View Full Version : Criss Angel and the like....

1st May 2009, 01:58 AM
You have said that some can see your energy body when in the real-time realm, usually as a fleeting apparition. Today I reasoned, "what if someone could focus enough personal energy and manifest themselves as a "real person" to others from within the real-time realm?". Then I thought of Criss Angel and the like, and they all state that their art is strictly illusion. Well, if they're sleeping or in a trance-state somewhere else and what we're all seeing on TV is his real-time astral double, then they're technically correct.

So then, is this possible? What kind of intense personal energy would be required for such a thing? Is it even possible for a single individual to generate by themselves? Could this be an inkling of the future of our evolution, where we combine physical and astral qualities in the waking world...able to manifest creative energy in small ways around ourselves?

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 05:35 AM

While this is possible, physically materializing an image of oneself, it is highly unlikely in this case...stage magicians.

This would be achieved by 'realization'.

by realizing that the physical universe is an illusion.
