I was going to wait for her, and seeing a car that I thought was hers already pulling away. I knew that if I could call her quickly there would still be time for her to turn around and pick me up. I tried calling her again, but once again the number was very difficult to find.

We took shelter in a building, and at some point a man had joined us; I don't know if it was before or after we took shelter. As I was frantically trying to call my mom, I had the sense that I should stop trying and prepare myself for death. I struggled against this feeling, until a few moments later the lady gently told me to stop struggling, that it was too late; we were going to die. I didn't believe her at first, but then I looked outside and saw that lava had started flowing in rivers from the volcano, and that there was no way to escape it. I gave up and sat down on the bench next to the lady, waiting for the lava to take us. As the lava flowed into the building, I remember having a stream flow over parts of me. I tried to stay present for the moment of death, but couldn't seem to manage any kind of focus. There was no pain. After a few seconds I looked at the lady for advice; she handed me a sandwich with lava on it and told me to eat it. I did, and everything flashed white; I was dead.

I was aware of being dead, being a charred corpse. But I could also move. I got up and went outside, and saw a bunch of other charred corpses walking around. No one really seemed to be panicking or shocked in any way. Most of them seemed to be moving in a single direction, so I joined that flow. As I walked along, everyone started to look like they had in life. I started recognizing a lot of my acquaintances and friends from past and present. Some of the people were gathering in groups on the side of the road, hanging out or having a barbeque. When I saw groups with people I knew, I tried to join them, but I was either ignored and passively blocked or met with hostile, if indirect, rejection. At one gathering, I was not addressed directly but one person started talking very negatively about me. In fact, as I walked along, I met with a lot of criticism about my life, some of which stung, and some of which truly surprised me.

But at the group where they were especially hostile, there was a girl sitting on the edge of a group; still a part of it, but not around the table everyone else was around. She defended me, and when I heard her defending me I stop and turned to look at her. She met my gaze, and I smiled at her in thanks. She smiled back.

I continued walking with the flow since no one would let me stop and join their group, and eventually we came to a doorway in a wall at the edge of the city. Going through the door, I remember making a passage through a hallway and ending up in a small room that had three doors I could go through. One directly in front, and one to each side. They all opened into similar looking rooms, that had something like an air filter with honeycomb-shaped things behind it. The one in front was lighted and seemed "active," the two to the side were quiet except for a strange wind blowing through them. These two side doors scared me, and I tried asking what they were, but there was no answer. (I was alone at this point.) Deciding that curiosity would probably not serve me well here, I went into the door in front of me, which I knew everyone else had gone through too.

I ended up in a movie theater with stadium-style seating. I knew that this is where people viewed their life and would analyze it. As I walked through it more and more people showed up. I remember being surprised when one women brought up the name of a character from an anime...Light from Death Note (I had just recently read a post about that anime in a forum in waking life, so that probably explains the origin of that). She was expecting him to be judged and harshly punished for his life. I never sat down in the theater...instead I walked through and went through a door in the back of it, ending up in another hallway. I was met by a middle-aged woman who began walking with me. I knew she was a figure of authority, and she started answering questions that I had had.

I got the sense that the goal of incarnating was to reach enlightenment, to "wake up," and you kept on reincarnating until you made it, changing certain initial parameters every time until you found a mix that worked. The woman led me to a room with a harness hanging from the middle of the ceiling, and I intuited that there was a control booth somewhere. This was where people created or adjusted their avatars, the forms their incarnations took. It was here that I had the realization that I would have to live my life again, and felt a sort of impatient despair, wondering how much longer it was going to take before I would reach enlightenment.

I asked the woman if she would change any starting parameters if she were me. She looked me directly in the eye and recommended that I change nothing, and trust in luck; maybe this time I would survive the volcano and be able to continue my life. Then she told me that she would be inserting me at December 27th, 2008. I was surprised that I didn't have to start from birth, and she said that I could if I wanted to, but it wasn't necessary. I was relieved; this would save me years of doing the same things over again! Then she started saying that some things had been changed to make it easier for me, which was another surprise because I thought she was implying that everything would be the same.

She said that I would live in a Confederacy of 12 nations, and to try not to be too shocked by the new history, because it was very bloody. I asked her if I would be instantly acclimated to the new history, and she said that it would take some time to adjust. I was happy to hear this, because it seemed to imply that I would retain some sense of what had been before. She led me to a room where I would be incarnated, and another flash of white happened. In the dream I sensed a dog barking; then I woke up.

Definitely a very interesting dream!

7th May 2009, 02:50 PM
Wow. I have no authority behind my interpretation, but I think you had a dreamstate initiation, and a little trip to the afterlife.
First a personal note:
As I moved forward though, I realized that she was probably going to make it out before I could get to her route out of the city, so I pulled out my phone and tried calling her. For some reason I was having a very hard time finding her number in the phone. As I was walking, trying to dial the number, a lady with a baby started following me. She asked if I had a ride out of the city, and I said that I did and that she and her baby could come along. I just had to get a hold of my mom. The telephone that doesn't want to work is a common theme for me in my 'lost' dreams- I have never sat down to think about it, but I think it has something to do with the frustration of not being able to directly connect to my Higher Self. This occurred to me when I read your dream.

I think that the part in which she gives you the sandwich
she handed me a sandwich with lava on it and told me to eat it. I did, and everything flashed white; I was dead. and the flash of white is something that I also have experienced- when I had a similar experience (which I had before I knew about things like that, it was in retrospect that I realized what it was) some rapid and profound changes in the way I processed the world happened, and in a 'short' time my life was forever changed. It wasn't the flash itself, I think it's your 'receiving' it that opens the door for you- from your recent posts I see you're going through some fast and (possibly rough) transition in your life- this dream makes me think that even if it seems like it's not possible, the changes will continue, and two or three years from now you will look back and appreciate the difference. So your path is only in the beginning stages, believe it or not.

Your description of the rest of the account reminds me of a lot of accounts of how the afterlife is managed- not only in the literature of the genre, but reinforced by my own experiences of my own visits.
It's actually mind-blowing. Actually. :D

I wonder what the significance of Dec. 2008 is- a date in the past.
And the number 12 also.

8th May 2009, 02:59 AM
Wow, fascinating dream, Ouro.

And that was your 555th post, too. I don't know anything about numerology, but it stood out to me.

8th May 2009, 06:13 AM
You know, I've read about the concept of "in life" reincarnation, so to speak. Sort of a "reboot", where you finish one life and begin another, retaining the stream of consciousness, etc. I don't know how much weight I'd give it, but I was fascinated by the concept.

I've also heard people maintain that we get "do overs". You're in some situation and you mess up, so you go back to the last "saved" place and just do it over. The idea is that people are not normally aware of having done it (just like in a game environment, really).

I don't know if any of that has any application at all to your dream, but these things came to mind as I was reading.

Also, the idea of your mother leaving without you is interesting. I've heard many people say that dreaming of your mother frequently refers to your higher self (though that seems not to be the case with me, probably due to the relationship I have, or rather don't have, with my mother). I was also struck by the thought of being "an orphan", in that when you go through a spiritual awakening process, you really do give up everything, and you become an orphan. Not literally, of course, but you eventually realise that your parents are just some people who happened to have been biologically related to you and who filled a role in your life, or even that they're only projections of your own consciousness (depending on how far down the rabbit hole you go and how long you stay there). You become... independent, rather than interdependent. Again, I don't know if this applies to your dream or situation, but I thought I'd mention it, since it popped into my head.

The people who didn't want to talk to you made me think of the way you can (and probably will, at least to some extent) be ostracised as you become more and more awake and more and more aware. People can be made intensely uncomfortable by anyone who is "too different", as I'm sure you know, and the kind of changes that spiritual awakening wreak are profound. People usually find that their acquaintances and friends come to regard them differently, and not always in a positive way. People get very fearful, and can see you as a threat. I've experienced this, myself, but I've read about it countless times, as well (the good news is that you DO become very independent and you find that you don't really need or crave companionship in the same way you might have in a more unawakened state, so it all evens out).

I definitely think this was a dream lesson. I wouldn't take any of it literally, but the symbols are incredibly rich. It feels, to me, like a sort of "map" of what's happening and what will happen to you. I think you'll be really glad you wrote it down. You might want to copy and paste what you wrote and save it, just for future reference. I used to keep a dream journal and when I looked back on in years later, the symbols and messages were sometimes shockingly clear. It was really interesting to read.

8th May 2009, 07:11 AM
Maybe it could be a glimpse into the possible future. There's a few different volcanoes that are suppose to erupt, I heard Edgar Cayce predict that Mt Pelee will erupt then 3 months later is when the coastal lines are suppose to change and water levels. Also our sun is becoming more active and we could have some solar flares coming here in the near future so that would cause phones and a lot of electronics not to work any longer. That was a really fascinating dream though, sounds like quiet a experience.

8th May 2009, 07:45 AM
Wow, fascinating dream, Ouro.

And that was your 555th post, too. I don't know anything about numerology, but it stood out to me.

Very interesting, I didn't notice that. Quite fascinating indeed.

I've also heard people maintain that we get "do overs". You're in some situation and you mess up, so you go back to the last "saved" place and just do it over. The idea is that people are not normally aware of having done it (just like in a game environment, really).

I've actually had daydreams about that..."what if" thinkings along those lines.

I definitely think this was a dream lesson. I wouldn't take any of it literally, but the symbols are incredibly rich. It feels, to me, like a sort of "map" of what's happening and what will happen to you. I think you'll be really glad you wrote it down. You might want to copy and paste what you wrote and save it, just for future reference. I used to keep a dream journal and when I looked back on in years later, the symbols and messages were sometimes shockingly clear. It was really interesting to read.

Yeah, I actually first wrote it down in my dream journal...I have a physical dream journal and a pen next to my bed. The only reason I don't utilize it more is really sheer laziness. Some more dreams like that one though and I won't be able to stop writing in it, hehehe.

In any case, it should be interesting to see what symbols become apparent to me as time goes on.

8th May 2009, 07:47 AM
Your description of the rest of the account reminds me of a lot of accounts of how the afterlife is managed- not only in the literature of the genre, but reinforced by my own experiences of my own visits.
It's actually mind-blowing. Actually. :D

For really real? :P

That's cool to know, though. It was definitely one of my more memorable dreams. I'm very happy that I wrote it down, cuz even though I usually remember bits and pieces of dreams every night, few are that clear to me on waking. It would be a blast to one day be able to remember dreams as clearly as "mundane" experiences.

8th May 2009, 11:57 AM
Awesome dream Oro! I have experienced that flash of light a couple times in dreams and then died. very interesting! Glad you got down all the details that you possibly could on this one!

Neil Templar
8th May 2009, 12:52 PM
very cool dude. 8)
now a question for you - how do you feel after this experience?
is this possibly an example of the kind of validation you've been looking for?...

8th May 2009, 05:08 PM
very cool dude. 8)
now a question for you - how do you feel after this experience?
is this possibly an example of the kind of validation you've been looking for?...

That's a very good question, Neil!

Oddly enough, immediately after the dream I felt kind of sick, but that could've been for any number of reasons. :P I was actually somewhat disoriented as well, and it took me a few seconds after waking up to realize that it was "just" a dream.

As for validation...I think it's definitely a step in the right direction. It's the first time I've had a dream where I didn't wake up after dying, and while it wasn't a lucid dream, it was more clear than most of my dreams. I look forward to more experiences of equal or higher quality/clarity.

Awesome dream Oro! I have experienced that flash of light a couple times in dreams and then died. very interesting! Glad you got down all the details that you possibly could on this one!

Thanks! I would've been kicking myself if I hadn't wrote all that down...some dreams are just too good to let fade into the background. :P

Palehorse Redivivus
8th May 2009, 06:51 PM
Awesome dream! I can't really comment much specifically but the 555 thing I may be able to... I've been wanting to do a post on number synchs tho, so I'll save that for a lil later. On 5/5 the other day, I was getting 555s all day long, so your 555 raised an eyebrow with me too.

But yes, very epic. :D

11th May 2009, 04:04 AM
After re-reading this thread I decided to do a search on the numerological significance of the number "555," and the first thing I came to was this:

555 - When you see this sign a life changing thought or event has just occurred. You may not like it, or you may. Whatever the case your Spirit Guides are notifying you that a change in your life path direction has just occurred and it is time for you to change too. Move with it, follow these thoughts.

Most interesting indeed.