View Full Version : Dream Plants

6th May 2009, 12:59 AM
Around 8Hz is the hypnogogic frequency via which dream material is captured by the conscious mind from the subconscious. We can use herbs and binaural music strengthen our Theta capacity to increase our information receiving capacity. Quiet the mind with some music like Dreamtime by Steve Roach, Spiritual Healing by Deuter or Awakened Mind #2 by Jeffery Thompson.

Fasting/detoxing produces deeper dreams and deeper life experience because it is one of the only things to clean cell membranes and receptors. High quality cedar essential oil will also clean synapses. Drink some high quality water and take 1 teaspoon of Magnesium Ascorbate or Magnesium citrate before bed. Melatonin increases the time we spent in REM phases of sleep. Melatonin is manufactured from serotonin. B6 facilitates the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin, and thus increases serotonin levels and improves memory. By enriching the pineal gland sungazing should markedly improve both the rest that we get from sleep and the quality of our dreamlife.

You could make a dream tea, tincture or capsules out of some of the following: Galantamine, Valerian Root, Alpine Tumeric Powder (Curcuma), Alpinia galanga (Galangal), California Poppy, Damiana, Passion Flower leaves, Blue Vervain, Wormwood, Clavo Huasca, Catuaba, Silene Capensis, Skullcap, Hops, Lemon Balm, Rhodiola Rosea, Graviola, Catnip, Chamomile, Nettle, St John's Wort, Licorice, Ginger, Mugwort and Licorice, Wild Lettuce, Hibiscus Flowers, Orange Blossoms.

7th May 2009, 02:05 AM
Have you ever read "Breaking Open The Head" by Daniel Pinchbeck? I think you would find it very interesting. :D

7th May 2009, 12:03 PM
No Damon didn't crack that one, I looked at his others and frequent the realitysandwich.com site.
I also watched the 22 part video of Ananda Bosman on youtube...fascinating. Some of his physics is off but it is awesome.
I use syrian rue tincture to increase my dream life. I will probably make a full on dream tincture sometime this year.

7th May 2009, 10:41 PM
No Damon didn't crack that one, I looked at his others and frequent the realitysandwich.com site.
I also watched the 22 part video of Ananda Bosman on youtube...fascinating. Some of his physics is off but it is awesome.
I use syrian rue tincture to increase my dream life. I will probably make a full on dream tincture sometime this year.

Sounds interesting could you expand on the effects of a syrian rue tincture?

8th May 2009, 03:25 AM
The rue conserves serotonin and melatonin...there is an obvious increase in alpha brainwave...and it seams to prolong and intensify the period of theta wave in which deep content dreams are translated into the conscious mind as it awakens.

Syrian rue/Ginger/Galangal tincture seems more effective than the capsules; the effects are more "full" somehow, warming of the solar plexus, with less dizziness. One gets a real sense of a warmed and opened circulatory system; you can feel circulation in your feet, hence increased grounding. There is an immediate softening and opening of the neurological tone and unification with nature and cosmos. Relaxing of the reptilian-autonomic functions. Opening of the heart, general peaceful feeling, dropping of monkey-mind, absence of fear and worry and significant loosening of the facial muscles, along with increased visual acuity.
To make the tincture place powdered herbs in a dark glass jar and cover with brandy (40% alcohol)…you may need to top up with more brandy as the herbs expand. According to whim and the moon steep for a month or more, shaking once a day. Using surgical gloves squeeze through a fine cloth and then put into labeled dropper bottles. To the Syrian rue/Ginger/Galangal 2:1:1 you can also add one part of Catuaba bark for enhanced creativity, libido, and promotion of more vivid dreams. The tincture is great prior to bed for deeper sex, dreaming and sleep. Dose 3-4 drops/day under tongue.

In a large dark glass jar put equal quantities of the following powders in Grapeseed or hemp oil: Syrian rue, Galangal, Cinnamon, Catuaba and Pau de Arco. Keep in the sealed jar for a month or two and shake once a day. Squeeze through a fine cloth and keep the bulk oil in the fridge. This oil can be used as the base to perfume blends with essential oils. It is great mixed with Rose Otto as the ultimate psychotropic lubrication for love-making. The rue ambrosia oil used during sex is "transformational," due to its radical “opening” effect. Expect a lot of upheaval in the beginning related to psychoneurosis breaking loose and flopping about this way and that. Eventually we once we have broken through our repressive matrix and the mind becomes clear, silent and the personality resolved and calm. If undergoing this process with a partner, be aware that you have to give each other a lot of leeway to express the various extreme emotions, opinions and stories that arise during this “cleansing” phase.
The herb solids can be kept in a container in the fridge, mixed with oil and warmed to use as a tanning lotion to give the appearance of a great suntan. A very buzzy combination practice is to rue tan your legs as the sun is going down while sungazing and toning.
Syrian rue seeds and Galangal etc…can be bought at IamShaman.com