View Full Version : UFO/Alien encounter

25th April 2009, 07:44 PM
Ok well this started off at my dads house, it's like I was just chillin in his house and I looked out the window and I seen these Red and white lights so I ran out side and there was 2 UFOs flying around one had red lights spinning around and one had white lights they were flying around for a few minutes as I watched in amazment, they were probably only like 1000 feet away. Well the one with white lights flew away super fast then the red one just disappeared for a few seconds but I was still lookin around seeing what was going on then it reappeared and it was like crash landing on purpose by my dads back yard so I ran to it as fast as I could and as soon as I got to it this alien handed me this picture, at this point I was very lucid and I was trying to study this picture so I wouldnt forget it. It was like a little kid drawing, it had all these alien faces at the top like maybe 20-30 of them but it was just like there eyes and mouths then below that to the left there was one human who was like all the same color and to the right of that there was a human whos head was all white im not sure what it means at all when I seen the head was diffrent I was thinking he got decapitated or something but the head was still attacheted. but I wasnt sure, so I turned the drawing over and on the back it was like a drawing of me when I was younger, I could tell it was me because the hair was the way I used to have it and it was funny cause the drawing of my shirt had a slang word writtin on it i used to love when i was kid it made me laugh pretty good, but it was kind of weird because below that was like phone records from my cell phone, which i think is weird cause I have never gotten a paper bill. so after that i woke up and thought about all the stuff I seen so I wouldn't forget later. I dont really know what any of that ment but it seems like it means something I very rarly have dreams with aliens and UFO's. Iv only had about 2-3 dreams with aliens in it in my whole life. And its my first dream with UFO's like this.
Its kinda crazy because after I woke up and thought about all this stuff to memorize it I went back 2 sleep, and all i remember is like hunting this guy down and me and this guy finally got him and all I remember him sayin is he came from the heavens and were ascending soon or something like that. It was weird cause at first it was like i felt like a bounty hunter and we was hunting him but once we found him it was like we was family, he was callin us brothers.