View Full Version : A few odd recurring things

19th April 2009, 04:35 AM
I chose dream section but also projections I have a few unusual (for my thinking) occurances regarding other beings. First, I'll see myself doubled and I'll even talk to myself and myself will talk to me and I will be lucid and try to determine if its not me but it is just like me which is bizzare, but I happen to get along quite well with myself, usually end up laughing or trying to manifest a chess board which is hard to do. Anyway, the second bizzare thing that happens quite frequently both consciously and unconsciouly be recalled in hindsight, is me looking into a mirror, seeing my reflection, then doubting its my reflection and moving around to see if it follows me. It usually tries to, or sometimes it will stay still and just stare at me, also once it turned into a woman (I am male) and once it turned into a gnome type thing. But usually it looks like me to a degree, and follows my movement test, then I try to grab it and it either disappears or runs away. Once I asked it why it was mocking me, then woke up, reprojected, looked in a different mirror, and my reflection asked me why are you mocking me in a mocking manner, so this was even more bizzare because it carried over, which different carryovers have also occured. And this mockery is also reocurring. I often find my self engaged in back and forth banter or trash talking, sometimes they, if more than one, sometimes dozens encircle me, all start laughing if I say something funny. I could go on a bunch of tangents. Ill mention one odd one that I keep thinking of, I was in a car with two strangers when I became lucid and flew out of the car through the winshield and landed on the street, at which time beings started appearing all around me. So I started to sing Home sweet Home by Motley Crew which starts out "You know Im a dreamer, but my hearts of gold" or at least thats what I thought the words are, any way the entire crowd picked up and started singing the rest of the song as they followed me around. Then theres the occasions when I get into all out brawls, which I always seem to win, and these brawls are usually something I try not to engage in, I developed a dont run in fear, but dont attack philosophy. When I get aggressively confronted I get a little annoyed because its interfering with what I aim to be doing, at which point I spontaneously grow in size and feel like ive change shape, I even notice claws a couple times, Which triggers not my fear of evil beings like demons, but rather a fear of becoming like one. Ill stop here for now but theres several more thing Id like to mention about beings and how I am relating to them.

Neil Templar
19th April 2009, 11:44 AM
Hi, i've had the same thing happen in the past in dreams/projections. being lots of characters at one time, interacting with each other.
Violetimagery also made a thread about it recently - viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14554 (http://forums.astraldynamics.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=14554)

when it was happening with me, it was right before, and during, a period of quite intense change in my life, inside and out.

something i read yesterday made me think about those experiences - Kurt Leyland's Music and the Soul.
he talks about 8 components of the psyche, otherwise known as the 8 dream characters.
these characters consistently turn up in our dreams, as symbols for the workings or the mind. often we project images of characters that fit with each separate components "character", eg, soma (Greek word for body) is body consciousness, the sum total of the bits of consciousness present in each individual cell. so we might project onto that an image of the perfect body, or maybe the way we'd look if we stopped taking care of ourselves.
at the opposite end of the scale is the dream character that represents our relationship with the soul, the numen a latin word for a minor deity or nature spirit that makes any object or location numinous, which is to say, infused with supernatural energy.
the numen in a dream might look like a wise old man or woman, with magical powers.

reading this yesterday took me back to those experiences, and i could place the different components interacting with each other.
my intuitive guess would be that maybe the components had to find a better cohesion with each other than was presently in place. to be able to work together for the good of the entire system? something like that.

i also recently saw myself in a mirror during a projection, with similar results.
first, the reflection looked away, and i could detect my own sense of humour playing with me. it wasn't entirely mocking, just having fun.
when i said a quick "hey!! come on now!" to it, it responded as a reflection should. then as i looked into my eyes, my face started to transform into the dragon's face from one of my tattoos. :shock: 8)

this i was very excited about, as i've had a couple of experiences with a not-quite formed dragon in the past. i think it symbolizes my evolution on some level. i was told by it that i would see it again when it is fully matured. in the mirror i only got about 1/3 of the way to a full transformation, and my tattoo is only 1/3 of the way to being finished. it feels like, when the tattoo is completed, i will have gone thru a full transformation, on some level of my being. funny, cos i've just been invited to take part in a special experience that i'm sure is gonna have a great effect on me, and it's taking place at the exact time i had an appointment to get the final part of the tattoo done, so i'm having to reschedule - possibly to some time after this event has taken place...

well, dunno if that helps any. look into the 8 dream characters, it made all those experiences finally make sense for me.. :D