View Full Version : The Craft

10th April 2009, 01:07 AM
Hi everyone,

It was one of those nights when I was really restless for some reason. I was going in and out of a dream state all night unable to really remember any of them except this one. It was very vivid and I still don’t have any problem recalling the dream.

I’m having a dream about something that I can’t remember when bam, I’m suddenly standing outside under a bright sky. It was a beautiful day, blue skies dotted by white fluffy clouds. It must have been early spring or late fall because none of the trees had leaves. I was standing in the middle of a field lined on both sides by trees. The tree line on both sides was very structured, all the same height, evenly spaced apart. They almost seemed to be directing my attention off into the distance at the sky. My parents are there with me but they are not moving, frozen in time like a statue. I am staring at them wondering what is going on when I catch something moving out of the corner of my eye. I look up in the sky and see a craft of some kind. It is darting back and forth across the sky, it is cylinder shaped and a dull gray color. I look back towards my mother and say what is that? She is still frozen but I hear her voice in my head saying, I think it’s trying to get your attention. I turn back towards the craft, raise my arm, and give it a big wave. It suddenly stops dead center in the sky and begins changing shapes very rapidly. It was like watching someone use sign language, I couldn’t keep up. It then stopped, seemed to vibrate, and then three orbs shot out of it and started racing around the sky. One of them came straight towards me and stopped about fifty feet over me. It was very still above me and then something started falling from it that looked like snow. It was a white powdery substance that crumbled as it hit my hand. I stood there just watching the substance hit my hand when it just stopped. I looked up towards the orb which had transformed into a black void the same size as the orb. It started to descend towards me, I was nervous at first but suddenly felt the urge to touch it. I raised my arm and reached as high as I could, when it finally reached me it shot right through me and into the ground. Immediately I could feel an invisible cocoon around me, it pushed my arms against my sides and my legs together, I couldn’t move a muscle. I started floating up in the sky away from the ground. I could see my parents below me still frozen with the exception of my mother’s head. She turned to watch me, gave me a big smile and I gave her one back. There was a rush of speed and total darkness, I couldn’t see anything. Then came a sudden stop, the cocoon started to release, thoughts were racing through my head. Where am I, what will they look like? I see a burst of light and the dream ends as fast as it started. The excitement must have thrust me from my dream world. I just lied there very still, trying to go back to sleep, hoping to fall back into the dream. It was to no avail, I opened my eyes to see the bedroom I had fallen asleep in and not the interior of some amazing craft like I had hoped. It’s twelve hours later, three o’clock in the afternoon and I’m still upset that I didn’t get to see inside. Oh well maybe next time!
