View Full Version : The inventions to stopping neg influence were discovered

16th April 2009, 12:34 AM
There was a man in Austria who developed technology for unlimited energy based on moving, active water. Please up what he discovered, as I believe his inventions could stop the growing prevalence of Negs. His name was Viktor Schauberger, and I understand if you've never heard of him. Much of his technology was stolen, first by Hitler and then by the US. It is still available in patents, and his work was as remarkable as Tesla.

Robert Bruce
2nd March 2010, 07:29 AM
I am not familiar with this man's work.

But, check this out and also the related videos on youtube.

There are electric motors that work on this principle, eg, the water drop motor.

running water generates thousands of volts.

See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY1eyLEo8_A
