View Full Version : I woke up glad to be human?

16th April 2009, 04:23 AM
In my dream I was talking to a snake in a grassy plain under a tree. With it it had a bag filled with letters that I had written in my previous lives. I examined each parchment loosely only to say to myself, "horrible penmanship". The snake pointed out a drawing of a man I did on one of the pieces, (I like drawing).

I remember saying to myself, "I remember writing this!" and the snake would comment with "ah yes, you see!".

I found myself saddened because here I was discussing my previous lives but remembered having a current life that's unfinished; I was saddened not to be human and wasn't sure if I'd ever see my current form again.

"Wasn't I living? I thought I was a human...am I going to stay here?"

There is a lot that's forgotten but I eventually woke up to say, "glad to be awake, and alive."
In my dream I wasn't much of anything and was convinced it was real.

It was strange being just after realizing I'll never be able to put as much effort into life like in my past. It's just a constant existence I'm sentenced to and I'll wait it out and accept what comes when it comes; then in my sleep this situation occurs where I thought my life was over.

Was this dream just straight nonsense that some dreams can be or is there some significance?

16th April 2009, 02:11 PM
I think you had a taste of simultaneous incarnation (multidimensionality). What you get out of it depends on you.

16th April 2009, 07:55 PM

16th April 2009, 10:14 PM
nonsense? no

fascinating? yes

a) life is where we b) BE c) living. dems the abc's of it.

I am life


I am living from being life it's self. life would have me be living. and if i am not living, life will live me till i have the courage to live for my self. hell of a thang...life, if not lived from being.

weaning seems as a terrible punishment, however, freedom from weening...look up 'ween'.

next time bruise that snake's head into the ground with your foot. it will in turn bruise your foot/leg, but your staff will suffice to carry you along just fine.

the snake in the dream as a separate entity symbolizes your yet to be realized composite (lives) of wisdom unique only to you. until such time as recognition and integration of yours, what is really yours rests in the control of the symbolic snake of temptation that wiles you along in seeming lack of self-control.

upon transmutation of your story from snake to you, though both are bruised because the snake was a facet of you all along, you will possess what was the snake in the manner of a staff at your bidding.

you might even say the snake is one's dna that completely oversees the bodily human. in that dna is all that you are presently recorded from the very dawn of time as percieved by mankind's eye up to and including your very self.

imagine all that as conscious within you to live awakened to and in abidance of. ergo...a wisdom unique only to you as YOU - the sum of all that which led to you, as in...it is finished by the very fact that All resides awakened within you with which to live by.

through one all is carried within. the many are indeed one.

fascinating stuff


I read your signature; are you just messing with me?

Neil Templar
17th April 2009, 12:32 AM
nonsense? no

fascinating? yes

a) life is where we b) BE c) living. dems the abc's of it.

I am life


I am living from being life it's self. life would have me be living. and if i am not living, life will live me till i have the courage to live for my self. hell of a thang...life, if not lived from being.

weaning seems as a terrible punishment, however, freedom from weening...look up 'ween'.

next time bruise that snake's head into the ground with your foot. it will in turn bruise your foot/leg, but your staff will suffice to carry you along just fine.

the snake in the dream as a separate entity symbolizes your yet to be realized composite (lives) of wisdom unique only to you. until such time as recognition and integration of yours, what is really yours rests in the control of the symbolic snake of temptation that wiles you along in seeming lack of self-control.

upon transmutation of your story from snake to you, though both are bruised because the snake was a facet of you all along, you will possess what was the snake in the manner of a staff at your bidding.

you might even say the snake is one's dna that completely oversees the bodily human. in that dna is all that you are presently recorded from the very dawn of time as percieved by mankind's eye up to and including your very self.

imagine all that as conscious within you to live awakened to and in abidance of. ergo...a wisdom unique only to you as YOU - the sum of all that which led to you, as in...it is finished by the very fact that All resides awakened within you with which to live by.

through one all is carried within. the many are indeed one.

fascinating stuff


I read your signature; are you just messing with me?

welcome to Tim.
perception on many levels brought into language understandable.(?).. now, don't just read the words, see what's written... :wink:

18th April 2009, 11:46 PM

It could have been a past life remembrance or another splinter of your higher self that you linked with during sleep. I'm reading a series of books by Dolores Cannon called "The Convoluted Universe." The books document sessions where Dolores puts her clients into a deep trance state and takes them into other lives that they have lied or are living. She also connects with their higher self at the end of the session and asks a lot of questions about how your higher self or soul in totality works.

I will give you the short version here, the soul in your body now is but a very small fraction of the total. It contains a very small portion of your knowledge. The ultimate goal of the higher self is to ascend to higher levels of purity or vibration. In order to do this it must acquire knowledge and there are lessons to be learned/knowledge to be gained in all things or levels of vibration. Everything is alive and contains energy and vibrates at a certain frequency. We are in the physical realm and things vibrate at a much slower speed so our bodies can only hold so much of our total energy without destroying it. Your higher self can splinter itself and live many lives at the same time.

Think of your higher self as a tree and this life you are living right now a leaf on that tree. Each leaf on the tree is a different existence of your higher self. Now sometimes the winds blow just right and two leaves touch and share their energy. The life you are living now and the snake life are probably two leaves on the same branch.


Neil Templar
19th April 2009, 12:18 AM
nicely put! 8)

19th April 2009, 09:07 PM
Thank you