View Full Version : Psychic Protection, poltergiest and running water

28th April 2009, 11:04 PM
I've been having some unusual poltergiest activity around my house, which is why I bought your book 'Practical Psychic Self Defense'. I had already read 'Psychic Self Defense' by Samantha Sevens. In Ms. Stevens' book, she stated that a person is most vulnerable to psychic attachment when they are wet, as water is a conductor of psychic energy. What you've written, water absorbes neg energy, resonates with me because of an experience a family member had several years ago.

However, I've had several experiences that defy all reason; even after ruling out that I'm having psychotic breaks with reality. We have something in our house that, among many other things, has repeatedy caused the toilet to constantly run. The last time it happened, my husband and I woke up one morning to find the tank lid leaning against the wall, and the rod float (the float ball that rises with the water level) had been torn out and was on the floor in the hall. I stopped trying to fix it because the repairs don't even last a day.

So my question is this. What could casue a neg to want the water running?

Robert Bruce
8th March 2010, 05:31 AM

I disagree with the statement that 'being wet makes one vulnerable to psychic attack'.

Running water generates emf fields that repel negs. The heavy electrical grounding effect of running water also demanifests negs if they contact it.

I suggest you physically turn off the tap on your toilet so it cannot possibly run. Place a strong padlock on it, if it gets turned on.

I strongly suggest you visit http://www.sleepingearthed.com and get a sleeping earthed setup for yourself. This will help a lot.

also, get a Q-Link.
