View Full Version : Inspirational Zombies

Palehorse Redivivus
4th May 2009, 10:39 PM
As my dream recall begins to pick up, last night I had one that has intrigued me all day since. It was a "nightmare," but had no hallmarks or vibe of neg interference. Oddly I was pleased to have a nightmare that was just a semi-freaky dream, rather than "specifically and suspiciously targetted for maximum psychological distress."

There was a zombie girl, dark hair, white eyes. She was more coherent than your usual zombie though, and kept making cryptic statements (none of which I remember) in a sing-song voice. But her voice was like two female voices which were dissonant with each other. She kept alternating between wandering around saying / singing stuff, and wandering up to people to gnaw on them.

Though my first response was "well that was weird and random," it ended up being one of those dreams I couldn't stop thinking about. I may have figured out why. This might have given me a major lead on things I've been trying to figure out and fix.

The funny thing about it that I realized, was that while I was trying to stay off zombie-girl's radar and thus avoid gnawing, I was more amused than disturbed by the way she'd just walk up to someone with a sense of purpose and start NOM NOM NOMing them. I was unnerved, not by the fact that she's taking chunks out of people, but by the effect of the voice and eyes.

That underscores something I've noticed watching movies and such... blood and gore doesn't phase me, but I'm more likely to be unnerved (while simultaneously fascinated) by the surreal, things out of place, maybe just slightly "off" or distorted, or otherwise "not as they should be." Oddly enough surrealism, perhaps especially dark surrealism, is probably my favorite kind of art.

The "lead" though is that I know I've had the subconscious tendency that when part of myself feels attacked or threatened, I would just shut that part down. That was how I ended up with a lot of soul-fragments that had to be reintegrated, as well as lost abilities that I'm trying to get back now... and why critters had a field day with my unhealthy coping mechanisms for some years.

What I'm wondering in this case has to do with the fact that dreamscapes and the astral plane are very "Alice in Wonderland" -- everything is distorted, out of place and "not as it should be" in a sense, as far as the rational mind with its physical world habits is concerned. What I'm starting to think may have happened was that as I started to perceive more, and then especially as I started attracting darker and more threatening stuff into my perception, my subconscious mind said "nuh-uh" and shut it down to "protect" me.

So I'm thinking that releasing the fear-component that's tied into the fascination with both the dark and surreal, while keeping the enjoyment and fascination, may go some ways in getting back more of my nonphysical perception abilities, and building on what was already there originally. And, maybe that's what this dream was trying to tell me.

*has more subby-work to do*

4th May 2009, 10:51 PM
So, this morning, before PH comes and tells me of this dream, Im thinking (once again, Im obsessed with Dune) how cool it would be if I had the power of "Voice" like the Bene Gesserit in Dune.

For those not familiar with nerdy sci-fi epics set in the year 10,000, The Bene Gesserit are a sisterhood with witch-like abilities. The Voice is when they use harsh, distorted vocals to bend people to their will.

So.. Im mucking around and pretending I'm able to do this, and thinking how cool it would be to Smite Mine Enemies.. Half hour later up pops PH telling me of said dream :)

4th May 2009, 10:55 PM
So, this morning, before PH comes and tells me of this dream, Im thinking (once again, Im obsessed with Dune) how cool it would be if I had the power of "Voice" like the Bene Gesserit in Dune.

For those not familiar with nerdy sci-fi epics set in the year 10,000, The Bene Gesserit are a sisterhood with witch-like abilities. The Voice is when they use harsh, distorted vocals to bend people to their will.

So.. Im mucking around and pretending I'm able to do this, and thinking how cool it would be to Smite Mine Enemies.. Half hour later up pops PH telling me of said dream :)

I need to read the series. I love the storyline to those. :D

And Palehorse, stop copying me! :P I'm the same way when it comes to surreal stuff freaking me out a lot more, but also being one of my favorite kinds of art. Especially the dark stuff.

That is an interesting dream though...I've had a few "nightmares" that didn't bother me as well, because there was no fear aspect to them.

4th May 2009, 11:03 PM
So, this morning, before PH comes and tells me of this dream, Im thinking (once again, Im obsessed with Dune) how cool it would be if I had the power of "Voice" like the Bene Gesserit in Dune.

For those not familiar with nerdy sci-fi epics set in the year 10,000, The Bene Gesserit are a sisterhood with witch-like abilities. The Voice is when they use harsh, distorted vocals to bend people to their will.

So.. Im mucking around and pretending I'm able to do this, and thinking how cool it would be to Smite Mine Enemies.. Half hour later up pops PH telling me of said dream :)

I need to read the series. I love the storyline to those. :D

And Palehorse, stop copying me! :P I'm the same way when it comes to surreal stuff freaking me out a lot more, but also being one of my favorite kinds of art. Especially the dark stuff.

That is an interesting dream though...I've had a few "nightmares" that didn't bother me as well, because there was no fear aspect to them.

I love the last line to the last book "Sandworms of Dune" ...."My Sihaya, I've loved you for five thousand years"

They are truly epic novels!

Im there with the "nightmares". I dream of stuff like nuke holocausts and it doesn't phaze me, but give me a distorted reality dream and Im crying boo boos.

4th May 2009, 11:31 PM
I still have my copies. They're so old they're falling apart. Will have to reread.

Palehorse Redivivus
5th May 2009, 01:59 AM
Sorry to interrupt the Dunefest, but... :P *kidding*

And Palehorse, stop copying me! :P I'm the same way when it comes to surreal stuff freaking me out a lot more, but also being one of my favorite kinds of art. Especially the dark stuff.

Y'know, I realized something else this may be tied into earlier, and if you're the same way it may be for you too.

I think you've said before that you'd really like to see something blatant that challenges the basis of the materialist, consensus reality worldview. Same here. I subscribe to a site / mailing list called "Reality Shifters"... things like time-slips, (physical) reality fluctuations, alter-vus, parallel universe stuff, etc... things that "shouldn't" happen; I'm fascinated by all of it. I've always wanted to experience something like that. I would've thought that my intent and desire would have made it more likely by now, but... nope. I have (credible and reasonably sane) friends that aren't even as much into this stuff as I am, who have seen some pretty wild things... but no woo-woo for meeee. :cry: :P I realized that even my dreams are mostly mundane (though getting less so) -- for a long time one of the problems I had with lucid dreaming is that I was rarely having dreams that couldn't have passed for a real life scenario. Dreams all involved real people and real situations; nightmares all involved real people doing disturbing (though still easily possible) things. So "reality checks" weren't really working, because dreams were about as boring as real life. :P

Granted I've seen, and more often felt, some pretty odd stuff... but nothing that someone couldn't find a mundane explanation for if they really wanted to. Most of my stuff has involved connections between people, evidence of the mind-body connection, hypnogogics, and various sorts of purely subjective experiences, even if very blatant, which is all great and I'm not knocking it. But it seems odd that this has never extended to the broader level of reality itself, if indeed "reality" is as strange as good evidence seems to indicate.

I'm now thinking that my experience of reality may have been held together by this aspect of myself who is disturbed by the surreal and "out of place" -- even though the larger whole of me enjoys and is fascinated by it. This may actually be a good thing, because if the world had turned into a Dali painting at the same time as I was going through the worst of some other weird stuff I've experienced, I may have completely cracked. I started asking myself earlier, "how would I respond if the world was no longer reliably "solid" and predictable, even if I have wished it wasn't?" At least part of me says "maybe not very well." BUT -- since I'm now recognizing and understanding the aversion, I think I'm well equipped to get myself into a good position psychologically to accept whatever happens after I remove the "safety valve" with good humor. Once I do, I guess whatever changes, or whether anything does change, remains to be seen.


5th May 2009, 03:10 AM
Yes, I relate to what you're saying. One of the key difference for me is that my dreams have always been mostly surreal. Especially when I was younger, I had some of the most INCREDIBLE dreams. Some I barely remember but were so odd, so out there, pieces of them have stuck with me all this time. Purely fantastical stuff, involving flying through galaxies and seeing strange worlds and cosmic structures, symbolic dreams with some very very surreal imagery, fantastical dreams with faeries and dragons...and lately, more and more dreams involving the use of magic.

But I have also played the mind game of "what if" concerning reality-challenging events. It's led me down some very interesting and occasionally disturbing psychological roads. I know that I definitely couldn't have handled it even a few months ago. I feel more "ready" now, but there's still the matter of attachment. I have many attachments laying around that I've only half-assed acknowledged. It's become a source of extreme suffering, and it wasn't until recently that I realized what exactly it would mean to release those attachments. In a sense, it's kind of a shadowy echo of what I assume the process of "awakening" to be, whereby you allow the object of attachment to die before it actually dissipates (as you would release the ego before physical death); accepting and allowing for the absence of the object of attachment aids in its natural dissolution. One such attachment I'm beginning to believe is the attachment to "consensus reality." A certain prerequisite for many of my mind-created fantasy experiences is the return to "normal" existence with my experiences intact. Going into these other worlds where I can have my experiences, and then bring back the advantages they convey to operate in this world. I'm beginning to see the inherent problems with such fantasies and their prerequisites.

I'm also beginning to wonder if the blatant magic of my mind-trips is truly impossible in the physical world. I've always tried clinging to the concept of "anything is possible," but so far I have not come across anything that can effectively challenge hard material "reality" on the hard material plane. Then again, I'm just starting out, and have a lot of things yet to explore.

Palehorse Redivivus
5th May 2009, 04:33 AM
A certain prerequisite for many of my mind-created fantasy experiences is the return to "normal" existence with my experiences intact. Going into these other worlds where I can have my experiences, and then bring back the advantages they convey to operate in this world. I'm beginning to see the inherent problems with such fantasies and their prerequisites.

In theory, this may be possible, though I haven't been able to verify anything like it myself... unless you mean "bringing back capabilities"?

The idea is that if the Source is infinite, then there really is no such thing as a "fictional" world. Anything you can imagine is happening somewhere and somewhen.

There was a thread on another forum a few years ago that I was having fun reading; IIRC it topped 100 pages until it was unfortunately deleted, called "Exploring Fictional Worlds" where someone was claiming to do just that, and then other people started doing their own experiments. I can't speak for what was actually going on there, but just taking it at face value the idea seemed to be that it was a bit more stable than an astral projection -- actually traveling there and interacting with its denizens as if he was one of them. Then again, it seems very possible to just regular-AP to earth-like worlds that aren't earth and have different "rules," interact with whoever resides there and do things that aren't likely here. It also wouldn't surprise me to find that there's a whole spectrum of possible worlds between "fully astral" and "fully physical," with all the implications that entails, though I'm not sure what skills would be involved to travel along that spectrum.

Cool stuff to contemplate in any case... I just hope some of the shtuff I'm doing now will enable me to put some of it to the test eventually. :)

5th May 2009, 04:57 AM
Yeah, I meant "bringing back capabilities." :P

I've thought a lot about the whole "fictional world" thing myself. That sounds like it was a very fascinating thread, I wish it was still around for you to link to :).

5th May 2009, 07:23 AM
The Voice is when they use harsh, distorted vocals to bend people to their will.
Oh, I can do that. It mostly only works on my children, though, and only some of the time. ;)

5th May 2009, 09:09 AM
The Voice is when they use harsh, distorted vocals to bend people to their will.
Oh, I can do that. It mostly only works on my children, though, and only some of the time. ;)


6th May 2009, 02:46 PM
When I read the topic title, for a moment I thought you were talking about Easter. :roll: Never mind, please carry on :D

6th May 2009, 04:22 PM
When I read the topic title, for a moment I thought you were talking about Easter. :roll: Never mind, please carry on :D
I have a picture thats rather similar to that concept, but it would probably offend. So, heres a link (don't click if blasphemy doesn't do it for you) http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e115/ ... eJesus.jpg (http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e115/TrueFreq13/ZombieJesus.jpg)